Rev 1036 and new bot functionality
I've been discussing this particular issue in the bot dev forum for a bit, but thought I'd ask in here too just incase it's a linux specific issue.
I've been unable to get the new bot code to work properly on my server so far. The bots behave normally when I spawn them. They follow me through zones. However, after they get through to the other side, they stop following me around. They respond to my commands but they absolutely refuse to follow me. The only thing that makes them "normal" again is if I camp the bots and respawn them.
The other new bot code seems to work good. They remember their buffs between zones and camps perfectly. They just forget to follow me after zoning.
My latest attempts were as follows:
Rebuild my DB:
-downloaded PEQDB 1008
-sourced in drop_system.sql
-sourced in peqdb_Rev1008.sql
-did svn checkout of eqemu Rev 1036
-sourced in updates 1022, 1027, 1030, and 1036 sql files
Recompiled EqEmu:
-Verified the new "bot zoning code" is in the bot.cpp file
-did a "grep -Ril i686 * | xargs sed -i "s/i686/athlon64/g" " to fix up the makefiles to compile on my system
-hand edited the zone/makefile to add -DBOTS to the DFLAGS line
-hand edited the zone/makefile.common file to add bot.o and botRaids.o
-hand edited the world/makefile to add -DBOTS to the DFLAGS line (WildCardX's suggestion)
-Ran "make clean" from the top level build directory
-Ran "make" from the top level build directory
-stopped server
-Copied new binaries to my server directory
-started server
In case it helps, this is what my group tables look like:
mysql> select * from group_id;
| groupid | charid | name |
| 64001 | 6 | Nunyas |
| 64001 | 32 | Punchy |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from group_leaders;
| gid | leadername | marknpc | leadershipaa |
| 64001 | Nunyas | | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
This is a group with me (Nunyas) and 1 bot. The bot absolutely refuses to follow me after zoning, and I can't figure out why.
GCC: $ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) 4.3.3
Any of you Linux users get the new bot code to work right? If so, what did you do that I may not have done? Any tips and hints are much appreciated.