View Full Version : need to reset mysql

12-17-2005, 10:56 PM
I have screwed up countless and countless times trying to get a minilogin server up and running, and I think that now the reason it isn't working is because mysql has all these screw ups in it. Is there any way to totally reset mysql or uninstall it?

12-18-2005, 01:18 AM
I have screwed up countless and countless times trying to get a minilogin server up and running, and I think that now the reason it isn't working is because mysql has all these screw ups in it. Is there any way to totally reset mysql or uninstall it?


It's pretty wierd to actually break MySQL. If you mean that your database is screwed, then you might want to drop it and re-initialise it. It all depends on if you've made many changes. On the assumption you havent made it work at all:

login to MySQL as root (or whatever the admin for windows is if you run MySQL on windows [boggle]). At the prompt type :

drop eqemu_database_whatever_its_name_is ;
create database eqemu_database_whatever_its_name_is ;

and then re-source the data like you did to set it up the first time.

Mind you, there should only be records in the variables table and the account table that relate to minilogin, so you might want to use ALTER, DELETE and INSERT queries to clear any data that is causing problems.


12-18-2005, 02:02 AM
Thanks much. I have everything sorted out now. I'm still not getting server working, but at least now I now where I'm at.