View Full Version : EQEmu Admin Tool 4.9

01-03-2004, 01:45 PM
I just uploaded it to SourceForge. Here's the new stuff:

1. Compatible with EQEmu 0.5.3 beta 2 (actually the database seems to be the same as EQEmu 0.5.1, but some bugfixes were necessary to handle an empty characters table).

2. If you have your EQ folder set correctly in the Preferences screen, the admin tool will look for spells_en.txt and spells_us.txt. If either or both is found, the tool will add another tab for each file and load the data into the tab(s). You can edit the contents of these files just as you would any other table, and there is a button on each tab for saving the data back to your spells_xx.txt files. It seems to work fine, but I still recommend making a backup of your spells_en.txt and spells_us.txt files just in case. I have no idea what most of the columns in these files mean, so the tool simply numbers them as it finds them. It does, however, contain logic to try to determine which columns are strings, which are integers, and which can contain floating-point values.

Loading these files will cause the program to take longer to load since it has to load and parse a lot of data. It will show you what it's doing while it's loading them.

3. If either spells_en.txt or spells_us.txt is found, the admin tool will use those files for its spell/effect list instead of its own spells.txt file.

4. When you add or change items the admin tool will no longer immediately rebuild the player inventory lists, but instead defer that until you switch back to the characters tab. It was a real pain to have it do a full rebuild every time a field was changed when it's only necessary when changing what's in a player's inventory (the lists show what's allowed in a slot given race and class). This will make working with items a lot faster.

You can get it here:




01-03-2004, 02:13 PM
Nice work Windcatcher!! :-)

1. Compatible with EQEmu 0.5.3 beta 2 (actually the database seems to be the same as EQEmu 0.5.1, but some bugfixes were necessary to handle an empty characters table).

There were 80 bytes added near the end of the profile blob, otherwise it seems the same.

01-19-2004, 10:43 AM
in the admin it shows that I have updated a lot of rare spawns drops yet when I kill those spawns I never see the loots drop? The 100 after the item is percent of drop correct? How do I update these drops so that they actually drop?


01-19-2004, 11:11 AM
Great job on the tool, I use it a ton.

A few bugs to report and features to request, if you want them. If not discard this reply :P

1) The character list. Every time you try to scroll up or down, it automatically selects the top character in the visible box and takes a good minute and a half to pull all the inventory data and whatnot out, and then tends to not even do it properly. This leads to half-hour searches of my database to find one character just to remove an item from their inventory or whatever, and a lot of the time, their worn equipment shows up wrong (most show as item 68190: Gem of Burning Rage)

If it'd be possible to not pull character data until the user actually clicks on a name, that'd be soooo amazing. Or add search functionality to the Character panel. Either would help amazingly.

2) In my version, the classes are still in the old format. Not sure if it's from my stupidity or from the program's error, but in-game they're fine. (ie #class 25 = Druid GM in-game, but in the Admin, it shows as Rogue GM)

3) Slow for me... the initial running takes up a good 2-3 minutes, and selecting characters or opening the Spawn or NPC tabs takes forever, too. Not sure what can be done to alleviate this, if anything, but perhaps a new window that lets you perma-select a zone, say, and any time you click on the NPC or Spawn tabs, it only selects data relevant to that zone?

4) I'm not sure why this happens, but on my server I've totally redone the nexus. Scrapped all the old stuff and added new things. Vendors, GMs, and eye-candy. The in-game commands are iffy at best, often causing duplicate entries in the database, so I prefer to modify the DB directly most of the time. Now I hop into the Spawns tab to move NPCs usually. Either ones that were added in the wrong spot, or I just feel like moving them. I click the relevant spawn, update the X Y and Z, hit commit, and it resets to the old values. Some Spawns it just won't let me update their location. Again, not sure why, and maybe I'm doing something dumb

All in all, great work. Love the tool. :D

01-21-2004, 09:47 AM
just wondering,

is there a way to put in a sorting type routine? would make it alot easier to find and add things(least it would for me). like under the merchant lists tab, if we could click on merchantid header and it would sort by merchant id#..ie 1-end click again and it would reverse it..end-1. a feature like that would help in alot of the fields i have been looking at.

not sure what it would take, to me it would make a great addition to this tool.

01-22-2004, 04:32 PM
I'd like an option to search in a given table to limit its size.

ie in the merchant table, "select * from merchants where 5000<merchantid<6000;" or whatever, to bring down the lag a bit, and clearing it would revert to default "select *"