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Old 07-04-2017, 08:52 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 2

Are you revamping each quest like TAKP/P2002 are from classic plus, or just starting from Luclin?

If you are doing Luclin + are you offering /betabuff style toons for people who do not have any good emulated toons in this era to migrate that way we can be in the "starting" era?

Will you be re-opening server transfers since the last thread deterred a good amount of people due to all the substantiated claims of theft and server poaching.

Is AoE handled like P99 with limited targets or can we use unlimited targets? Is Low HP Target Agro AoE'n possible?

Is /shield in game? (these questions are to help decided what trio I would roll based on server allowed abiltities)

Is Manaburn limited to a single wizard at a time, or can I play with a friend and box a fleet of wizards? (obviously not past the 3 box limit).

Do rangers do appropriate double damage on non-rooted targets?

Is the Bazaar functioning?

3 box limit, will you allow a 4th box for a Bazaar Mule?

What version are revamped zones at? Grimling, AC, PoM, Sleepers, Paw, etc?

What out of era content (Beyond Planes of power) are in right now that may unbalance the game for specific classes.

Are the Berserkers in?

Previous post for reference, you can see I had asked many of these questions before the thread was locked.
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