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Old 01-25-2013, 06:20 PM
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally Posted by demonstar55 View Post
Are the buffs getting bard mods applied or something?
Yes, that is the problem, the default x10 instrument_mod in the OP_Action packet is being applied to normal spells. Live has a 1.0f here for normal spells. Needs a bit more investigation as to how it works now for bards.
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Old 01-26-2013, 12:02 PM
Opcode Ninja
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could this be the reason for quild having problems or just a type O see the 2 dd's in uint32 to_guilddbid or is that normal coding? i also seen Guildbank=False in the code i didn't see it listed in Zone client_packet.h or the other file as well. World console.h void SendEmoteMessageRaw(const char* to, uint32 to_guilddbid, int16 to_minstatus, uint32 type, const char* message);

you might start by removing 
# New Opcodes
OP_SpawnPositionUpdate=0x0000 Ref already added OP_MobUpdate=0x6b5a

needs corrected in Op_Rof.conf
OP_GuildBank=0x1cbf 12/12/12 
OP_UIUpdate=0x71f5 12/12/12 Eqemu it's OP_BuffCreate=0x71f5 ???
you also have Op_UIupdate listed in Zone client_packet.h i'm kind of confused	
with both been listed and using the same opcode?

add them if you want too Op_RoF.conf
# New Opcodes 12/12/12
all opcodes below are not added in yet!
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Old 01-29-2013, 11:54 PM
Opcode Ninja
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extended targets needs fixed as it removes the npc that was killed it needs to keep moving the other npc's up the list. no agro meter showing up on the list this only applys to RoF. on Trevius server i noticed in ew no star portal showing up in zone? i also seen the mecr timer was 0mins 0sec and wouldn't change until after zoning.
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Old 01-30-2013, 02:30 AM
Opcode Ninja
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Posts: 426

understand now why i wasn't seen star portal in ew you wasn't loading eastwastesshard zone for RoF clients it loaded eastwastes zone
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Old 01-30-2013, 03:07 AM
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The aggro meter is a new system for RoF, and new systems do not need to be implemented for this thread. The point is to get the client caught up with the functionality of our previous clients. New features and systems may be implemented later, but they are not required as part of our client compatibility development unless it is something that prevents another previously functional system from working.

The Eastern Wastes issue with the new zone is not really part of this thread either, as that is a DB change, not directly related to client compatibility. This thread is for developing the source code not the database unless it is something like a new field that needs to be added to the database (as apposed to a new entry in the DB).

The mercenary timer issue is also part of a new system that is being worked on for all clients, not just RoF. We are still working through the mercenary stuff to make it work 100% as it should.

I believe Derision is still working through the Guild Management stuff to implement the new ranking system changes and other stuff. I am currently looking at the bazaar trader packets to see if I can figure out how to get that stuff working. Once these 2 things are done, the last main thing to work on will be the new slot system. Once the new slot system is in place, we should be able to correct the cursor buffer issue and also implement the new augmenting system. That should pretty much conclude the initial compatibility work for RoF.

It is getting pretty close now, but the new slot system overhaul is a big change and may take a while. Also, I have noticed so far that some of the bazaar changes may be a bit more complicated to get working, but hopefully it won't be too bad. I am still just starting to look into that.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 01-31-2013, 10:38 PM
Hill Giant
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not sure if this is a problem with RoF with emu only, but i believe so. trying to load a spell set and you already have some spells memmed. it should remove spells and remem the spell set as saved. Says you already have the spell memmed. UF and previous clients would remove spells and remem spells in the correct order they were saved and reload them that way no issues. trying to run a macro i have, also will not demem a spell to mem the new spell. if i manually a spell from the bar, it then will mem and cast. will go load up live and give the reload spellset and see what happens.

edit: it does remove spells and remem them correctly on live.
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Old 02-01-2013, 12:06 AM
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During development of the UF client the same issue was experienced.. Interesting that it resurfaced.
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Old 02-01-2013, 07:59 AM
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It looks like it is just a simple packet struct change. Since all of the gem fields in that packet are basically bools, they changed them from uint32 to uint8. Also, ShowEQ notes that MAX_PP_MEMSPELL was changed to 16, so that is what we have it set to for RoF to use in other structs, but in OP_LoadSpellSet I think it is actually only 12. The packet is 16 bytes, but the last field I think is a uint32, which means it only uses 12 spell slots. The value for the last field I saw was 12, so maybe it is a gem count field? Though, the char I tested it on only had the basic 8 gem slots available.

Here is an example of the packet:

[OPCode: 0x38b4] OP_LoadSpellSet [Client->Server] [Size: 16]
000 | 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 0c 00 00 00  | ................
And, I think the following changes will fix the issue, but I haven't tested yet:

struct LoadSpellSet_Struct {
	uint8	spell[12];	// 0xFFFFFFFF if no action, slot number if to unmem starting at 0
	uint32	unknown;	//Seen 12 - Maybe a gem count?
Note that I had to hard set the spell count to 12, when it normally is set by MAX_PP_MEMSPELL, because MAX_PP_MEMSPELL is set to 16 now. Maybe MAX_PP_MEMSPELL should be changed to 12 in RoF, but that would require a few changes where it is used as well (which may be good or bad).

	SETUP_DIRECT_DECODE(LoadSpellSet_Struct, structs::LoadSpellSet_Struct);

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_PP_MEMSPELL; ++i)
		if (eq->spell[i] == 0)
			emu->spell[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
			emu->spell[i] = eq->spell[i];

Also, note that before the server sends the packets to unmem the spells, it replies to the client with the same packet it was sent, per this example:

[OPCode: 0x38b4] OP_LoadSpellSet [Server->Client] [Size: 16]
000 | 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 0c 00 00 00  | ................
I don't think that packet is required, but it is something to keep in mind.

Either way, this should be a really easy issue to resolve. I will test it today or this weekend and commit if no issues. Thanks for the report!

Edit: Actually, it looks like that would only affect the Player Proflle Struct/Encode, so it probably could be changed. If the location of the mem_spells field is correct in the RoF PP, something is a bit odd. For all fields with multiple iterations in the RoF PP, there is an iteration count field right before it. For the mem_spells field, the count was observed as 16. Though, only 12 fields are set in that iteration and the rest are all 0s. Maybe that just means they are planning to expand to 16 spell gems max at some point and have already added that part to the PP, but not other parts of the code dealing with memmed spells.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Last edited by trevius; 02-01-2013 at 08:09 AM..
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Old 02-01-2013, 08:38 AM
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BTW, I have been working a bit on figuring out the bazaar stuff. I am still looking through packets and currently just trying to get starting trader mode to work. It looks like they changed the way items are tracked to a serialized id string to keep track of all items individually. I don't think we actually need to use this new system initially, but to match Live exactly, it may be required eventually.

I tested on Live and found that I am able to have whatever I want in my trader satches, and as long as I don't try to sell anything that is no drop, it will let me enter trader mode and just not list the items I didn't set a price for and ones that are no drop. On EQEmu, we just check for the item ID of the trader's satchel and cycle through the 8 inventory slots looking through the satchels. If there are any items that don't have a price set or of any no drop items are in the satchels, it just prevents trader mode from being started. This isn't a major issue at all, but figured it was worth noting here for reference.

Another thing to note is that previously only 80 slots were possible for trader mode due to having a max of 8 trader satchels with 10 slots each. On RoF, it has been changed to 200 slots due to having 10 main inventory slots and I am guessing there is now a 20 slot trader's satchel available so you can reach 200 slots for sale. Since we currently check for the trader's satchel by its item ID, we will need to also add the item ids for any new trader's satchels once the new slot system is in place that will allow larger than 10 slot bags. We will also need to increase the slots searched from 80 to 200. This is something that can be done later when the new slot system is completed and won't affect the initial implementation of the bazaar systems in RoF.

Once I can get trader mode starting properly, I will just keep working my way through the packets to get the rest of the trader system worked out. I think the hardest part may be the fact that you can use /bazaar search from any zone and purchase items directly through that system. It then sends the purchased item to the parcel system, which is another system that will need to be implemented.

This is the first time I have messed with bazaar stuff at all, so it is taking a while for me to get familiar with it and work my way through it. Hopefully I can get it all worked out.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 02-07-2013, 01:53 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 307

Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but just tested RoF and quest npc that was suppose to give back more than 1 item only gave back the 1st item, and the rest of the items were not on cursor. I realize RoF / F2P isn't 100% yet but just adding this one if not known yet.
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Old 02-07-2013, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by thepoetwarrior View Post
Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but just tested RoF and quest npc that was suppose to give back more than 1 item only gave back the 1st item, and the rest of the items were not on cursor. I realize RoF / F2P isn't 100% yet but just adding this one if not known yet.
Yeah, that is a known issue with the cursor buffer. It actually does give everything back, but you can't access the cursor buffer without zoning or relogging. So, if you got 4 items back, you would need to zone 3 times to actually get them all off of your cursor. I think Uleat may have a solution for this in the works. In the mean-time, at least there is no item loss involved, it is just an annoyance to have to zone to get the items back.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 02-07-2013, 02:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 307

Oh, thanks for the info! So happy no item loss!

Edit: Found your post on page 5 about augs, sorry for spam

I know I know, I got 8 pages to read here + forum search
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Old 02-09-2013, 07:47 AM
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Command - #unscribespells

Spells stay in RoF spell book, but can not be mem'd. After relogging the spell book is empty. On UF the spell book is wiped immediately. Looks like OP_DeleteSpell may have changed a little.
Drajor regards you indifferently -- what would you like your tombstone to say?
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Old 02-09-2013, 09:10 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 21

While I do not play either on PEQ nor the Test server (I can not seem to find it?) I have noticed a few things on the server I do play on. I hope I am doing the right thing posting them here, otherwise just ignore this post!

1. Going to third person camera and then to first person will make the particles from both primary and secondary slot items show on your screen. This is surprisingly annoying.

2. There are no sounds while casting spells. There are sounds when they are landing though.

3. Maps do not seem to work correctly. I have not been able to pin-point this exactly, but in some zones the map is not displayed. My map for Nedaria's Landing refuses to show itself, for example. This map I downloaded and is not the original map (if there even was one).

4. Charms (ie, Intricate wooden figurine) is empty, as is the Adventurer's stone.

5. Checking out charm slot stats can make you go LD. It does not happen every time, but frequently enough for it to be some sort of pattern.
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Old 02-09-2013, 10:35 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by Zia View Post
3. Maps do not seem to work correctly. I have not been able to pin-point this exactly, but in some zones the map is not displayed. My map for Nedaria's Landing refuses to show itself, for example. This map I downloaded and is not the original map (if there even was one).
Scrap this. Today it worked fine, for some reason.
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