View Full Version : AdminTool CHar Creation

02-12-2004, 11:03 AM
this is my first Post so I will get right to the point. I go into the Char creation screen, put all stats in and all that, push next and the client crashes(error shows up eq has noticed your client has crashed! somethin like that.

I decided to try and make a character using the Admintool character screen. i wrote down all the stats and loc of the character i was trying to create based on creating a new character in EQlive. I put in all the stats and Loc's of where he is located and save the info to the database.

I log into Eqemu and get to the char select screen, char is not there so i exit the program. In my World.exe program it says this......Got a bogus character (namehere), deleting it
PP length =4660

Im on my own Minilogin server. and would like to know if someone can link my a DB with a valid character created in the eqemu account or let me know what i need to do to get a char up. Thank you for your help in advance