View Full Version : Some problems

08-08-2004, 01:53 PM
I searched and couldn't find anything that helped these problems.
First one is when I try to connect to my own server it says server not responding.
The second is that on my world.exe it says:
[Status] Loading variables..
[Status] Loading zones..
[Status] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=26619, max id=68199
[Error] DBLoadItems query 'SELECT charges,unknown002,unknown003,merchantprice,un
known005,unknown006,unknown007,unknown008,itemclas s,name,lore,idfile,id,weight,n
orent,nodrop,size,slots,cost,icon,unknown018,unkno wn019,unknown020,tradeskills,c
r,dr,pr,mr,fr,astr,asta,aagi,adex,acha,aint,awis,h p,mana,ac,deity,skillmodvalue,
skillmodtype,banedmgrace,banedmgamt,banedmgbody,ma gic,casttime2,hasteproclvl,req
level,bardtype,bardvalue,light,delay,reclevel,recs kill,elemdmgtype,elemdmgamt,ef
fecttype,range,damage,color,classes,races,unknown0 61,spellid,maxcharges,itemtype
,material,sellrate,unknown067,casttime,unknown069, proc_rate_mod,focusid,combatef
fects,shielding,stunresist,strikethrough,combatski ll,combatskilldmg,spellshield,
avoidance,accuracy,unknown081,factionmod1,factionm od2,factionmod3,factionmod4,fa
ctionamt1,factionamt2,factionamt3,factionamt4,char mfile,augtype,augslot1type,aug
slot2type,augslot3type,augslot4type,augslot5type,l donpointtheme,ldonpointcost,ld
onsold,bagtype,bagslots,bagsize,bagwr,unknown105,b ooktype,filename,banedmgamt2,a
ugmentrestriction,loreflag,pendingloreflag,artifac tflag,summonedflag,tribute,gmf
lag,endur,dotshielding,attackbonus,hpregen,manareg en,hastepercent,damageshield,m
instatus FROM items ORDER BY id', #1054: Unknown column 'unknown008' in 'field l
Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !cbDBLoadItems
[Error] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[Status] ./LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading guild ranks..
[Status] Loading ./addon.ini..
[Status] Loading EQ time of day..
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
Formatting drive C:
TCP listening on: localhost:9000
World server listening on: localhost:9000
Connected to LoginServer: eqemulator.net:5995

I sourced all the files under the database "EQ" that I have. (db.sql, newdumpeditems, itemtables, etc.)
Is there any way to fix it to finally run my server?

08-08-2004, 03:02 PM
You need to Source the newitemsdump.sql from the files for eqemu at Sourceforge, Then delete Items table in mysql and rename Items_new to Items

08-08-2004, 03:18 PM
Problem #2 FIXED! Thanks a bunch! :D

Now I will try my server to see if #1 is fixed.

08-09-2004, 03:55 AM
I got the same message before when I used Blastoma's perl enable compilations. What the problem was for me, is that my old configurations files got wrote over, i.e boot5zones.bat, loginserver.ini, db.ini. Check to make sure those files are correct.