View Full Version : A mean, hungry Norrath - Faction Update

06-17-2004, 04:30 AM
I've decided to make Norrath a mean place for my players. Most animals, insects, undead, and giants con KoS. With the help of Govtcheese and Rangerdown I wrote the following simple queries to change the faction of animals, insects, and undead to KoS. There are a few exceptions and more can be added easily by modifying the query. I've added other sql that i've written for my server. I remind you my server is not an easy one, so the code is written to make life a little tough in Norrath.

1. KoS animals, undead, insects, and giants:

DELETE FROM npc_faction USING npc_types RIGHT JOIN npc_faction ON npc_types.npc_faction_id = npc_faction.id WHERE npc_types.race <> 216 And npc_types.race <> 42 And npc_types.race <> 188 And npc_types.race <> 189 AND npc_types.bodytype = 21 Or npc_types.bodytype=4 or npc_types.bodytype=3 or npc_types.bodytype=22;

UPDATE npc_types SET npc_types.npc_faction_id = 3268 WHERE (((npc_types.race)<>216 And (npc_types.race)<>42 And npc_types.race)<>188 And (npc_types.race)<>189) AND (npc_types.bodytype=21 Or npc_types.bodytype=4 Or npc_types.bodytype=3 Or npc_types.bodytype=22);

DELETE FROM npc_faction_entries USING npc_faction_entries LEFT JOIN npc_faction ON npc_faction_entries.npc_faction_id = npc_faction.id WHERE npc_faction.id IS NULL;
INSERT INTO npc_faction (id,name,primaryfaction) VALUES 3268,'anim_insct_giant_undead',366);

2. Set all magical items to no drop - keeps from twinking and makes the game harder in general:

UPDATE items SET nodrop=0 WHERE magic=1;

3. Deletes almost all uber items from merchants:

DELETE FROM merchantlist USING merchantlist, items WHERE merchantlist.item=items.id AND items.magic=1;

4. Increased the base agro. Mobs start off more aggressive:

UPDATE faction_list SET base=base * 4 WHERE base < 0;

5. Increase the faction hit when killing mobs with faction (more in line with live eq):

UPDATE npc_faction_entries SET value = value * 12;

6. Give mobs pretty good AC relative to their level:

UPDATE npc_types SET AC=(((level*level)/1.1)+15) where AC=0;

This SQL works on MW_057DR3_alpha_1, with the npc_updates sourced, and the govtcheese faction upates sourced. Tested on Eqemu5.7DR-4 06/14/04 release.

I will be releasing more KoS updates for the higher end mobs in the next few weeks.

If there are questions, feel free to post on this forum. The AC line was compiled from another user, with a small mod. Thanks!


06-17-2004, 09:22 AM
Keep up the great work. I will be adding the faction updates to my script.

For anyone doing faction updates, PLEASE use SQL commands like above so everyone can update their DBs.

06-17-2004, 09:27 AM
4. Increased the base agro. Mobs start off more aggressive:

UPDATE faction_list SET base=base * 4;

Ehh, not quite. This will raise or lower the faction by a factor of 4. I think what you wanted is:

UPDATE faction_list SET base=base * 4 WHERE base < 0;

UPDATE faction_list SET base=base - (base * 4);

06-17-2004, 10:41 AM
Ehh, not quite. This will raise or lower the faction by a factor of 4. I think what you wanted is:

UPDATE faction_list SET base=base * 4 WHERE base < 0;

Yep thats what I wanted. Thanks for fix i'll edit post!