View Full Version : I can't get items to work?

10-01-2005, 09:19 AM

I have my server up - and I have been able to log onto it - but I cannot get it to spawn any items.

I have tried to search this site for posts - without any luck though - so I decided to ask instead.

How do I get the items loaded? I tried the load_13thfloor_items.pl - but I haven't been able to use a commandline that turned out successful.

Thanks in advance for anyone who wants to help :) I hope someday that I can contribute with some support.


10-21-2005, 10:31 AM
Its a bit tricky but if i remember right this is how i did it.
make sure you have load_13thfloor_items.pl in your perl folder then bring up a cmd box abd type the following

cd C:\Perl\perl load_13thfloor_items.pl -d [databasehere] -u [mysqlusernamehere] -p [mysqlpasswordhere] <items.txt

i kept overlooking the load_13thfloor_items.pl part and couldnt get it to work.
hope that helps