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View Full Version : Current emulators?

04-11-2006, 05:22 AM
hello, I did a search on this site for mmog emulators, found some topics about that, but they were outdated. Does anybody know an site that is currently open that might have info about many different ones. I am mostly interested in ones similiar in gameplay to EQ/DAoC/etc, rather than UO style. And ones that can be played on an LAN and over the net.

I would appreciate the help, thank you :)

P.S. if different people do post, I will make an compilation of all of them and check to see if they work and then post a new topic specifically to list those...would help maybe. Also, is it fine to post server links here?

So far.

DAOC Emulator

Dawn of Light http://dol.psykonikcorp.net/

EQ1 Emulator

EQ2 Emulator

Lineage 2 Emulator

L2J http://l2j.jot.com/L2J

Ragnarok Online Emulator

Ultima Online Emulator

04-11-2006, 05:29 AM
While I was working on getting my EQEmu to work, I ran across a Lineage 2 emulator that was fairly easy to get up and running. Two good websites to get you started are:

It's java based, and wasn't all that hard to setup. It's easier to get the L2 client versions to be the same as well. Longest part was actually downloading the L2 client, which runs about 2GB.
Also had a WoW emulator running, but it was really hard to find the software; Blizzard has evidently really been cracking down on those.

I also had a DAoC emulator running, but I couldn't get the quests to work, or the mobs to drop items, and I gave up on it when I found the L2J server. You can find most of the info for it at:
and the databases can be found at:
I know that someone is working on a FFXI emulator, but haven't been able to locate much information on it yet.

04-11-2006, 06:42 AM
Ahh well, this is one of those forums where edit can only be done for a certain amount of time, even for OP, can't keep it updated very well that way lol :)

http://www.swgemu.com/forums/ SWG emulator, in progress. have to copy and paste or have javascript disabled... otherwise clicking on the link autodirects you to legoes or teletubbies?!?!?!

04-11-2006, 06:50 AM
World of Warcraft server connection thingy, just click on WoWFE. Also has servers


04-11-2006, 07:21 AM
Only problem with WoWFE is that it just tells you which servers you can connect to; it doesn't let you download the actual software and databases that you need to run your own server. I did look through a few of the server listings to their homepages and found one or two that offered the files for download. What I would have given to have been able to find one of those a while back when I was actually looking for them.... lol..

04-12-2006, 12:58 AM
hello, I did a search on this site for mmog emulators, found some topics about that, but they were outdated. Does anybody know an site that is currently open that might have info about many different ones. I am mostly interested in ones similiar in gameplay to EQ/DAoC/etc, rather than UO style. And ones that can be played on an LAN and over the net.

I would appreciate the help, thank you :)

P.S. if different people do post, I will make an compilation of all of them and check to see if they work and then post a new topic specifically to list those...would help maybe. Also, is it fine to post server links here?

So far.

DAOC Emulator

Dawn of Lighthttp://dol.psykonikcorp.net/ (http://dol.psykonikcorp.net/)

EQ1 Emulator

EQ2 Emulator

Lineage 2 Emulator



Ragnarok Online Emulator

Ultima Online Emulator

Most of those are Junk.. have you ever played lin2 ... heh it stinks.

04-12-2006, 01:19 AM
This site should have all that you are looking for:


04-12-2006, 02:17 AM
Yeah, it would, except that they no longer report on emulators and haven't since June of 2004. It says it on their website that all of the news about emulators is anywhere from 1 to 5 years old. It is a good starting point for older games, but for any fairly new games, there won't be anything there.

I tend to agree with you a little on L2J, sdabbs, but the graphics were pretty good for that game. That's the main reason that I first started looking into it. I played the beta when it came out, but it was impossible to level because people were camping the towns and killing every low lvl toon that stepped outside of the city walls.. lol.. I'm just waiting for a fully working EQ2 emu now, so I can setup a private server on my lan with no lag.. heh

04-12-2006, 02:30 AM
I hear that.. EQ2 has been my favorite so far. Far better than any other MMORPG that I have played. Its a shame that the EQ2Emu site is down though...

04-12-2006, 10:55 AM
Not down, just in a break... Gotta wait till Lethal and Image come back :)

My 2 cents: EQ2 had good things and bad things, just the bad things flew up after the good things ran out...

1) Guild Houses
2) Tons of quests for Gear and levels
3) Awsome graphics
4) /pizza :)
5) Tradeskills and skills

1) Ran out of quests after hitting 15
2) Forced to group with players
3) Solo Exp sucks
4) Most other players suck too
5) YOU lose exp when group dies
6) Cash was too hard to get after you run out of quests
7) Being forced to group becuase exp sucks otherwise and then still getting very little more becuase of newbies in the group, SUCKS
8) Once again, EXP SUCKS HIGHER UP.
9) once you run out of the low level quests, then next thing to do is to switch town, but wait you cant unless your under 18 levels (*gasp*) OR wait untill your level 40+ to do last quest for unlocking forgloks and fabled flowing black silk sash or w/e :(

one last con... Lags like a retard in a wheel chair trying to chase a dog.

04-12-2006, 02:32 PM
Heh.. I've ran most of the *working* servers you've listed...

Current *working* EMU/Server list can be found in one place: http://www.shardwire.org/

Currently, I run a few of the servers listed .. 1 DAoC server, 2 WoW servers, 3 L2 servers (all L2J), and trying to get EQEmu up n going (Can't test it, since I don't have an old patch version)

I may try a few of the other EMU's, but thus far, I've discovered that the binary-format (IE .exe file) servers run the best.. messing with java seems to go bad when it comes to idle sockets.

L2J (Lineage II/Javabased)..

+ OpenSource
+ Works with LIVE
+ Easy to play on server (Uses live, but have to edit HOSTS file)
+ It's a work in progress, many developers updating SVN
- Tends to be very buggy (best uptime is around 4hours before the LoginServer goes nuts)
+ No large and bloated runtimes needed, just java.
+ Multiple World Server capable
+ Uses MySQL, any ver previous to 5 (4.0, 4.1.x)
+ Easy to write/find web portals that show character profiles, etc


- Not Quite OpenSource
- Works with WoW 1.8.0, NOT LIVE
+ Easy to play on server (No speacial mod escept realmlist.wtf)
+ Folks have repacks for Live WoW
+ HIGHLY stable (so far around 45days uptime with 0 errors)
- Does not use MySQL, DB is hacked same-header INI format. Uneditable, unreadable for PHP without alot of work.
+ Comes with a webserver, and some nice XML/XME's that you can IFrame in a web portal...

DAoC (Dawn of Light/Carpath)

+ OpenSource (Carpath isn't yet on SVN)
+ Works with LIVE version
+ Easy to play on server (simple launcher to start game.dll)
+ Special version called "Carpath" is the most stable and fully-featured.
+ Highly stable (around 23 days uptime, no errors)
+ Uses MySQL 4.1 - easy web portal/profiles
+ Written in C# (CSharp), not too hard to understand for Krylix and PHP writers.
- Current DB is still somewhat lacking (mostly low-end tradeskill items on merchants, otherwise it's decently filled).

04-17-2006, 05:08 AM
DAoC (Dawn of Light/Carpath)

sucks up all my ram so I quit hosting it...
as far as the other I still host many of them for myself to enjoy of course.

04-25-2006, 05:37 AM





As new emu's found before added to list's above look here:

some others not included above (some dead, some not):

the unofficial eAthena (Ragnarok Online Emu) mirror:

helbreath mmorpg emu (TXT & SQL versions):

more to come have to check my emu mmorpg bookmarks.

05-08-2006, 03:16 PM

- Not Quite OpenSource
- Works with WoW 1.8.0, NOT LIVE
+ Easy to play on server (No speacial mod escept realmlist.wtf)
+ Folks have repacks for Live WoW
+ HIGHLY stable (so far around 45days uptime with 0 errors)
- Does not use MySQL, DB is hacked same-header INI format. Uneditable, unreadable for PHP without alot of work.
+ Comes with a webserver, and some nice XML/XME's that you can IFrame in a web portal...

I dont knwo what wow emu you used but with UWC 1.3.4 you can use 1.10 in fact wowemu hasnt been limited to 1.8 in a very very long time

and on top of that mangos is almost finished and that will be a full mysql run server for wow

considering there are over a dozen different types of wow emus runnin around might wanna specify.

i only wish eqemu ran half as good as wowemu :x

05-08-2006, 10:17 PM
I dont knwo what wow emu you used but with UWC 1.3.4 you can use 1.10 in fact wowemu hasnt been limited to 1.8 in a very very long time

Wowemu 1.10 is a perpetual hack of wow client, very unstable, and you don't have last client features like weather... The only real emulation working with 1.10 is mangos, but need many many many work for release it (alpha 0.5 now).

05-16-2006, 02:28 AM

Most of your negatives about EQ2 are totally wrong. My quest book is almost full and I'm well over level 15. Also, I prefer to solo over grouping and thats how I went from like 18 to 28. You are never forced to group (solo instances are all over). Finally, you never lose xp... I don't have any idea what you're talking about with that.

Let me guess: You like WoW don't you?

05-16-2006, 04:36 AM
Belfedia - is the wowemu the same/similar one to WoWwow emu?

I have all the WoWwow emu beta files since the site appears to be gone.


05-16-2006, 06:36 AM
wowemu is the original emulation sell by wad
Wowow is a project (who continue on a nother website but it was secret i read).
Mangos is a totally open source emulator.

3 are differents.

09-21-2006, 04:54 PM
Not up to date possibly.

Anarchy Online Emulator
Link for AOoffline DL (http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/sf/a/ao/aoemulator/AOE-0.0.9.rar) (discontinued?)

City of Heroes Emulator
CoH Emulator (http://www.cohemu.net/index_text.php)

DAOC Emulator
Dawn of Light (http://dol.psykonikcorp.net/)
COADServer (http://www.coadserver.com/) (dead?)

EQ1 Emulator
EQEmulator (http://www.eqemulator.net/main.php)

EQ2 Emulator

Final Fantasy XI
Project XI (projectxi.sf.net)

Legend of Mir 2
Forum to setup (http://forum.ragezone.com/legend-mir-2/)

Lineage 1 Emulator
LOSE (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lose/) (discontinued 01/2005)

Lineage 2 Emulator
L2J (http://l2j.jot.com/L2J) Setup help follows

Matrix Online Emulator
The Matrix Online Server (http://tmosim.sourceforge.net/[/url) (reverse engineers needed)
MXOemu (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mxoemu/) (main site not working anymore? only found sourceforge)

Neocron Emulator
Neocron window/linux emulators (http://forum.linux-addicted.org/)

Phantasy Star Online
SCHTHACK (http://pages.globetrotter.net/ctrep/)

Ragnarok Online Emulator
Prometheus Project (http://prometheus.fnae.net/forum/index.php?act=home)
Omniathena (http://sourceforge.net/projects/omniathena)
eAthena (http://eathena.deltaanime.net/board/)
Project Freya (http://www.project-freya.net/) (installation help follows)
http://www2.newpaltz.edu/~kim401/freyaguide/freya.html Installation Help

Odin Project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/odin-project/) (discontinued?)

Shadowbane Emulator
Shadowbane emulator (http://shadowbaneemulator.com/) in progress

Silk Road Online Emulator
SRemu (http://darkinc.org/sremu/)

Star Wars Galaxies Emulator
SWGEMU (http://forums.swgemu.com/)

Tibia Emulator aka savage eden aka biosfear aka laghaim
Open Tibia (otserv.pl) non english site
TNGemu (http://www.tngemu.com/) english in progress

Ultima Online Emulator
RunUO (http://www.runuo.com/)
Canera Project (http://www.canera-project.com/) (artwork/animations for UO)
MyUO (http://myuo.sourceforge.net/)
POL server (http://polserver.com/) (temporary webpage till real one comes up)
Sphereserve (http://www.sphereserver.net/forums/index.php)

World of Warcraft Emulator
WAD (http://www.home.no/nirvanadoom/)
Setup directions (http://forum.ragezone.com/world-warcraft/server-online-find-out-how-connect-here-123947.html)