View Full Version : Quick LevelMe & Death Quest Problem With New Code

03-14-2003, 09:21 AM
I seem to be having a problem with the new quest format, it seems that the "binding" portion of this quest works 100%... but anything after the binding texts... doesn't work, including the EVENT_DIE

here's the script, just curious if anyone can help me out please? Please tell me if my syntax is wrong, and if you could please point out where hehe ;) -- Would Greatly Appreciate It!!!

NPC_Type is 178191 and the quest file is named 178191.qst and resides in eqemu/quests/bazaar -- this part works fine as you can hail the npc, and text for the first statement is visible to client

CODE: (error resides in here someplace)

if ($1- =~ "Hail") {
say("Greetings $name! Would you like me to [bind your soul] or has [Master Wraith sent you]?") }
if ($1- =~ "bind my soul") {
say("Incoming Bind! You will zone back to this spot when you die.")
castspell($userid,2049) }
if ($1- =~ "bind your soul") {
say("Silly! My soul is already bound to this spot! I love it here!") }
if ($1- =~ "Master Wraith sent me") {
say("I See, $name, I am to grant you to level 60... Use this power wisely! If you abuse it, the gods will shame you!")
me("bows") }
if ($1- =~ "Master Wraith sent you") {
say("Hehe Master Wraith didn't specify this clearly enough for a young mortal such as yourself... type [Master Wraith sent me] instead ;)") }
Shout("I'll get you back for this $name!")

----> Please Note: The Bind Portion Of This Code Works 100% and binds the $UserID --- but neither of the "master wraith has sent you/me Work.... and the Event_Die Does Not Work Either....

Any Comments / Fixes? :)


03-14-2003, 02:36 PM
Some sugestions to track down if there is a problem in the script.

Reorder the script and see if the same portions still work. Put the death one first, shuffle the say sections.

If you find a section that is causing a problem, replace parts of it with something differant, replace the response with something else ect...

03-14-2003, 07:06 PM
say("I See, $name, I am to grant you to level 60... Use this power wisely! If you abuse it, the gods will shame you!")

Take the comma out and try. I know during 4.3 DR versions commas screwed with the scripts if they were in the say() command.

03-14-2003, 08:26 PM
Thank you for your responses, look forward to trying them ;)