View Full Version : Item turn-ins for new quest system: are they broken?

03-14-2003, 10:53 PM
I've worked on some quests using the new system and I love it. Very flexible compared to the old way of things, BUT, I can't get item turn-ins to work. Are they broken or am I just coding it wrong?

if ($1 == "Hail") { say("Well met. If you're looking for work - I may have a few tasks for you.") }
if ($1- =~ "work") { say("Hmm lets see here. Rats have been infesting the cities outer gates lately. If you could return to me with four furs to prove you've worked on exterminating them I would gladly reward you.") summonitem(1156) }

if ($item1 == "1157") { say("Nice work! Here is some coin for your troubles.") }

Any help is appreciated.

03-15-2003, 02:55 PM
You need to use $item0 for 1 item. $item1 for 2 etc heh sorry, I will probably change it so that the index starts off at 1.

03-15-2003, 02:58 PM
Oops, forgot to post that I got it working after I saw the updated guide. ;)