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Old 11-16-2014, 11:40 PM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: MN
Posts: 2,071
Default Automatic Database Upgrade and Versioning

Just wanted to shoot out a quick update for this, had a code session grind last night and earlier today to finish this out. We've been needing this for quite a while. Thanks Demonstar55 for helping me test the Linux side of the updates.

What this solves:
  • It will automatically go through and look at each update historically and compare it against your database, if your database is missing the update, it will continue and build a list of updates and apply them in a very quick fashion
  • As people update their source, they no longer need to worry about upgrading their database as the process has become streamlined and completely automatic

How it Works:
  • When World boots up, it will start this check process by pulling down scripts from Github if you don't have them, this process happens transparent to the user
  • The script will load a manifest that we use to intelligently drive the script to know which updates need to be ran, I have the manifest cleanly working for old databases all the way back through our Github SQL updates about 2 years back. I have yet to go through SVN, but when I do it will work the same for people.

With this I was able to take a super old server database, and get it upgraded within minutes and boot it up. So it will be great to have for regular updates and folks who haven't upgraded in quite a while.

To run it manually, there is a db_update.pl in the server directory that you can run, to trigger other utilities such as the db_dumper.pl (Backup script) for pre-backup measures.

In the future:
  • We can do things like pull down latest opcodes from Github
  • Pull down latest PEQ AA Tables
  • Pull down latest PEQ Mercenary tables
  • Anything else that makes sense

Below is an example of what it would look like:

	- On world bootup or standalone run of db_update.pl, users will be prompted with a simple menu that we will expand upon later:
			   EQEmu: Automatic Database Upgrade Check
				Operating System is: MSWin32
				(Windows) MySQL is in system path
				Path = C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin/mysql
				Binary Database Version: (9057)
				Local Database Version: (9057)

				Database up to Date: Continuing World Bootup...
		Retrieving latest database manifest...
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQ...e_manifest.txt
        Saved:  db_update/db_update_manifest.txt

Database Management Menu (Please Select):
        1) Backup Database - (Saves to Backups folder)
                Ideal to perform before performing updates
        2) Backup Database Compressed - (Saves to Backups folder)
                Ideal to perform before performing updates
        3) Check for pending Database updates
                Stages updates for automatic upgrade...
        0) Exit
When you select 3) it would stage to see which updates your database does not have.

You would see something like this:

Reading manifest...

Missing DB Update 9057 '2014_11_13_spells_new_updates.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_11_13_spells_new_updates.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_11_13_spells_new_updates.sql 
Missing DB Update 9056 '2014_11_08_RaidMembers.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_11_08_RaidMembers.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_11_08_RaidMembers.sql 
Missing DB Update 9055 '2014_10_30_special_abilities_null.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_10_30_special_abilities_null.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_10_30_special_abilities_null.sql 
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table 'eoc.raid_leaders' doesn't exist
Missing DB Update 9054 '2014_10_19_raid_group_mentor.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_10_19_raid_group_mentor.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_10_19_raid_group_mentor.sql 
Missing DB Update 9053 '2014_10_18_group_mentor.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_10_18_group_mentor.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_10_18_group_mentor.sql 
Missing DB Update 9052 '2014_10_13_RaidLeadership.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_10_13_RaidLeadership.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_10_13_RaidLeadership.sql 
Missing DB Update 9051 '2014_10_11_RaidMOTD.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_10_11_RaidMOTD.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_10_11_RaidMOTD.sql 
Missing DB Update 9050 '2014_09_20_ban_messages.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_09_20_ban_messages.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_09_20_ban_messages.sql 
Missing DB Update 9048 '2014_09_09_attack_delay.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_09_09_attack_delay.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_09_09_attack_delay.sql 
Missing DB Update 9046 '2014_08_23_player_events_and_player_aa_rate_hourly.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_08_23_player_events_and_player_aa_rate_hourly.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_08_23_player_events_and_player_aa_rate_hourly.sql 
Missing DB Update 9045 '2014_08_23_Complete_QueryServ_Table_Structures.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_08_23_Complete_QueryServ_Table_Structures.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_08_23_Complete_QueryServ_Table_Structures.sql 
Missing DB Update 9044 '2014_08_20_merchantlist_probability.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_08_20_merchantlist_probability.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_08_20_merchantlist_probability.sql 
Missing DB Update 9043 '2014_08_18_spells_new_update.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_08_18_spells_new_update.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_08_18_spells_new_update.sql 
Missing DB Update 9042 '2014_08_12_NPC_raid_targets.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_08_12_NPC_raid_targets.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_08_12_NPC_raid_targets.sql 
Missing DB Update 9041 '2014_08_02_spells_new.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_08_02_spells_new.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_08_02_spells_new.sql 
Missing DB Update 9040 '2014_07_10_npc_spells.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_07_10_npc_spells.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_07_10_npc_spells.sql 
Missing DB Update 9039 '2014_07_04_AA_Updates.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_07_04_AA_Updates.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_07_04_AA_Updates.sql 
Missing DB Update 9038 '2014_06_25_AA_Updates.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_06_25_AA_Updates.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_06_25_AA_Updates.sql 
Missing DB Update 9036 '2014_05_04_SlowMitigationFix.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_05_04_SlowMitigationFix.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_05_04_SlowMitigationFix.sql 
Missing DB Update 9035 '2014_04_27_AISpellEffects.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_04_27_AISpellEffects.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_04_27_AISpellEffects.sql 
Missing DB Update 9034 '2014_04_25_spawn_events.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_04_25_spawn_events.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_04_25_spawn_events.sql 
Missing DB Update 9032 '2014_04_12_SlowMitigation.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_04_12_SlowMitigation.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_04_12_SlowMitigation.sql 
Missing DB Update 9031 '2014_04_10_No_Target_With_Hotkey.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_04_10_No_Target_With_Hotkey.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_04_10_No_Target_With_Hotkey.sql 
Missing DB Update 9030 '2014_04_04_PhysicalResist.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_04_04_PhysicalResist.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_04_04_PhysicalResist.sql 
Missing DB Update 9029 '2014_02_26_virulentvenomAA.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_02_26_virulentvenomAA.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_02_26_virulentvenomAA.sql 
Missing DB Update 9028 '2014_02_26_roambox_update.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_02_26_roambox_update.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_02_26_roambox_update.sql 
Missing DB Update 9027 '2014_02_20_buff_update.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_02_20_buff_update.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_02_20_buff_update.sql 
DB up to date with: 9026 '2014_02_13_spells_new_update.sql' 
Missing DB Update 9025 '2014_02_13_Rename_instance_lockout_tables.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_02_13_Rename_instance_lockout_tables.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_02_13_Rename_instance_lockout_tables.sql 
DB up to date with: 9024 '2014_02_02_SpellCriticalsAA.sql' 
Missing DB Update 9023 '2014_01_27_CritcalMendAA.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_01_27_CritcalMendAA.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_01_27_CritcalMendAA.sql 
Missing DB Update 9022 '2014_01_20_Weather.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_01_20_Weather.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_01_20_Weather.sql 
Missing DB Update 9021 '2014_01_20_SpellCastingReinforcement.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_01_20_SpellCastingReinforcement.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_01_20_SpellCastingReinforcement.sql 
DB up to date with: 9020 '2014_01_20_Not_Extendable.sql' 
Missing DB Update 9019 '2014_01_20_MezMastery.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_01_20_MezMastery.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_01_20_MezMastery.sql 
Missing DB Update 9018 '2014_01_09_PreservePetSize.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_01_09_PreservePetSize.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_01_09_PreservePetSize.sql 
DB up to date with: 9017 '2014_01_08_SpellsNewAdditions.sql' 
Missing DB Update 9016 '2014_01_04_SongModCapAAs.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2014_01_04_SongModCapAAs.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2014_01_04_SongModCapAAs.sql 
Missing DB Update 9015 '2013_12_26_MerchantList_Class_Required.sql' 
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/git/required/2013_12_26_MerchantList_Class_Required.sql
        Saved:  db_update/2013_12_26_MerchantList_Class_Required.sql 
DB up to date with: 9014 '2013_11_18_AssistRadius.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9013 '2013_11_13_Instrument_Singing_Mastery.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9012 '2013_11_07_BaseData.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9011 '2013_10_31_Recipe_disabling.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9009 '2013_10_12_Merc_Special_Abilities.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9008 '2013_07_11_NPC_Special_Abilities.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9007 '2013_05_05_Item_Tick.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9006 '2013_05_05_Account_Flags.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9005 '2013_04_08_Salvage.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9004 '2013_04_04_NaturesBounty.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9002 '2013_03_1_Merc_Rules_and_Equipment.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9001 '2013_02_25_Impr_HT_LT.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9000 '2013_02_18_Merc_Rules_and_Tables.sql' 
DB up to date with: 8000 'mercs.sql'
When this routine completes, you should see something that resembles the following:

Running Update: 9015 - 2013_12_26_MerchantList_Class_Required.sql
Running Update: 9016 - 2014_01_04_SongModCapAAs.sql
Running Update: 9018 - 2014_01_09_PreservePetSize.sql
Running Update: 9019 - 2014_01_20_MezMastery.sql
Running Update: 9021 - 2014_01_20_SpellCastingReinforcement.sql
Running Update: 9022 - 2014_01_20_Weather.sql
Running Update: 9023 - 2014_01_27_CritcalMendAA.sql
Running Update: 9025 - 2014_02_13_Rename_instance_lockout_tables.sql
Running Update: 9027 - 2014_02_20_buff_update.sql
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 4: Table 'eoc.botbuffs' doesn't exist
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 8: Table 'eoc.botbuffs' doesn't exist
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 12: Table 'eoc.botbuffs' doesn't exist
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 16: Table 'eoc.botbuffs' doesn't exist
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 20: Table 'eoc.botbuffs' doesn't exist
ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 22: Unknown column 'not_reflectable' in 'spells_new'
Running Update: 9028 - 2014_02_26_roambox_update.sql
Running Update: 9029 - 2014_02_26_virulentvenomAA.sql
Running Update: 9030 - 2014_04_04_PhysicalResist.sql
Running Update: 9031 - 2014_04_10_No_Target_With_Hotkey.sql
Running Update: 9032 - 2014_04_12_SlowMitigation.sql
Running Update: 9034 - 2014_04_25_spawn_events.sql
Running Update: 9035 - 2014_04_27_AISpellEffects.sql
Running Update: 9036 - 2014_05_04_SlowMitigationFix.sql
Running Update: 9038 - 2014_06_25_AA_Updates.sql
Running Update: 9039 - 2014_07_04_AA_Updates.sql
Running Update: 9040 - 2014_07_10_npc_spells.sql
Running Update: 9041 - 2014_08_02_spells_new.sql
Running Update: 9042 - 2014_08_12_NPC_raid_targets.sql
Running Update: 9043 - 2014_08_18_spells_new_update.sql
Running Update: 9044 - 2014_08_20_merchantlist_probability.sql
Running Update: 9045 - 2014_08_23_Complete_QueryServ_Table_Structures.sql
Running Update: 9046 - 2014_08_23_player_events_and_player_aa_rate_hourly.sql
Running Update: 9048 - 2014_09_09_attack_delay.sql
Running Update: 9050 - 2014_09_20_ban_messages.sql
Running Update: 9051 - 2014_10_11_RaidMOTD.sql
Running Update: 9052 - 2014_10_13_RaidLeadership.sql
Running Update: 9053 - 2014_10_18_group_mentor.sql
Running Update: 9054 - 2014_10_19_raid_group_mentor.sql
Running Update: 9055 - 2014_10_30_special_abilities_null.sql
Running Update: 9056 - 2014_11_08_RaidMembers.sql
Running Update: 9057 - 2014_11_13_spells_new_updates.sql
Reading manifest...

DB up to date with: 9057 '2014_11_13_spells_new_updates.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9056 '2014_11_08_RaidMembers.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9055 '2014_10_30_special_abilities_null.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9054 '2014_10_19_raid_group_mentor.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9053 '2014_10_18_group_mentor.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9052 '2014_10_13_RaidLeadership.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9051 '2014_10_11_RaidMOTD.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9050 '2014_09_20_ban_messages.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9048 '2014_09_09_attack_delay.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9046 '2014_08_23_player_events_and_player_aa_rate_hourly.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9045 '2014_08_23_Complete_QueryServ_Table_Structures.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9044 '2014_08_20_merchantlist_probability.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9043 '2014_08_18_spells_new_update.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9042 '2014_08_12_NPC_raid_targets.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9041 '2014_08_02_spells_new.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9040 '2014_07_10_npc_spells.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9039 '2014_07_04_AA_Updates.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9038 '2014_06_25_AA_Updates.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9036 '2014_05_04_SlowMitigationFix.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9035 '2014_04_27_AISpellEffects.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9034 '2014_04_25_spawn_events.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9032 '2014_04_12_SlowMitigation.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9031 '2014_04_10_No_Target_With_Hotkey.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9030 '2014_04_04_PhysicalResist.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9029 '2014_02_26_virulentvenomAA.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9028 '2014_02_26_roambox_update.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9027 '2014_02_20_buff_update.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9026 '2014_02_13_spells_new_update.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9025 '2014_02_13_Rename_instance_lockout_tables.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9024 '2014_02_02_SpellCriticalsAA.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9023 '2014_01_27_CritcalMendAA.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9022 '2014_01_20_Weather.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9021 '2014_01_20_SpellCastingReinforcement.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9020 '2014_01_20_Not_Extendable.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9019 '2014_01_20_MezMastery.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9018 '2014_01_09_PreservePetSize.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9017 '2014_01_08_SpellsNewAdditions.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9016 '2014_01_04_SongModCapAAs.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9015 '2013_12_26_MerchantList_Class_Required.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9014 '2013_11_18_AssistRadius.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9013 '2013_11_13_Instrument_Singing_Mastery.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9012 '2013_11_07_BaseData.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9011 '2013_10_31_Recipe_disabling.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9009 '2013_10_12_Merc_Special_Abilities.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9008 '2013_07_11_NPC_Special_Abilities.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9007 '2013_05_05_Item_Tick.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9006 '2013_05_05_Account_Flags.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9005 '2013_04_08_Salvage.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9004 '2013_04_04_NaturesBounty.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9002 '2013_03_1_Merc_Rules_and_Equipment.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9001 '2013_02_25_Impr_HT_LT.sql' 
DB up to date with: 9000 '2013_02_18_Merc_Rules_and_Tables.sql' 
DB up to date with: 8000 'mercs.sql'
Yes there were some errors, because I'm not using bots. But everything else went through smoothly.

And then a return back to the management menu:

Database Management Menu (Please Select):
        1) Backup Database - (Saves to Backups folder)
                Ideal to perform before performing updates
        2) Backup Database Compressed - (Saves to Backups folder)
                Ideal to perform before performing updates
        3) Check for pending Database updates
                Stages updates for automatic upgrade...
        0) Exit
When the database is up to date, world will not interrupt the bootup process. When versions match it will simply bootup as intended. When you have updates that need to be made, you probably shouldn't be booting up anyways.

If anyone has any questions, comments feel free. Enjoy this should be a huge step in keeping our server upgrade process streamlined.

Changelog Notes:

== 11/16/2014 ==
demonstar55: fix size issue with ControlBoat_Struct and exploit fix in OP_BoardBoat
Akkadius: Implemented Automatic Database update and versioning system
Akkadius: Created database revision define, this is located in version.h in common #define CURRENT_BINARY_DATABASE_VERSION 9057
	- This revision define will need to be incremented each time a database update is made
	- Along with a revision define increment, you will need to update the db_update manifest located in:
		- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/db_update_manifest.txt
		- An entry needs to be made at the bottom of the manifest, the entry is quite simple
		- Example: 9057|2014_11_13_spells_new_updates.sql|SHOW COLUMNS FROM `spells_new` LIKE 'disallow_sit'|empty|
			- This latest example is checking to see if the spells_new table contains the column 'disallow_sit', if its empty, the update needs to be ran
				- More examples of match types below:
		# Example: Version|Filename.sql|Query_to_Check_Condition_For_Needed_Update|match type|text to match
		#	0 = Database Version
		#	1 = Filename.sql
		#	2 = Query_to_Check_Condition_For_Needed_Update
		#	3 = Match Type - If condition from match type to Value 4 is true, update will flag for needing to be ran
		#		contains = If query results contains text from 4th value
		#		match = If query results matches text from 4th value
		#		missing = If query result is missing text from 4th value
		#		empty = If the query results in no results
		#		not_empty = If the query is not empty
		#	4 = Text to match
	- The manifest contains all database updates 'Required' to be made to the schema, and it will contain a working backport all the way back to SVN - 
		currently it is tested and backported through the beginning of our Github repo
	- On world bootup or standalone run of db_update.pl, users will be prompted with a simple menu that we will expand upon later:
			   EQEmu: Automatic Database Upgrade Check
				Operating System is: MSWin32
				(Windows) MySQL is in system path
				Path = C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0\bin/mysql
				Binary Database Version: (9057)
				Local Database Version: (9057)

				Database up to Date: Continuing World Bootup...
		Retrieving latest database manifest...
        URL:    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/sql/db_update_manifest.txt
        Saved:  db_update/db_update_manifest.txt

Database Management Menu (Please Select):
        1) Backup Database - (Saves to Backups folder)
                Ideal to perform before performing updates
        2) Backup Database Compressed - (Saves to Backups folder)
                Ideal to perform before performing updates
        3) Check for pending Database updates
                Stages updates for automatic upgrade...
        0) Exit

Akkadius: Created db_update.pl, placed in utils/scripts folder, used for the automatic database update routine (Linux/Windows)
	- db_update.pl script created db_version table if not created, if old one is present it will remove it
Akkadius: Created db_dumper.pl, placed in utils/scripts folder, used for the automatic database update routine backups and standalone backups (Linux/Windows)
Akkadius: World will now check the db_update.pl script on bootup, if the db_update.pl script is not present, it will fetch it remotely before running - 
	when db_update.pl is done running, world will continue with bootup
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Old 11-17-2014, 03:04 AM
ghanja's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Hershey, PA
Posts: 499

Is there a parameter world can be passed to either make a users preferred choice and/or completely say "not right now go away" ?

Confused because you stated:
When World boots up, it will start this check process by pulling down scripts from Github if you don't have them, this process happens transparent to the user
but then what reads to be a slight contradiction:
When you have updates that need to be made, you probably shouldn't be booting up anyways.
Interrupting the World process seems, well, a little pushy. <shrug> You asked for opinions, there ya go.
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Old 11-17-2014, 03:13 AM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
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These are required database scheme updates and if you are updating your binaries you are also going to want your schematic to reflect so what you're saying doesn't make sense.

Adding a skip check parameter to world can be done for those who would like the choice. But the point is to have it so most users will notice that there is an upgrade needing to be done with the database side. It really takes seconds to do and you won't have to see it until you update your source with another schema change.

Also what you may not be seeing as well is that if your schema is up to date, world will still boot up uninterrupted. if world boots up and their binary DB version is greater than you local than you would want to update otherwise you could have major things flat out not work.

Anything can be added to it at this point it's pretty easy. Most of the heavy lifting is done and it was a lot of work in a short amount of time mainly because I've had a lot of time to think about it.
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Old 11-17-2014, 03:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Akkadius View Post
These are required database scheme updates and if you are updating your binaries you are also going to want your schematic to reflect so what you're saying doesn't make sense.
Halting the running of World waiting for user input was the gist of what I was making comment about.

Made sense to me.
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Old 11-17-2014, 07:03 AM
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Just to clarify; assuming that you are running a server and don't update the binaries and your database is 100% up to date with the binaries you are using, this script will determine that you are running the latest you need and basically do nothing and World will just run without any intervention. So in this case automated restarts will simply "just work".

However, if you update your binaries but NOT your database, then it will update, immediately after which I assume you would be doing a restart attended (or manually update the database).

Is that correct?
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Old 11-17-2014, 11:07 AM
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Making sure I understand this fully...

The script automatically does schema updates, NOT content updates. Correct?

So for instance it won't overwrite changes to spells, items, AAs, rules, etc?
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Old 11-17-2014, 12:16 PM
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Once again, required schema updates are things like adding a table, or a field or changing core mechanic data. Not content oriented data.
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Old 11-17-2014, 12:36 PM
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I hate people who wait until something is done and then come around to poke it and criticize. I apologize if I appear to be doing that. That isn't what is intended. I think this is a brilliant and useful feature!

That said, wouldn't it have been better in shared_memory instead of world? That way it could update the DB before writing out the tables. Tables affected, including those in shared memory would then be up-to-date before you got to world.

It seems to me that if you do it in world, and tables affected includes those in shared_memory then shared_memory could crash before ever getting to world or it would write old style tables to shared memory which would ultimately cause problems in world/zones.

I could of course be wrong.
Maybe I should try making one of these servers...
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Old 11-17-2014, 12:59 PM
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I think people are severely missing the point here.

I did this for a mere quality of life benefit for the EQEmu community.

The complaints or suggestions I'm getting are one small fucking step in regards to quality of life as to how you open your server. Patch it, be done within seconds, never see it again until next binary update actually requires a database change.

If you are maintaining a server, updating binaries, you need to update your database, it's that simple. Otherwise, there is no change in the workflow.
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Old 11-17-2014, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Akkadius View Post
I think people are severely missing the point here.

I did this for a mere quality of life benefit for the EQEmu community.

The complaints or suggestions I'm getting are one small fucking step in regards to quality of life as to how you open your server. Patch it, be done within seconds, never see it again until next binary update actually requires a database change.

If you are maintaining a server, updating binaries, you need to update your database, it's that simple. Otherwise, there is no change in the workflow.
No hate intended from me, just wanting to make sure I understand 100%.

Appreciate it!
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Old 11-17-2014, 07:43 PM
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Oh my!! Going to test this out soon, awesomeness.
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Old 11-17-2014, 09:50 PM
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Here is a Wiki article that may explain things a little more clearly:


In the end, the system is super simple to use.
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Old 11-19-2014, 03:13 PM
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This seems cool ... I know U said u have it working for Linux ... is it available for others? If so how do I get it to work?
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Old 11-19-2014, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by ionhsmith View Post
This seems cool ... I know U said u have it working for Linux ... is it available for others? If so how do I get it to work?
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Old 11-19-2014, 06:05 PM
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FYI this now optionally allow users to pull fresh PEQ AA tables:

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