View Full Version : Similar to Sladdaya's problem

07-05-2004, 04:32 PM
I created a server, and it allows me to log in to it. However other people cannot log in to it. I used my IP address, not localhost or, but when I went to whatismyip.com I got the same IP I had for my internal IP. I assume it's right of course, because I know that in many cases this is true, but still, with that IP address, other people cannot log in to my server, please help!

07-05-2004, 04:59 PM
If you have the world ip set to, then you will be able to log into it, nobody else. If its set to the router ip / port address ex., then all the computer on your LAN will be able to connect. If its set to your extrenal IP, others can connect but you will usually not be able to (All those are with my experience anyways. I'm not sure if theres a fix, since minilogin is broken). I am able to set the world ip adress to my extrenal address, and make a couple zones my internal or extrenal IP and others are able to log in. They can't be in the same zone though...if you can't get your IP out of www.whatsmyip.org then try tracert ExternalIp in a MSDOS prompt

07-09-2004, 02:18 AM
k, i'll make this simple and fast. it should help you out.

1.) depends on what dr your running. check your world.exe for errors when they login. that'll help narrow it down alot..

2.) this is the fun part

start zone . ***.***.***.*** 7995

*'s = your external IP address.
to get this, go to start, run, "cmd" hit enter.
type in ipconfig

you should see something like.. ppp adapter, or something like that
look at the IP Address part, it WILL NOT start with 255, or 192.
that pretty much narrows it down.

this is most likely your problem. either a typo or a space or something in your boot5zones.bat file.