View Full Version : zone_points

01-26-2004, 12:23 AM
working on trying to get my zone lines working right. seem to be haveing a problem with double zone lines..ie highkeep to highpass and vise versa.


zoneing into highkeep from highpass works and i end up where i should. but zoneing out from high keep..both zone lines put me at the -104 -93 3.75 setting.

anyone able to offer some pointers? (qeynos to qeynos2 having same type of prob.

also on zones with long zone lines..like west commons to east commons is there a way wo make it where you end up in the same general location in the next zone. ie desert area in west commons to desert area in ec?

01-26-2004, 05:53 AM
fixed befallen (this works for mw_052_053_alpha2 only, other db's might have diffrent id and number settings)
source this line into your db:

REPLACE INTO zone_points (id,zone,number,x,y,z,target_x,target_y,target_z,t arget_heading,target_zone,heading,keep_x,keep_y,zo neinst) values(47,'commons',3,34,-75,4,35.22,-75.27,2.19,999,'befallen',0,0,0,0);

enjoy befallen with out the just being in the cat box.

works for walking into befallen.. to fix the #zone befallen

REPLACE INTO zone (short_name,file_name,long_name,safe_x,safe_y,safe _z,minium_level,minium_status,zoneidnumber,timezon e,maxclients,weather) VALUES ('befallen',NULL,'Befallen',35.22,-75.27,2.19,0,0,36,0,0,1);

enjoy. still working on the other zones. will post up a good zone.sql and zone_points.sql when they are done