View Full Version : DB - Unknow column error

04-13-2004, 01:05 AM
EQEmu : Version 0.5.5
Database : Fresh 0.5.5

Error :
[Status] Loading Objects from DB...
[Status] Loading Ground Spawns from DB...
Error in LoadGroundSpawns query 'SELECT max_x,max_y,max_z,min_x,min_y,heading,na
me,item,max_allowed,respawn_timer from ground_spawns where zoneid=58 limit 50' #
1054: Unknown column 'respawn_timer' in 'field list'
[Status] Loading doors for crushbone ...

I have 2 DB, first is MW55 called EQ, second is a DB im building called EQA. This error show up when i use EQA DB (Fresh 0.5.5), but when i use my 'old' MW55 DB, i dont have this error ... so ?
Note i still use the same EQEmu server, i only change database name in DB.ini.

I have only source EQA (Fresh 0.5.5) with Dumpeditems and iEQ, tryed without sourcing DumpedItem and iEQ and i still have this error.

04-13-2004, 01:17 AM
You need to add a respawn_timer field to your table:

ALTER TABLE `ground_spawns` ADD COLUMN `respawn_timer` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '300000';

04-13-2004, 01:49 AM
KhaN smack his head on the keyboard

Its me or you are mySQL Guru Govtcheeze !?

Btw, just to know, you think it was a modif i have done, or it was missing from db.sql ?

04-13-2004, 02:09 AM
I am always learning ;)

It is likely an error with db.sql...I found it was missing a lot of fields from tables including npc_types and items.

04-13-2004, 02:18 AM
If devs are not aware of the problems, you should PM one of them ... or maybe its already done :P
Thx btw.

04-17-2004, 08:50 AM
Hey Gov can you post a working db.sql with all the missing fields added ? It would help greatly.