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Old 01-02-2011, 12:54 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 125
Default Importing/Exporting Spell File?

Sorry to bother everyone, but I'm running into a strange (by my definition anyway) problem.

I use Null's to change the spell and then save changes to the file in the server's directory. I then copy the spell into the client directory. After I clear all the windows out of my way, I run server batch and dig my way into the server.

Basically, the cosmetic effects (output dialog and animation) work fantastic...but that's it. The damage will not change, regardless of the value.

I've changed the damage calculations in various ways/places in an attempt to get it to work. I asked around server and dug through forums to find the same response reoccuring. Something to the extent of importing the spellfile to the database.

How does one do this? Can I simply "source spells_us.txt" (which I suspect will cause mayhem) or is there something I've overlooked?

I appreciate any and all help provided! Thank You!

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Old 01-02-2011, 01:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

The spell import/export tool available here will do it.

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Old 01-02-2011, 02:07 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Milky Way
Posts: 541

Another way to do it(this is with HeidiSQL but every SQL editor has its own csv importer)

Click Import CSV File(will be in an import menu) using these options(first for importing a spell file, second is export options).

Its a fairly minor thing that people really shouldn't require scripts for.
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Old 01-02-2011, 03:23 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 125

Alright, making progress. lerxst2112 and Caryatis, thank you for the speedy replies.

The problem I am running into is GeorgeS' spell tool will load and load and load...then just vanish. It shows as a running process but does nothing.

I tried importing via Navicat, error error error.

I tried importing via HeidiSQL (thank you again Caryatis), constantly spamming about not enough info on whatever my start line is.

Using EZ-Server spellfile failed, using the spellfile from Null's failed, using the one from A&B's failed.

Any information would be, again, greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Old 01-02-2011, 03:58 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Milky Way
Posts: 541

Maybe to you things like this are helpful:

error error error
But generally, if you want to get help, providing more info is sure to get you more help.

Im going to take a guess and say you didn't turn over the destination tab in heidisql and notice that you should select spells_new as the table to import into(you can also highlight it before you import).

Make sure if you export your own spellfile that you delete the first line from it(it exports the headers as well), probably an option to not export those but Im lazy.
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Old 01-02-2011, 04:15 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 125

Wow, hateful.

[Msg] [Imp] Import start
[Msg] [Imp] Import type - Text file
[Msg] [Imp] Import from - C:\eqemu\spells_us.txt
[Err] [Imp] Cannot create table [spells_us]: 1118 - Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
[Err] [Imp] CREATE TABLE `spells_us` (`0` varchar(255),`f2` varchar(255),`BLUE_TRAIL` varchar(255),`f4` varchar(255),`f5` varchar(255),`f6` varchar(255),`f7` varchar(255),`f8` varchar(255),`f9` varchar(255),`01` varchar(255),`02` varchar(255),`03` varchar(255),`04` varchar(255),`05` varchar(255),`06` varchar(255),`07` varchar(255),`7` varchar(255),`65` varchar(255),`08` varchar(255),`09` varchar(255),`010` varchar(255),`011` varchar(255),`012` varchar(255),`013` varchar(255),`014` varchar(255),`015` varchar(255),`016` varchar(255),`017` varchar(255),`018` varchar(255),`019` varchar(255),`020` varchar(255),`021` varchar(255),`022` varchar(255),`023` varchar(255),`024` varchar(255),`025` varchar(255),`026` varchar(255),`027` varchar(255),`028` varchar(255),`029` varchar(255),`030` varchar(255),`031` varchar(255),`032` varchar(255),`033` varchar(255),`034` varchar(255),`035` varchar(255),`036` varchar(255),`037` varchar(255),`038` varchar(255),`039` varchar(255),`040` varchar(255),`041` varchar(255),`042` varchar(255),`043` varchar(255),`044` varchar(255),`045` varchar(255),`046` varchar(255),`047` varchar(255),`-1` varchar(255),`-11` varchar(255),`-12` varchar(255),`-13` varchar(255),`1` varchar(255),`11` varchar(255),`12` varchar(255),`13` varchar(255),`-14` varchar(255),`-15` varchar(255),`-16` varchar(255),`-17` varchar(255),`100` varchar(255),`1001` varchar(255),`1002` varchar(255),`1003` varchar(255),`1004` varchar(255),`1005` varchar(255),`1006` varchar(255),`1007` varchar(255),`1008` varchar(255),`1009` varchar(255),`10010` varchar(255),`10011` varchar(255),`048` varchar(255),`049` varchar(255),`050` varchar(255),`051` varchar(255),`254` varchar(255),`2541` varchar(255),`2542` varchar(255),`2543` varchar(255),`2544` varchar(255),`2545` varchar(255),`2546` varchar(255),`2547` varchar(255),`2548` varchar(255),`2549` varchar(255),`25410` varchar(255),`25411` varchar(255),`2` varchar(255),`052` varchar(255),`52` varchar(255),`-18` varchar(255),`053` varchar(255),`054` varchar(255),`255` varchar(255),`2551` varchar(255),`2552` varchar(255),`2553` varchar(255),`2554` varchar(255),`2555` varchar(255),`2556` varchar(255),`2557` varchar(255),`2558` varchar(255),`2559` varchar(255),`25510` varchar(255),`25511` varchar(255),`25512` varchar(255),`25513` varchar(255),`25514` varchar(255),`25515` varchar(255),`44` varchar(255),`131` varchar(255),`055` varchar(255),`-19` varchar(255),`056` varchar(255),`057` varchar(255),`058` varchar(255),`059` varchar(255),`060` varchar(255),`061` varchar(255),`062` varchar(255),`063` varchar(255),`064` varchar(255),`065` varchar(255),`066` varchar(255),`067` varchar(255),`068` varchar(255),`069` varchar(255),`070` varchar(255),`071` varchar(255),`072` varchar(255),`073` varchar(255),`10012` varchar(255),`074` varchar(255),`161` varchar(255),`075` varchar(255),`076` varchar(255),`-150` varchar(255),`077` varchar(255),`078` varchar(255),`079` varchar(255),`080` varchar(255),`081` varchar(255),`082` varchar(255),`083` varchar(255),`084` varchar(255),`085` varchar(255),`086` varchar(255),`087` varchar(255),`088` varchar(255),`089` varchar(255),`090` varchar(255),`091` varchar(255),`10013` varchar(255),`092` varchar(255),`093` varchar(255),`094` varchar(255),`095` varchar(255),`096` varchar(255),`097` varchar(255),`098` varchar(255),`099` varchar(255),`0100` varchar(255),`0101` varchar(255),`0102` varchar(255),`0103` varchar(255),`0104` varchar(255),`-1501` varchar(255),`10014` varchar(255),`-1502` varchar(255),`-99` varchar(255),`71` varchar(255),`651` varchar(255),`0105` varchar(255),`0106` varchar(255),`0107` varchar(255),`0108` varchar(255),`0109` varchar(255),`0110` varchar(255),`0111` varchar(255),`0112` varchar(255),`0113` varchar(255),`0114` varchar(255),`0115` varchar(255),`0116` varchar(255),`0117` varchar(255),`0118` varchar(255),`0119` varchar(255),`0120` varchar(255),`14` varchar(255),`0121` varchar(255),`0122` varchar(255),`0123` varchar(255))
[Msg] [Imp] Processed:0, Added:0, Updated:0, Deleted:0, Errors:0
[Msg] [Imp] Finished - Unsuccessfully
LOAD DATA LOW_PRIORITY LOCAL INFILE 'C:\\eqemu\\spells_us.txt' INTO TABLE `peq`.`spells_new` CHARACTER SET latin1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY '^' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' (`id`, `name`, `player_1`, `teleport_zone`, `you_cast`, `other_casts`, `cast_on_you`, `cast_on_other`, `spell_fades`, `range`, `aoerange`, `pushback`, `pushup`, `cast_time`, `recovery_time`, `recast_time`, `buffdurationformula`, `buffduration`, `AEDuration`, `mana`, `effect_base_value1`, `effect_base_value2`, `effect_base_value3`, `effect_base_value4`, `effect_base_value5`, `effect_base_value6`, `effect_base_value7`, `effect_base_value8`, `effect_base_value9`, `effect_base_value10`, `effect_base_value11`, `effect_base_value12`, `effect_limit_value1`, `effect_limit_value2`, `effect_limit_value3`, `effect_limit_value4`, `effect_limit_value5`, `effect_limit_value6`, `effect_limit_value7`, `effect_limit_value8`, `effect_limit_value9`, `effect_limit_value10`, `effect_limit_value11`, `effect_limit_value12`, `max1`, `max2`, `max3`, `max4`, `max5`, `max6`, `max7`, `max8`, `max9`, `max10`, `max11`, `max12`, `icon`, `memicon`, `components1`, `components2`, `components3`, `components4`, `component_counts1`, `component_counts2`, `component_counts3`, `component_counts4`, `NoexpendReagent1`, `NoexpendReagent2`, `NoexpendReagent3`, `NoexpendReagent4`, `formula1`, `formula2`, `formula3`, `formula4`, `formula5`, `formula6`, `formula7`, `formula8`, `formula9`, `formula10`, `formula11`, `formula12`, `LightType`, `goodEffect`, `Activated`, `resisttype`, `effectid1`, `effectid2`, `effectid3`, `effectid4`, `effectid5`, `effectid6`, `effectid7`, `effectid8`, `effectid9`, `effectid10`, `effectid11`, `effectid12`, `targettype`, `basediff`, `skill`, `zonetype`, `EnvironmentType`, `TimeOfDay`, `classes1`, `classes2`, `classes3`, `classes4`, `classes5`, `classes6`, `classes7`, `classes8`, `classes9`, `classes10`, `classes11`, `classes12`, `classes13`, `classes14`, `classes15`, `classes16`, `CastingAnim`, `TargetAnim`, `TravelType`/* large SQL query (3.1 KB), snipped at 2,000 characters */
/* 0 rows imported in 1.297 seconds. */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 2 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 3 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 4 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 5 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 6 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 6 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 6 doesn't contain data for all columns */
/* Warning (1261): Row 6 doesn't contain data for all columns */
I tried importing into Spell_new and even created one for spells_us just for the sake of ...well just ffs really.

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Old 01-02-2011, 09:00 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 125

After a few things I'm not proud of, a gift that is BoP and keeps on given, and a citation for pro...nvm I got it working.

I am now certain that 3 more people on the server wish for me to die in a fire.

Good Day

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Old 01-03-2011, 12:43 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

What ended up working? I've used Georges tool to import the EZServer spell file before and it wasn't fast, but it worked. *shrug*
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Old 01-03-2011, 03:09 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 125

It seems HeidiSQL will produce errors but will force the changes through.

As a result, my AAs just got...clobbered. *facepalm*

My newest issue is not letting me buff. I will probably have to stop being lazy and compile source. Ehh, I'll deal with it tomorrow.

Thank you again for the input.

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Old 01-03-2011, 05:14 AM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Milky Way
Posts: 541

lol click ignore duplicate records next time
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Old 01-03-2011, 02:36 PM
Forum Guide
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: California
Posts: 1,475

I just checked, and the importing takes about 7 minutes to load. If the process is still going in task explorer, and the program does not show, then it's because of the program refresh rate - wait for it to finish.

Importing is done via SQL, and I admit is slow.

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