View Full Version : GM items in quest

07-10-2003, 01:22 PM
Is there any way to make GM items summonable by players with 0 status with a quest completion? A player who completes the quest gets the 'You are not a GM to summon this item' error. Any help appreciated.

07-11-2003, 07:00 AM
why not just transforming GM items in normal items ?
you could do that by altering the database, it would avoid to modify the source code.

07-11-2003, 09:26 AM
What's the point of having the quests if the player can just summon the item? Only if I take out summonitem would that work, which I won't because that would leave me with a legit server. If I have to edit the source code, then so be it. Could someone please respond to what I need to edit? The owner of Raid Addicts has quests which result in GM only flagged items, and it doesn't give the players 'you are not a GM to summon this item' problem when they finish the quest and hand the items to the NPC.

07-11-2003, 10:56 AM
But GM flagged items on a player account are deleted on log out.

07-11-2003, 10:55 PM
void SummonItem(uint16 item_id, int8 charges = 0, bool gm_overide = false)

void Client::SummonItem(uint16 item_id, int8 charges, bool gm_overide)
// Checking to see if it is a GM only Item or not.
if ((item->IsGM() && this->Admin() < 100) && !gm_overide)
foundgm = 1;
