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-   -   Umm, Raid Addicts Server... Where is it? (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33456)

Koshoji 05-04-2011 09:20 AM

Umm, Raid Addicts Server... Where is it?
I take a 8 month hiatus and come back and Raid Addicts server is banned??? Wtf? I spent countless hours of fun on that server with my 2 accounts, come back, and it's banned? Now all of my efforts are junxors? Not cool. Not cool at all!

Dinggo 05-04-2011 11:19 AM

Its right there on the list, been there for weeks, scroll down and take a closer look before you rant

bowmaster 05-04-2011 11:25 AM

yeahh its still there , but hardly noone plays it nomore , so it needs a diffuclty bump down a think , then more people may play it , then if they do bump it back up once the Pop comes back

Koshoji 05-04-2011 03:44 PM

Been there "for weeks"...

lerxst2112 05-04-2011 04:16 PM

Raid Addicts was never banned, just changed to a standard server. If you read Mort's posts lately it seems there were some issues that required the server to be rebuilt and there are still some issues that are apparently keeping people not using Titanium from connecting.

It probably doesn't help that whenever anyone asks about the server it's done in a way to create the maximum drama possible rather than just ask a simple question.

Koshoji 05-04-2011 11:36 PM

You're right. Uber drunk moment and not in a good way. I read Mort's post on his page about being banned after logging in and not seing his server up. It must have been up and I just didn't see it or some stupid thing like that. I've been on vacation and spent the past couple of days pretty much non stop drinking. I'll try not to do that again.

I've always been fascinated by what you guys are doing here. This project actually sparked my interest in PHP and SQL. Anyway, sorry about the ignorant drama post. For what it's worth, I'm paying for it right now... ugh... : )

Koshoji 05-09-2011 01:29 PM

Btw, not to kick the bee's nest too hard but his web site does explicitly state that he was banned from here, so so how drunk I was doesn't really counter the underlying aparant backstabbing (pardon my old rogue cliche's). Still I agree with the drama part.

Just be aware that Mort thinks he's been screwed, which was my main import for voicing myself here, as he's always been a great host, while I played, every time I logged on he was there and willing to lend a hand with anything.

image 05-09-2011 01:32 PM

That point of view is likely what you and KingMort see, however if you look at the history of KingMort's behavior, especially on these forums. It is more complicated than him just running a good server.

Just as a edit, there is even a prior post about this: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32330

Koshoji 05-09-2011 01:35 PM

Also, why am I always ending up as the damned Sarnak? I always hated those annoying Sarnaks!!! Is that saying something about me personally? : )

image 05-09-2011 01:46 PM

That is just your post count - no one is out to get you :P

Koshoji 05-09-2011 01:46 PM

Whoo! Holy Cow; I'm not going to step in this one... I've been away longer than I thought...

Koshoji 05-09-2011 01:47 PM

Lol Image : )

KingMort 05-09-2011 02:10 PM


That point of view is likely what you and KingMort see, however if you look at the history of KingMort's behavior, especially on these forums. It is more complicated than him just running a good server.
My Behavior ?? What the f*ck are you talking about.. How about having the Asshole Rogean accuse me of shit that wasn't true and a bunch of hackers and EX GM's back him up.. I would hardly call that Bad Behavior..

And Koshoji, I don't think I have been screwed, I know I have been screwed.. I don't care how many times they ban me from the forums I will never admit to the list of lies that Rogean Posted about me.. Those were all complete fabrications (that couldn't ever be proved , he couldn't ever back up what he accused me of not one iota of proof) he can ban me all he wants but that won't make that shit true.

Fact is I never broke any rules.. I never spread any lies, I never did anything he accused me of and when it actually boiled down to it the other devs had to tell me well it wasn't because of those reasons in fact you can ignore them and Rogean the main reason we demoted your server is due to low population (which wasn't true either because I had 65+ on every night when they demoted the server)

I'm really surprised I still even want to be here and want to help this community out after the complete BULL SHIT that I was accused of.

If you call it Bad Behavior to defend myself against these lies then so be it.

My Reputation has always been a good one until this nonsense came up and IMO Rogean and the others who backed him up can go f*ck themselves. The only reason I am still around is because of good people like Trevius and the many players who played on my server who will soon return once I get all the bugs fixed. That and I have been here the longest far longer than anyone else who is still active. If this project had LESS people like Rogean and Carytalis and more people like Trevius then things would be a lot better off here..

Anyway PS : Image this wasn't directed at you or anything i'm just mad in general about all that crap, and how everyone just stood by and watched it go down even though most of the people knew it was total BS.

Anyway , My server WILL CONTINUE , it will NOT DIE (F*ck you Carytalis/ Caesar) No matter what I will continue to strive for excellence. I wish I was more of a C++ coder so that I could get these major bugs fixed but thank god for the help from the good people in this forum.

I just want you guys to remember one thing... Rumors they Fly Fast and die Quick but the TRUTH , That holds strong and true forever.

Jordan "King" Mortenson
Owner and Creator of the Raid Addicts Project since June 2nd , 2002 (F*ck you Rogean yes it is the oldest and no i'm not lying)

Caryatis 05-09-2011 02:43 PM


I'm really surprised I still even want to be here and want to help this community out...
I would love for you to point a single instance of you helping this community lol. Shit you can't even get people logging into your server without a 3 page long thread holding your hand through every step of a problem that you faced before(I can see how remembering all the problems that plague your server is not feasible).


I wish I was more of a C++ coder so that I could charge for other's people's work
Fixed that line for ya, know how much it sucks having to work and not being to charge for shit you had no hand in developing. If only I still had those SS's of you bitching out EQEmu and Sony for stealing your goon code...

KingMort 05-09-2011 02:56 PM

OK God Of Coders "Carytalis", not everyone is a coder I think some one else had to point that out to you recently.

Anyway what I have given to this community isn't the subject of debait here but if you want to go there.

I have given an awesome server. for this community (because i'm no coder) that's almost all I can say really other than some donations here and there via paypal directly to the prior operator "Doodman" It will be a cold day in hell before I start donating to Rogean if that is indeed where the funds are landing nowadays.

Other than those things I have given back to the community by reporting every single Bug, Exploit, and Issue with any of the game play since 4.2 Binary's came out. (even while playing on Krushers Server before that I reported stuff) That and realistic objective viewpoints based on my years and years as a Professional Everquest player and raid leader to help the structure of game play be more accurate. Though my name isn't on any fancy plaque and I don't find it necessary to flaunt and parade it when I help people out like you do.

If you want to go into Ethics and who helps the community you and your hacking exploits of late has put you far far into the negative with my eyes, and as an old school server op who will never ever trust you within 2000 miles of my project I don't suspect that anyone else will because everyone knows that Mort is a bit crazy , but he is no liar.

As for stealing goon code I don't know what your talking about, back in 2005 I did create "Hired Goons" which were just simply a Pet that you could gear up but the code was custom and forgotten along with my "Evolving Weapons" created by Mangoo. And also a strew of other really cool custom stuff we had in the code back then.. Pretty much these days, i stick to the stock binary's because it's just too much of a PITA to have to upgrade and or trust scum of the earth people who purposely hack and betray trust.

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