View Full Version : Idea for a helpful tool

03-08-2004, 09:52 AM
I think it would make staff management a lot easier if someone could write a program that edits Accounts, Characters, Status, Zone Server Auth, Variables, Petitons, Bugs, Hackers, Guilds, and Logs. I know EqEmu Admin already does all this, but it's just too slow for remote editing, and nearly all the tables take 5 minutes or more to load. And if you're a busy guy like me, you don't have that kind of time. Just my 2 cents; thanks for listening.

03-08-2004, 10:29 AM
What do you expect better than MySQL Front, or MySQL CC ?

Only the blobs are cryptic, everything else is a easy as can be, isn't it ?

03-15-2004, 07:02 AM
Of course it is, but I'm a lazy guy.