View Full Version : Planning on doing a mass server soon, need info

04-05-2003, 07:59 PM
Ok, Ive decided I want to host a mass server, Something akin to the size of foreverhacking. And not just trying to host the whole shabang on my comp(my poor lil machine would hack once and die =)

Now with this, I want to do everything possible, to eliminate Some of the same general bugginess, that these servers seem to have. Plan on dumping some serious time, money & resources into it , to help keep it running.

Now with that said, Im needed to know some general information, that ive not been able to find on the forums as of yet.

First. How much Disk space does it take to host the game, Is it just the size that it takes to install EQ, and the expansions? IE: like 2 full gigs of space (prolly 3 with additional files ness for admin, databases, ect.) or is it something substantially higher?

Next, How much bandwith , does hosting generally use? Example, 1 person per hour.
I have the impression its hard to say, as it depends on what actions the player does, during that hour, But im looking for a high estimate here. Any information would be useful here.

Now im not exactly elloquent, in asking such a question , so ask any pertinent questions so i can get this data please :)

04-08-2003, 04:10 PM
The space on the HD is fairly irrelevant, I would guess high processor speed and internet connection are the biggies.

04-23-2003, 08:57 AM
its all about the memory baby I have 1gig on ram on my Server :)


04-23-2003, 08:57 AM
its all about the memory baby I have 1gig on ram on my Server :)


04-26-2003, 02:55 PM
To be honest I don't think you even need eq installed to host a server. You need some files but those can be copied wrong.

I happen to have it installed so I could be wrong.