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gaeorn 03-07-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by sorvani (Post 197450)
Possibly related: For other group members, Bard songs do not show their timer correctly until some other buff causes the client to redo the buff icons.

Options -> Display -> Show Buff Timer & Show Song Timer

Sing one song with an empty buff bar. Switch to another character in the group and watch the timer. It will count down to zero then the buff will sit there with no timer unless some other spell or song get cast on the toon then it will all refresh.

Don't think that is related. We probably just don't resend a new duration for the song every pulse.

sorvani 04-07-2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by sorvani (Post 197387)
after a further IRC chat and some testing on PEQ with my toons and here is what we've got.

Level 1 Druid, Level 65 bard with run 5 and all the instrument mod AA but specifically not Fleet of Foot, and a 65 Shaman with run 5.

Log in with UF client and group up. cast Bih`Li on the group. The level 1 druid runs noticeably faster and if you click off the buff wile running she noticeably slows down. There is no noticeable run speed difference on the Bard and shaman who have Run5.

Clicking off the buffs I switched to Selo's Accelerating Chorus and Selo's Song of Travel. Again the druid ran noticeably faster, but not any faster than with Bih'Li. The Bard and Shaman both seemed to have no run speed change over Run5.

Further information on this..(originally posted on the PEQ forums)

I did a little running across WK a couple days ago and I think there may be more to it.

War, Clr, Mag, Wiz, Shm, Brd in a group. Everyone has the AA Run 5.

I didn't bother with a bard song since it didn't work anyway but after running across half the zone to find a grizzly bear I noticed that none of the toons were keeping up with the warrior and they normally follow well.

The warrior happened to be buffless having just been rezzed prior to porting to WK, while everyone else in the group had Spirit of Bih`Li on them. I stopped and let everyone catch up and then clicked off Bih`Li on one toon and started running again. That toon was now keeping up with my warrior but all the rest were falling behind.

I repeated this by clicking Bih`Li off each toon one at a time with the exact same result. Once no toon had Bih`Li on them, all of them stayed in their normal range from each other while running across the zone.

According to this ZAM wiki entry Bih`Li is a run speed mod of 49% versus Run5's mod of 50%

another run speed source: http://crucible.samanna.net/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3241

blackdragonsdg 04-07-2011 11:11 PM

I am pretty sure that run5 was always faster than sow,bih'li, soe etc.. Spirit of Bih'Li is an upgraded sow. Soe was about the same speed at bih'li and foe was an upgrade to soe so obviously it is faster. I always thought sow maxed out at about 50% mod. Journeyman Boots should be the same speed as a base sow which is roughly a 30% mod. As another point of reference Monk run7 was definitely faster than foe but slower than spirit of scale.

SoE could have changed all of it in one of their nerf sessions. Hope someone has a live account for testing.

sorvani 04-08-2011 02:01 AM

Yes, but that is not the point I was addressing. I was addressing the point that bard run speed is not being applied. In regards to that, I noticed that the Bih`Li spell movement rate seems to be overriding the AA. That should not be happening, the highest available run speed should always be applied.

Probably a separate issue from bard run speed not being applied, but I thought I would bring it up here.

blackdragonsdg 04-08-2011 02:34 AM

Hrmm, I certainly did miss your point sorvani.


Originally Posted by sorvani (Post 198299)
I noticed that the Bih`Li spell movement rate seems to be overriding the AA. That should not be happening, the highest available run speed should always be applied.

That very issue occured on live.

provocating 04-08-2011 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by blackdragonsdg (Post 198300)
That very issue occured on live.

Well if it is good enough for live !!

sorvani 04-08-2011 11:28 AM

Never had run5 on live so I guess I never ran I to it. Did they fix it or is it a feature?

Funkey Monkey 04-08-2011 12:27 PM

I looked through the whole thread but didnt see anything related to the new guild creation system aside from main page just saying it was new. Any word on if this is working, will be working or no chance? Thanks

blackdragonsdg 04-08-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by sorvani (Post 198306)
Never had run5 on live so I guess I never ran I to it. Did they fix it or is it a feature?

When I stopped playing on live in March 2009 it was a "working as intended" feature. It is possible they removed that feature at a later date but I wouldn't bet on it.

SuperFunTime 04-19-2011 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by blackdragonsdg (Post 198296)
I am pretty sure that run5 was always faster than sow,bih'li, soe etc.. Spirit of Bih'Li is an upgraded sow. Soe was about the same speed at bih'li and foe was an upgrade to soe so obviously it is faster. I always thought sow maxed out at about 50% mod. Journeyman Boots should be the same speed as a base sow which is roughly a 30% mod. As another point of reference Monk run7 was definitely faster than foe but slower than spirit of scale.

SoE could have changed all of it in one of their nerf sessions. Hope someone has a live account for testing.

Run 5 was never faster than SoE. Rest the info looks pretty decent though. SoE is the equivalent of run 6.

Incidentally, is there any news on Shrink for the underfoot client?

provocating 04-28-2011 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Derision (Post 196169)
There were three issues here.

The first is that when you type /pet hold in Underfoot, the client now appears to check if you have that ability before sending it to the server, whereas before the client sent it regardless and let the server decide if you could use it.

There were no rows in aa_effects for Pet Discipline (AAID 288 ), which didn't really matter in prior clients due to the above.

The command code for /pet hold needed translating to the code used by previous clients. This is in Rev1821.

The aa_effect rows for Pet Discipline are:

INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '1', '257', '1', '0');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '2', '267', '1', '31');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '3', '267', '1', '32');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '4', '267', '1', '33');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '5', '267', '1', '15');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '6', '267', '1', '16');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '7', '267', '1', '17');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '8', '267', '1', '18');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '9', '267', '1', '19');
INSERT INTO `aa_effects` (`id` ,`aaid` ,`slot` ,`effectid` ,`base1` ,`base2`) VALUES (NULL , '288', '10', '267', '1', '20');

Was this ever added to SVN ? I looked and am not seeing it.

provocating 05-01-2011 08:17 AM

I noticed that Gulf of Guntak, at the shore where the shipwrecks are, everything is human model. I logged in with SOF and of course it was fine. This is the strange thing though, I copied all of my Gunthack.* files from SoF to Underfoot and was expecting it to make the models correct, but it did not ? Now I have no idea how to fix it.


It must had been early, way too early. It was just a missing gunthak_chr.txt, and I had my path set to my NAS, and not my local machine :)

sorvani 05-01-2011 11:34 AM

Confirmed it was not in mine either. I did notice that my Titanium gunthak_chr.txt and my SoD gunthak_chr.txt were different. Grabbed my Titanium file since it was larger/had more things defined.

Also updated the missing files wiki.

sorvani 05-02-2011 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by KLS
The way bard songs are sent is really touchy with UF, just quickly glancing at the code it doesn't look like we are doing it right. The bard action packets always came in pairs from EQLive and I could never get it to work right unless I also sent it in pairs like EQLive.

My Conclusion: Run speed focus effects are definitely not being applied in the UF client. Below is what I did for testing on my test server.
I specifically stated run speed because I have not noticed anything else that seems out of kilter. Instrument and AA mods are properly affecting other things (increase DS or spell damage, etc), though those events are all handled server side so maybe that's why.

I could not find anything built in to the GM command list to determine run speeds on the client side so I used MQ2.

These worked in UF

Level 65 Bard
Unbuffed and no AA (aka base speed): MQ2 Run speed 100

Spell effects always override run speed except for a bard with Innate Run Speed rank 5 and Fleet of Foot rank 2.
Spirit of Wolf: MQ2 Run speed 155.00
Sprit of Bih`Li: MQ2 Run speed 155.00
Spirit of Eagle: MQ2 Run speed 160.00
Flight of Eagles: MQ Run speed 165.00
Selo's Song of Travel (No AA and No Intrument Modifier): MQ2 Run speed 165.00

Innate Run Speed 1/5: MQ2 Run speed 111.43
Innate Run Speed 2/5: MQ2 Run speed 127.14
Innate Run Speed 3/5: MQ2 Run speed 142.86
Innate Run Speed 4/5: MQ2 Run speed 157.14
Innate Run Speed 5/5: MQ2 Run speed 171.43
Innate Run Speed 5/5 & Fleet of Foot 1/2: 185.71
Innate Run Speed 5/5 & Fleet of Foot 2/2: 200.00 <-- This will override unmodified Selo's (165 speed) when no other
                                                  combination prior does, but it does not over ride any modified
                                                  Selo's even if the modified Selo's is slower.

Fleet of Foot 1/2: 114.29
Fleet of Foot 2/2: 128.57

These did not work in UF, so I loaded SoD and the numbers below are what MQ2 reported in SoD. The reported run speed in UF was always 165 for Selo's no matter what AA or instrument was applied.

Selo's Song of Travel (No AA):
No Intrument Modifier: MQ2 Run speed 165.00
Modifier 18: MQ2 Run speed 216 (Epic 1.0)
Modifier 28: MQ2 Run speed 256 (Thunderous Drum of Karana)
Modifier 34: MQ2 Run speed 256 (War Drums of the Rathe)

Selo's Song of Travel (No Instrument):
No AA: MQ2 Run speed 165.00
Per rank of Instrument Mastery (4 ranks), Ayonaes Tutelage (3 ranks), or Echo of Taelosia (3 ranks)
Rank 1: MQ2 Run speed 177
Rank 2: MQ2 Run speed 190
Rank 3: MQ2 Run speed 204
Rank 4: MQ2 Run speed 216
Rank 5: MQ2 Run speed 230
Rank 6: MQ2 Run speed 242
Rank 7: MQ2 Run speed 255
Rank 8: MQ2 Run speed 256 (cap)
Rank 9: MQ2 Run speed 256 (cap)
Rank 10: MQ2 Run speed 256 (cap)

steve 05-02-2011 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by sorvani (Post 199154)
Confirmed it was not in mine either. I did notice that my Titanium gunthak_chr.txt and my SoD gunthak_chr.txt were different. Grabbed my Titanium file since it was larger/had more things defined.

Also updated the missing files wiki.

Here's the contents of the file from my Live install:



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