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Old 10-17-2013, 02:47 AM
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Default An idea....

So, someone posted on the Server Forums a bit ago about a DoTA server... Well, I'm quite interested in this idea... I have a general idea of how it could work, far as minion waves, and the works, what I do not have an idea on is how champions would work...

This is just a; 'I wonder how many people would be interested in helping make this live?' post... If I get people interested enough. I will be hosting and starting development on this server below are some of the ideas I had...

We could use the 16 classes as 'champions' make the max level 18 like in League of other games... The skill points would work like I have DiabloQuest set up, you type 'skills' in game and can select your skill point that way, versus a actual skill vendor, or anything else in that regard. After every game, you'd be reduced to level 1 again, with all spell unscribed, the winner would get... Something, maybe a charm that upgrades every time you turn in 'A Win Token' and it gives you a perm effect, maybe 'A Lost Token' will give 2 STA and 2 STR and 'A Win Token' would do 3 STA and 3 STR (while this wouldn't actually be the stats, just maybe something like that would happen).

Minions would be spawned every 30 seconds (or so), sent on a path like system to the enemy base, stopping to fight other minions, or towers that block the way.

The 'towers' so to speak would be BOSSES instead of towers, that are rooted in place with a 50-60 yard range, the aggro on these would be almost like League of Legends where if the minions attack it first, it SHOULD prefer the minions in instead of you. I would want to figure out a way to make it if you attacked a CLIENT it would attack you, that would be a interesting but probably easy script to do...

The 'Inhibitors' would just be random NPC's that IF SLAIN the spawn place would spawn a 'Super Minions.'

The Nexus would be... Something? Maybe a NPC again, with no damage, and a bunch of HP...

Once you have finished destroying the 'Nexus' a screen message could appear stating; 'VICTORY' or 'DEFEAT' -- Now how could you dictate what side you're on? Maybe BLUE (faction) versus PURPLE (faction), and like if $faction == 1 (Blue), and NPC ####(Purple) = dead then 'VICTORY!' and the other way around with Purple, I mean MAYBE that would work? I don't know...

Anyway, I have a bit more of ideas in regards to this server, and honestly, I'd love to see it lift off the ground. I just need a couple more DEV's that are good with coding to help, the items would be done the very same as League as well, however the 'upgrade' to items, would be a bit more difficult, maybe buying item X and Y and turning them into the person would grant them Item Z (Easy set up), the heal that the NPC would give to heal, would be easy as well.

Please email me at -->sinclipse@gmail.com--< or message here on the forums, or heck even reply to this post...

AS A REMINDER ~~~ I saw this idea posted in the server forums, and no one has commented on it saying they wanted to try it out, so I'm more then willing to do this... I just need a couple DEV's to help with it...
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Old 10-17-2013, 08:36 AM
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Yeah didn't really see any comments on it except one person, but the person didn't say they had a interest in helping with development or anything, but their comment was interesting none the less frankly so I figured it was kind of a dead end topic in terms of developer interest so never bother to elaborate any further on it.

I have thought about faction based control which could either be PVE or PVP or a mix of both. My thoughts on it was to omit Drakkin keeping it at 15 races total thus you could either have 3 factions or 5 factions total. If you had 3 factions you'd have 5 races per faction or if you had 5 factions you'd have 3 races per faction.

AA points could work as a really nice skill tree which could be capped at a set amount of points. They could be reset between games if players wanted to adjust them differently.

I don't think you'd need to memorize spells more than once if you lose your required level can't you no longer cast them? It's been awhile, but I thought that was the case. I do remember retaining skill ups when losing levels though.
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Old 10-17-2013, 09:35 AM
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Instead of making it level 1-18 or so. i would bump it up to 10-28 becaues of the HP values being so low at level 1.
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Old 10-17-2013, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by liquest View Post
Instead of making it level 1-18 or so. i would bump it up to 10-28 becaues of the HP values being so low at level 1.
I thought about that as well the other night though I actually think it would be better to have it for 50-68 that way AA's could be incorporated as a form of a skill tree also base skills wouldn't be scaled so atrociously low to begin with. It just might be easier from a development stand point as a starting point. Frankly all of that stuff can be changed, but it would save some of the hassle and workload of readjusting aspect of things to get the project itself developing more smoothly and rapidly. A lot of the development complexities should be streamlined and simplified to be basic to start with and enhanced over time on a gradual basis so we can focus on getting a overall working base to go off of.

One thing I don't want happening is a lack of structure to the project nor a lack of realistic development target goals where it leads to development fatigue and burn out. I want to see some type of structured incremental development progress where we can expand and scale complexity over time. I'd like to see ideas finished instead of half started and abandoned to fork off in another direction to try some other "new" idea that can spiral endlessly if you don't ever commit to finishing previous goals.

Right now the whole project is somewhat of a rough concept idea that's not fully structure or finalized in terms of the overall direction or plans for it yet I mean there are so many different ways things could be altered to fit or change the direction of things. I think a big question that needs to be asked is how MOBA/DOTA inspired and authentic does the project want to be or need to be and how much like EQ should it feel as well.

Personally I like the idea of using the stand Nexus, Inhibitor, and Tower spawns probably from zone line to zone line and maybe use to dynamically lock/unlock zones based around what your faction currently controls. I'd want to maintain both a basic MOBA and EQ feel fusing the best elements from both using open outdoor zones to dynamically faction lock and unlock other zone content within the game excluding specialty zones like planes and dungeons meant for grouping or raiding for some kind of item and/or XP progression elements. Zones could also automatically slowly become uncontrolled over time as well perhaps.

I'd like to see faction based City raiding tied in factions could be made immune from attacking their own cities, but encouraged to try to divide and conquer opposing cities that being the ultimate objective of the game which would be no small feat and explicitly difficult and progressively so the further into the inner depths of the cities you try to conquer. I don't exactly know what Nerdgasm's thought are on the subject however and what direction he'd prefer to go in.

BTW I love what Lecht is doing with spawns in this thread I think a lot of that sort of thing could be great for a DOTAQUEST idea I think I'd simplify the name to call it something new because it's not really MOBA/DOTA or a MMO so much as a new genre concept entirely if we go in the direction of trying to hybridize and fuse the two genre elements together something like BattleQuest or FactionQuest might be more appropriate.
"We are all on the same team, and I think not enough people realize this."
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Old 10-17-2013, 09:50 PM
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The idea of fusing a MOBA and Everquest together as one would work fantastic, as well as the idea of different races and such, the only problem I see in the future would be the PVP aspect of it, Player A and B are on the same 'Faction' but when they are in the place where PVP takes place, Player A and B can attack one another making AoE spells null and void... I spoke to Nate about it for a moment and he said;

wonder if its possible to do racial PVP would probbaly require a bit of source changes
This is just a bat around idea board, if we can figure or get something figured out, I'll gladly open a Database, and host the server and the people interested in this idea can all jump on and discuss the rest of it...

Continue to post ideas guys... This seems like we can get it going.
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Old 10-18-2013, 12:20 AM
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I've have a bunch of different ideas. In general I think name generators is a great idea to use extensively for NPC names and corresponding item names a lot could be based around randomized NPC names and corresponding loot they drop, but a bunch could likewise completely be randomized themselves and item stats could in part be randomized to some extent which there is a tool for that available.

For content I'd like to congest and compact things, but would like to use portions of Classic, Kunark, Velious, and Planes of Power. Though I don't particularly want to use all of those zones because it's a lot of zones to use. In some cases it might be best to reconfigure a zone to work as town for a race rather than use the native town they had on live like Vah Shir's starter town I'd probably redo another zone to use in place of it. Another possibility is to reduce factions into 3 to 5 base towns and not have the individual racial towns which might be best and free up some of those town zones to be reused in different types of ways.

The MOBA inhibitor, Nexus, Tower concept could actually be a purely PVE fight encounter, but players serve as aids to help the NPC's. If they were winning the battle the PVE struggle would be harder for the opposing side. It would be less complex, but it would be more interesting to be able to kill the oppose factions without a doubt just bringing it up as a option though.

I really want to do some stuff with no rent to make it more prevalent and widely used within the game one idea I had was to tie it to crafting and or questing. Another was to use it as a stepping stone toward permanent items and as general prerequisites for breaking into new zones more easily. The last idea I had was to use it exclusively for charm slot items and have various types of no drop charm items throughout the game world which seems like a novel idea to me. Fact is it could be used for all 3 things simultaneously in reality. A lot can be done with it that's for certain.

Raid content I think would be great to hinge around 2 full groups of 6 for 12 players in total generally. I think it could also be the case that you have a few instances of faction wide raiding that hinges more around 3 or 4 groups worth of players in total. The reason for 12 player raids is simply to reduce a lot of he political overhead of raiding to make it more easily accessible to everyone rather then a few elite super groups exclusively trying to run monopolize and dictate a server that often feels like it ends up being the case.

I want people to be able to progress without feeling like they are being held on the end of someone's leash. Additionally I don't want players to feel as if they need to be tied to a guild permanently by any means for fear that if they leave it's really going to restrict and hamper who they can group with in the future in a very negative light as a result.

Name randomization for NPCs and Items
Item stat randomization
Spawn time randomization
Spawn type randomization
Teleport randomization

As far as spawns I'd like to do some cool stuff like killing spawn X spawns Y in zone Z. Another thing is I'd like to do a lot of time of day spawn/despawn stuff like in the way kithicor works, but more wide spread and prevalent. You could probably intertwine both spawn patterns as well for a lot of bizarre randomization within the world. Some of what you do by killing and triggering a spawn in another zone might help or hinder players in said zone.

It would add dynamics to the world itself that in turn would make it more life like and less rigid and predictable. Also it would help to encourage exploring different areas of the world and for different lengths of time due to the variables of it. You might trigger a quest mob for someone in another zone that could be protected by them instead of dieing to NPC or you might trigger a enemy NPC spawn that someone comes along and kills for loot.

I think you could setup a zone I'll use Black Burrow as a example and make it so both zone lines spawn npc's that continually path and fight and clash with each other. Now each zone line would be controlled by a separate faction players could join and be a part of that fights opposing factions which players can help them in their conquest. Once the NPC's finally reach a NPC at the opposing zone line and kill it players gain access to the other zone line which if that zone line lead to a faction based city or dungeon you could raid it would be worth the incentive.

Additionally when a zone line was conquered and taken over it might relay that message in chat so players could come help reclaim it and boot port the players out of the neighboring or flag the zone and players of both factions for PVP to be cleared from it by the opposing faction.

Merchants will serve 3 functions. The first is a outlet to sell the things you acquire along the way which is self explanitory coin for loot. The second is a means to buy some of the stuff people have sold to the merchants such as spells which will be all world drops now so finding them from players or merchants players sold to or directly from monsters themselves will be your only route to aquire them. The third is to buy special items only found and sold by said merchant these items will be no drop and be for cost progressive upgrades.

Another thing for quests I'm thinking of having tiered collection task quests for each faction every 5 levels in each start faction locatoin that give some kind of xp and or loot reward maybe unlocks content, but more importantly triggers spawns else where within the world.

Now I'd like to make it so the player has some choice they can do something to one of the other factions to impede or deter on there personal progression in some form or another spawning annoying roamer mobs and such for example and or mobs blocking off dungeon access from lower level players for example. I'd also like to have quests in place to reward players or races as a whole from helping eliminate the threats to themselves.

I want some quests options to also help other races in like a gesture of good alliance type of thing so you could have both some acts of good and bad will depending on what the individual players decide upon. This is just to add more dynamics to the overall political and brute force power struggles in play going on within the world. If it could be done in a way that the faction who's struggling the most is automatically helped and the one struggling the least is automatically hindered that would be the nicest way of setting things up perhaps this way quests can constantly help to restore a sense of balance within the world, but is player driven.

The next idea of popped into my head inspired by Lecht's comments in a thread of NatedogEZ to do with augments. He basically said he'd been working on like a FF materia inspired system based around augments similar to NatedogEZ's augment system.

Basically I'd like to have spells setup a lot like a skill system in UO with different spell versions each new version requiring the previous version. The spells would be world drops just as they dropped all over in UO, but there were would be different version as well. Lower tier versions would drop in higher tier zones as well up to a point, but higher tier spells wouldn't drop in lower tier zones. I think perhaps using a sewing kit could also be used to sort of used like a Diablo 2 horadric cube to combine lower version into a higher version as well, but would require x10 multiples of previous versions to form the next higher version.

Each spell skill version would evolve the spell line in particular ways just as some base examples of what I mean which could be used and applied toward the idea.

Buff spell example
Stage 1) Reduce the buff's cannot cast this spell on a character this level requirements by X.
Stage 2) Reduce the buff's cast time by X.
Stage 3) Increase the buff's duration by X.

Heal spell example
Stage 1) Reduce mana cost by X.
Stage 2) Reduce cast time by X.
Stage 3) Reduce casting interruption chance by X.

Damage spell example
Stage 1) Reduce casting interruption chance by X.
Stage 2) Reduce by resistance chance by X.
Stage 3) Increase damage by X.

The combine horadric cube thing I feel could be used for a lot of different things both to upgrade items, but also to clean out a lot of excess items within the world itself. Creating a need to farm items continuously to a degree yet at the same time eliminating some of the excess and devaluation of items over time as well and also encouraging lots of player interaction and trading and working together.

I'd like to have a situation where players can somewhat create a bit more fine tuned paths in terms of character development. I think it's a little dumb that you often end up with 1 main tank 2 off tank and maybe a backup for each in a guild and then everyone else wanting to play that class is sort of left hung out to dry.

It would be really nice to maybe tie religion for each race or faction to bonus for a particular type of elemental spell type and bane damage bonus toward it or maybe two so your not completely tied to 1 elemental/bane dmg perk. If I recall aren't racial stats tied to 2 magic resists by default anyway? I'd like to extend it further to enhance it and also maybe apply a minor bane damage boost. Actually racial augments would be the perfect place to implement this idea which I hadn't really looked into or thought of a use for yet.

Anyway that's a wall of text, but a bunch of different ideas I've been thinking of over time of stuff that would be neat make use of. They'd need to be prioritized a bit and worked on in a case by case basis in implementing them.
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Old 10-18-2013, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Nerdgasm View Post
The idea of fusing a MOBA and Everquest together as one would work fantastic, as well as the idea of different races and such, the only problem I see in the future would be the PVP aspect of it, Player A and B are on the same 'Faction' but when they are in the place where PVP takes place, Player A and B can attack one another making AoE spells null and void... I spoke to Nate about it for a moment and he said;

This is just a bat around idea board, if we can figure or get something figured out, I'll gladly open a Database, and host the server and the people interested in this idea can all jump on and discuss the rest of it...

Continue to post ideas guys... This seems like we can get it going.
Yeah I could see how that could cause issues. How did the aoe spells work with the faction servers on live? I could have sworn they had some 4 sided faction based PVP server early on at least prior to Luclin. They might have abandoned it eventually over time due to cheap and not wanting to maintain and balance for it though.

Hows it work with the followers that you need to protect your aoe spells don't affect them couldn't you retroactively apply that same idea to the particular faction you belong to and wouldn't it extend to the players as well or no? I know certain NPCS's are immune from attack not sure if races can be made to be immune from attack from a list of other certain race within their faction alliance as well. Also hows it work for guild vs guild wars in PVP maybe it could be used for faction purposes though you might not be able to have actual guilds as a result. Unless it could be manipulated in a way that they could be a part of two guilds the faction one and a separate one of their own choosing.

I'm just trying to think of possible work around solutions. I mean you could eliminate the player vs player aspect entirely and just have their individual PVE actions impact the opposing sides PVE conflict struggle. It would basically create a situation where it would feel like your fighting and struggling against a opposing factions PVE train onslaught. It would be different, but still a lot of fun I believe. It would be like a PVE train tug of war between factions.

I think a lot of what makes MOBA/DOTA great in the first place is that tug of war struggle in the first place. I think that's in fact why a lot of gamers actually miss trains in MMO's because if created a sudden unpredictable challenging sense of danger element. I also believe a big part of why UO is still such a popular MMO from a PVP standpoint is that inherit danger element to it lurking around every twist and turn that could pop out of no where and the adrenaline rush that comes with it.

Hell instead of trying to do a MOBA/DOTA thing you could simply make a faction based EQ server called TrainQuest where the alliance quests result in spawn triggering trains against opposing factions it would be a bit funny to see in action because unsuspecting players would be getting killed constantly as a result of it, but mez would be in much higher demand for certain.
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Old 10-19-2013, 01:45 AM
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I'd like to do something regarding tank roles and turning them into more defined specialty roles with different and clear purposes and intentions. The tanks in mind of course are Warrior, Shadow Knight, and Paladin. I don't think might will be done changing or altering lesser tank roles like rangers, monks, or bards.

My thoughts on the topic are to make Paladin into the ultimate defensive tank, but would be restricted to a 1h and shield. Shadow Knight would be specialized as a pure 2h weapon tank. Warrior would be setup built around the idea of dual wielding special 2h weapons that are warrior only, but function as 1h weapons of designed with 2h weapon graphic styles.

I'll defiantly need to think it over on ways to balance it all out so it works well, but I think it'll make stuff interesting and different. I do want to find a nice way to incorporate collective tanking mitigation in the case of multiple tanks in a way that makes it so players and tanks can work together better and still be useful to one another. I think a stamina drain mitigation stance shielding for one another would be a neat method of doing that they could be a bit different base on the class.

Paladins I'd like to feature a mitigation stance based around blocking to mitigate and thus outright lower and reduce damage directly. Shadow Knight and Warrior could both receive a parry based stance that's more like dodge skill in that it helps mitigate damage by out right avoiding it, but it comes with the downside of being a streaky form of mitigation the stamina drain for that stance would be slower for warrior because of the new weapon style proposed concept I mentioned. Shadow Knight on the other hand to offset that could get some interesting new lifetap spells twists that are helpful where the heal portion of the spell is divided amongst the group. Bezerker class isn't really a tank, but I'd like some minor customization to them like a stamina drain stance that gives the group a temporary crit/spell crit boost. This is all conceptual design ideas for now a bunch of it could change over time. Ranger I would like to have a stamina drain stance that diverts a portion of spell damage from a tank over a period of time and redistributes it on themselves that requires a bow.

I think the typical tanking aspect in terms of raiding and group friendliness and fun factor is more then a little bland personally. I want players to feel like sweet I matter and am doing something useful that helps, but playing the role I want to play. I hate the stereotypical tank group feeling you run across where it's just like sorry we have a tank all ready in the group/raid so would you politely go **** yourself and play a different class that matters. I know it's going to happen some regardless for various reasons, but reducing the dependency on having to min/max group makeup would be great to try and improve for the better while giving players more purposeful tailored roles they wish to explore.

So I was thinking about mudflation and your never going to fully counteract it while making all players happy because they all have their own personal needs and wants which you can't fully appease 100% of the time anyway. I'm still fascinated at the idea of making widespread use of no rent itemization. I would like some form of permanent itemization however, but in a limited fashion. I'm not sure if augments can be no rent drops or not though that might be a cleaver way to implement and utilize the idea. Another thing I was thinking of was sort of what Nerdgasm said about Charms that continually upgrade and get better if everything was no rent aside from a Charm that did that it might be neat. I'm also curious if you put a augment on a no rent item and log out if you get the augment back.

I just have this general idea in my head where every time you log on your character you need to go through somewhat of a gearing process finding loot off mobs based upon what you know in terms of where things drop. It creates a different challenge each time because your experience is permanent and your charm upgrades are as well and possibly either the augments or equipment slots could be as well is my hopes. It should get easier over time, but should always be somewhat of a challenge figuring out the sweet spot of just how quickly can your character re-equip and get back to the front lines of exploration and conquest based around their level and charm along with any other permanent items they do retain. Perhaps that wouldn't be fun at all though I don't know, but I think the idea and challenge of it would be a neat one. It might also be something that could be used selectively some how as well like a batch of zones require a set of no rent gear in order to get permanent gear to progress beyond that tier.

Still actively looking for enthusiastic developers BTW for whatever different elements of this DOTAQuest project ends up curtailing.
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Old 10-24-2013, 07:08 AM
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So I explored the idea of using 2h weapon graphics and converting them into 1h weapons and it's pretty neat. I definitely see design potential around it for sk/pal/war classes. I posted a bunch of screen shots on it with a few different 2h weapon graphic types.

"We are all on the same team, and I think not enough people realize this."
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:25 AM
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Been dinking around with a few things on the server... PvP is so far the only thing I'm finding to be an issue... To be honest.
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:37 AM
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So, I just got to thinking about something...

We could have a teleporter, right?

This Teleport would port you to the zones that are under control by X faction; Example;

Now while this is a rough draft literally thrown together in a couple seconds, the idea of it stays the same, the red zone indicates that it is PURELY MEANT FOR PVP PURPOSES ONLY! Far as the rest goes, that can be easily changed.

As far as who controls it, that is going to be a interesting script (for the PVP zone), the rest of them will be pretty easy, if I do say so myself... Have the zones repop every like, hour or two hours, have 7 or 8 different zones, or something to the nature... It shouldn't be to hard to set up...
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Old 10-26-2013, 04:44 PM
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I like the idea of limiting it to a specific amount of zones accessed through a teleporter Nerdgasm. We could use the "Stargate" inspired portal objects like the one in Feerrott for it perhaps. The plane zones might be nice to use for the actual pvp faction zones.

I think we could start with like 3 zones initially to test it out then expand it the amount of zones used as we figure out the sweet spot on how many overall zones feels appropriate. I'm thinking some where between 3 to 12 zones, but divided evenly with a 24 hour time schedule like 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 zones. This way repop times for control could sync and divide evenly based around a 24 hour clock format nice and cleanly. The repop times themselves for the individual zones could vary some could be 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr, 6hr, 12hr, or 24hr respawn times.

On a different note I'd love to do something special with Arena and Frozen Tower where they battle in the Arena for access to it, but as they try to progress through it they can be wiped from behind by other factions with modestly reasonable ease. I think kills of spawns on certain floors could trigger automatic respawning on higher up floors and lower down floors to some extent at least for the more generic non-loot mobs.

I don't know how you'd like to approach loot I know you mentioned modeling items around League of Legends, but I don't know if you still think it being some what of a exact replica model of MOBA/DOTA is critically important or not, but rather just keeping it more traditional EQ instead.

In terms of loot personally I'm been thinking about taking the base UO's armor and weaponry stats which would remain the same though you could have the enhanced magic version of those same items like UO used as well such as vanquishing items. Now what I thought would be cool is taking those items and using them, but then adding in a Diablo stat randomization layer on top of them for additional stats that are varied. So you might have a 36/42 weapon, but it would have randomized resist stats on it and some base hp/mana or whatever in addition to it's original base item properties. The itemization would share stuff in common with both UO and Diablo basically is my thoughts.

I'm not sure if maybe ruin, might, force, power, and vanquishing could provide both the enhanced stat %'s, but in addition to that each tier could add a augment slot as well so vanquishing would have 5 augment slots. That would be cool though if there isn't a hard coded limit to the amount of augment slots a item can contain. I felt like UO provided pretty good variety and balance in terms of itemization and Diablo had a nice randomized dynamic twist to it and combining the two would be similar yet different and fuse together the best of both. I also think it would make it pretty straight forward and well structured on how to design the overall itemization to some extent as well so it could probably cut down on the development time of itemization overall by quite a lot. The naming of items could be a cross between EQ, Diablo and UO's item affix naming with a bit of randomized name generator element thrown in. So you could have something like a Noxsak's Feral Undead Bane Heavy Crossbow of Vanquishing. Silver weapons in UO were like undead bane damage from EQ which could be used in that case, but I'm not sure what I'd call the other EQ bane damages so would be easier to just label it by the Bane damage type itself to simplify it.
"We are all on the same team, and I think not enough people realize this."
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Old 10-27-2013, 02:18 PM
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It all depends on how we'd set it up, or how we'd want it set up, because if we set it to (an example), 1-18, then after a certain zone is taken over, we'd need to #nukeitem, and #level 1 everyone again (easily done through a script), and have them re-earn the item, however if we wanted to input some kind of a 'win' thing, so if the person stays till they win, we could give them a 'Win token' and it could be an alternate currency so we they could buy a permanent item. As I stated in my previous forum statements, we cannot give someone the ability to obtain 'OMG WTFPWNQ' legit gear, and have them just shit on everyone. There are those players out there who like to get the best they can get and just kick everyone to crap... As much as I hate to admit it, I use to be that person until I stopped caring so much... Lol, on UO I was an unstoppable PVPer....

It's all stuff to think about, how to make it to where everyone starts out SEMI equal per PVP battles, now in a PvE environment, I spose it's not as hard.... -shrug-. I dunno... We'd have to figure thing out slowly but surely.
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Old 10-28-2013, 03:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Nerdgasm View Post
It all depends on how we'd set it up, or how we'd want it set up, because if we set it to (an example), 1-18, then after a certain zone is taken over, we'd need to #nukeitem, and #level 1 everyone again (easily done through a script), and have them re-earn the item, however if we wanted to input some kind of a 'win' thing, so if the person stays till they win, we could give them a 'Win token' and it could be an alternate currency so we they could buy a permanent item. As I stated in my previous forum statements, we cannot give someone the ability to obtain 'OMG WTFPWNQ' legit gear, and have them just shit on everyone. There are those players out there who like to get the best they can get and just kick everyone to crap... As much as I hate to admit it, I use to be that person until I stopped caring so much... Lol, on UO I was an unstoppable PVPer....

It's all stuff to think about, how to make it to where everyone starts out SEMI equal per PVP battles, now in a PvE environment, I spose it's not as hard.... -shrug-. I dunno... We'd have to figure thing out slowly but surely.
I'd prefer a sense of balance between skill and strategy versus character progression because both are important. This is intended to be a blend between a MMO and MOBA after all the former being more centered a lot more heavily around character progression the latter more around skill and strategy.

It's defiantly something that's going to require testing and feedback how we should approach this balancing issue. Progression is important, but we should try to minimize the character progression discrepancy so it's not "elitist" takes all approach yet at the same time still provide some character progression. Character progression requirements should be minimal/modest to maintain a reasonable playing field in order to "keep" up with players with tons of time to devout to the game.

Item recommended and required levels could help to keep players start out on a more level playing field. It could be setup though so as players gain levels that level playing field might gradually start to diminish a bit as well the extent of which depends on how we decide to set things up in the end naturally. Anyway recommended and required item levels could be used to provide a nice balance blend between character progression versus individual skill. AA's can probably used a bit to set players apart. We could adjust those and set the recommended levels on them to help curve and balance out the impact of them as well.

I understand completely the concern with "elitist pwnage" and trying to minimize the impact of it, but at the same time know players want to progress and set themselves apart it's a little bit the point of a RPG in some aspects. I don't think we'll ever get balance perfect for everyone in a game this dynamic regardless though, but I think we can get it relatively close while being fun to most players we're doing well. I think this whole MOBA/MMO concept is just so refreshing, different, and unique that it could have a lot of player interest appeal. If we can get it reasonably balanced both in terms of player skill and character progression and the relationship between the two things we're doing well.

I had tons of PVP fun with UO on live, but the emulators on the other hand has never felt accurate especially the spell interrupt combos involving weaken, clumsy, and feeble mind that was never used in UO gold period and at best wasn't used until arm/disarm and last target got implemented about half way through T2A and even thing I don't believe recall it being immediately discovered or used, but I left to start playing EQ just around where it probably began to start seeing use like maybe a month prior to the UO:R felucia and trammel debacle the killed the game for good on live. It's a shame no UO emulator ever came about with uoextreme support they might have actually done the game justice.
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Old 10-28-2013, 08:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

Hmm, all around it's something to think about... That's for sure.

Post your ideas people. We're interested, give us ideas to feed off of.
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