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Old 01-19-2015, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

I'm not entirely sure why you're getting blocked downloading it... email me at sinclipse@gmail.com -- I'll send you the files that way. =)


Have had some great feedback with Alpha! Grats to Icehards, Iceshade, Juggs, Wood and Twangr on downing Jublet first!

Had some bugs with that update I did with spells, some classes got a HUGE buff making them over-powered, they have been corrected. Zone 2 is coming out shortly, below is information on the zone;

Tipt (Zone2) is the next zone on progression. It's the Curse of the Prisoners. In here you will fight all of The Fury's prisoners. It consists of 15 bosses and no trash. Bosses 1 through 5 are relatively easy, bosses 6 through 10 are considerably harder, bosses 11 through 14 are even more difficult while boss 15 will likely take a group to take down.

For each boss kill, a NPC will spawn and grant you a level - however this is restricted.

EX - First boss is level 20 that you encounter. Once you kill it a NPC will spawn that will grant you a level -IF- the following conditions are met;
  • You're level 15. - Meaning this NPC will level you to 16. If you are above 16, the NPC will simply give you plat.

EX2 - Second boss is level 22. Once you kill it a NPC will spawn that will grant you a level -IF- the following conditions are met;
  • You're level 16. - Meaning this NPC will level you to 17. If you are above 17, the NPC will simply give you plat. If you are BELOW level 16 this NPC will NOT talk to you.

-- This is a different way to do leveling that doesn't rely so much on EXP. Now, loot is done a bit different, too...

Boss1 will drop helms. - and an ultra rare item. This item has a 10% chance to drop, and can be ANY of the things on any of the bosses.
Boss2 will drop arms. - and an ultra rare item. (Same thing as boss1). This drop pattern will be used for all of the bosses in this zone.

I'll post again when Zone 2 has been released, or you can check our forums for new patch notes either way works.
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 01-26-2015, 01:19 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

I was told my website link is broken.

Quantum Syndicate REQUIRED ITEMS
Quantum Syndicate Forums

Tipt is being worked on, and found a bug. The world server has been locked and will be unlocked after we fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Oh, we released new patch notes that shown our progress to the classes.

I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 01-27-2015, 10:09 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

I'm going to reach out to the community here. =D..

Would you prefer to continue the way Quantum Syndicate has been(leveling). Or would you prefer it being a max level server(aa "grind" server).
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 01-28-2015, 12:06 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 143

While taking the input of the community is important you should never base your server around it. Your server is just that, YOUR SERVER. Only when it is your server with your ambition and your goals, will it succeed. When the central theme of the server becomes something other than your own, you will lose the spark that originally made you create the server.

Create something that you enjoy, whether it is playing there or developing. People will continue to play regardless.
Wrath - Lead Admin and Owner of Enlightened Dark: Ascension

Enlightened Dark: Ascension
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Old 01-28-2015, 02:38 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

I can see that. The only reason I really ask is because I've thought of making a side progression type thing where you are already max level. -shrug- I should just stay focused on the one task at hand, rather then thinking of future plans... xD
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 01-28-2015, 02:49 AM
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If you take in player consideration, it should be 20% of what you already know and think is right for the direction of your server.

If you let a few bad eggs with limited perception on how a server should be designed, you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment to all.

Obviously don't rule your server with an iron fist, but ultimately your vision should be enough to drive you through design and implementation mostly on your own.
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Old 01-28-2015, 06:15 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

Thanks Akkadius, very wise words.


Taking that into consideration I'm shutting Alpha down and will open the server again for Beta, this means a character wipe, as I stated on the forums those who have tested in Alpha will be rewarded with exp pot.

Beta will consist of levels 1 through 50 the main quest line open, all spells that are meant to be quested will actually be quested for. Beta will continue until tier one is completed in which we will consider it ready to be live. There will be no character wipes after Alpha, meaning your beta character will carry over into live.

I do not have an estimation on how long it'll be until Beta, as things are starting to get further along with the girlfriends pregnancy and work is picking up, but I'll be sure to keep everyone informed via Quantum Syndicate Forums.
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 03-11-2015, 11:44 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

Hey guys dropping an update on the server, as I've gotten messages about it, and forum posts about it.

I'm not sure if I informed the community as to why I disappeared along with the server, if I did sorry to say again.

Found out a month ago that the misses is pregnant, which is awesome news, sadly with that news we had to move out of where we were, been spending the last month away from internet coming up with random ideas to add to the server, it's been a good time. =D

Anyway, we move into our place officially the 15th of March, I should have internet probably the next day, or the day after and I'll resume continuing on the server again, so the things that I've added are posted below;

Brand new class (in beta, not releasing any information about it yet).

Two progression lines - both end up in the same area near the end, but gives you a different perspective on the deception of The Fury (which is his place holder name, don't have a REAL name for him yet.)

More stable connection - With moving we're getting better internet as well.

Spells redone - For those who played Alpha, mana was tight with a lot of spells, damage may have been high, and heals may have been high but you'd run out of mana before killing a blue if you weren't full mana to start - I've adjusted them to where the damage is lowered and the mana cost was cut by 75%~. I'll be posting updates on spells once I've completed them.

Geared better scaled - The way I had gear set up was meh. It's scaled better.

Different choices while leveling - I've made the server into a solo server up until max level, then there's different choices... You could get level 60, a ton of AA, and full gear from the gear zone and then go into T1 and likely be able to clear it, or... Box two or three toons and be able to do T1 without a ton of AA... If you chose the solo route, you'll have to have full T1 gear before attempting T2, as focus effects only get better with the gear. -- To add to this, while leveling there are choices of dungeons you can go to, these dungeons WILL NOT be easy. It'd be possible to 3 box them, probably 2 box but unlikely solo unless you outlevel the dungeon, then clearly.... You'll do fine.

Random 'legendary' drops - Every zone has a 5% chance to drop a legendary item (bosses have a higher chance), these items can range anything from; 'Kid's Bracers - 5% DoT focus damage(+ other stats)' to Parts to Epic 1.0 that can be purchased as well (for plat duh) but at a MUCH more expensive price then farming it.

Aside from that, everyone knows who played Alpha I'm always accessible, usually playing a character on the server enjoying my own work. So I'll be around to answer any questions.
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 03-12-2015, 09:01 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 11

sounds good Nerd, was hoping this server wasn't a lost cause
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Old 03-25-2015, 05:13 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

Nah it's not. I just had a lot of RL stuff going on. Resolved everything and internet is back up and running. =). Doing spell tests, and a little more content adding. I do not have an approximated date on when beta will go live yet... But I'll keep everyone informed as to when it does. =)
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 03-28-2015, 05:21 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

A few spell updates that I feel will put casters back into the fray;(which is funny, because 'How to Save a Life' just came on while typing this).

Spells have been re-done entirely. Endurance and Mana cost of spells and abilities are no longer insanely high on all of them, to make up for this change, damage from abilities have been lowered by ~65%, in addition monsters have been reduced to make up for this change.

Sorcerer -

  • Frostbolt has a new cast look, in addition cast time has been reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds, cooldown has been raised to 3.5 seconds from 3 seconds and no longer slows targets.
  • Firebolt has a new cast look, in addition cast time has been reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds and the damage over time has been reduced an extra 5%.
  • Fireblast has a new cast look and now slows movement by 50%.

There was an issue with Sorcerer's not being able to get a cast off due to how long it took to actually cast the spells, we've changed that.

Stalker -

  • Flame Lick has a new cast look, in addition no longer deals direct damage, instead deals damage over time for 1 minute, and now slows 50% movement speed up from 25%.

The damage that is now done by a stalker is mostly Lash, which was lowered on endurance cost and buffed in damage, with the dot ticking effects of Flame Lick you can now safely kite, as most Stalkers do! =).

All Tanks -
  • All hate generating abilities have had a 400% modification to them.

This will help tanks keep aggro, as it appears it was an issue in Alpha.


  • Mend Pet costs .1MANA down from .38MANA, cast time has been reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds and cooldown has been reduced to 25 seconds from 30 seconds.

This will make Keepers and Mages able to solo a ton better.

There's plenty more updates, I just wanted to post the ones that would bring back those few players who mentioned these issues to me, they have all been resolved. =).
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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Old 04-19-2015, 07:37 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 122

I'm bad and forgot my Nerdgasm login information, and for the life of me can't remember the email I sent it too, either the two email addresses that I use and have for years are not the ones I use... Weird, ANYWAY! Posting a few updates here;

Exciting news! We are nearing Alpha 2.0 Phase! With adding dual factions in we feel that it's required a second Alpha phase, this alpha phase will keep your characters through beta and server opening, so at least there's that.


For Alpha 2.0 you will be able to play level 1 through 60 in either faction. Obtain all spells.
Obtain up to tier 1 gear.
Obtain the first part of your Epic. -- Epics in this server will actually be just that. Epic. Likely, the last weapon you'll ever have.... Again....

We've bumped our boxing numbers from 2 to 3, due to such mobs will be scaled a little higher.

Levels 1 through 60 should be able to be soloed there are options to do things as groups, such as;
Dungeons - Dungeons will be scaled to 1 Tank, 1 Healer, and 3 DPS. If you go in there alone and die, don't wonder why. It's meant to be difficult.
Zone Bosses - Zone Bosses will be scaled to 1 Tank, 1 Healer and 1 DPS
Rares - Rares will be scaled to 1 Tank and 1 Healer, basically you can likely solo them as anyone.

Once you hit 60, we'll have different options.. Some that have been discussed are as followed;
Raids - Some fights will be scaled to 1 Tank, 2 Healers, 8 DPS (HP wise), others will be scaled to 2 Tanks, 3 Healers, 7 DPS (HP Wise), other fights will just have custom scales, basically raids will be meant for more then a group of people unless you have the patients to do such with just a group.
World Bosses - World Bosses will be scaled to 1 Tank, 2 Healers, and 4 of the HIGHEST DPS at level 60.
Dungeons - Much like LDoN's, but the reward will be items you can craft to improve your armor. They will be scaled for the average 3 box group. (Tank, Healer, DPS)

'The Fury' finally has a name. Drakkar Victor. He is still known as; 'The Fury' but now instead of referring to him as such, he'll be referred to as; 'Drakkar Victor.'

As some of you who played Alpha know, Warlocks were amazing at DPS, but really hard to figure out, I know there was one player close to getting a MQ rotation down for him, well... Bad news for you, they are more difficult now.

  • Warlocks - Are now 100% more micromanaged.

~We still have our forums, and will be posting update on them as we are further along, I however, wanted to drop a personal line to inform people that this project is almost ready for re-release, and when the server does open. Everyone in the first week will receive a bonus item! (Don't know what yet though)
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