View Full Version : Old Models

04-14-2006, 04:35 AM

My server is running the latest 6.6 and I have all the old models, even with models turned on.. Is there a way to get the new models up and running? You cannot even create a vah shir or froglok character because it says something about not having the luclin expansion (which I do). Other players are having the same troubles.. I looked through the mysql database and really found nothing pertaining to models or expansions. If someone could direct me to a code I need or some update I might of missed, I would be glad. Im running the Peq Luclin beta database at the current time.

04-14-2006, 04:46 AM
Within the variables table there should be a variable named something like "expansions" (might not be exact). This should be set to 255. If you do not have any rows in your variables table, source the following:

INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('LoginType', '', 'Set this to Minilogin to login using a minilogin server :)', '2006-03-11 11:59:56');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('MOTD', 'Welcome to my custom server!!', 'Server Message of the Day', '2006-03-11 12:04:57');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('disablecommandline', '0', 'Allow command lines to be run from world.exe | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '2004-10-20 07:49:25');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('PersistentZoneState', '0', 'Save zone state on shutdown for bootup | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('decaytime 1 54', '300', 'Corpse decay time for Level\'s 1 to 54', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('decaytime 55 100', '1800', 'Corpse decay time for Level\'s 55 to 100', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('Max_AAXP', '21626880', 'Max AA Experience', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ZSPassword', '12345', 'Zone Server Password', '2005-06-02 21:32:56');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('loglevel', '0000', 'Commands,Merchants,Trades,Loot', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('MerchantsKeepItems', '1', 'Merchants keep items sold to them | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '2004-08-27 18:12:07');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('GuildWars', '0', 'Enable Guild Wars Type Server | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('leavecorpses', '1', 'Players leave corpses | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '2004-10-19 20:41:59');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('holdzones', '1', 'Restart Crashed Zone Servers | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '2004-09-19 15:05:13');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('EXPMod', '.8', 'Experience multipler. Increase to increase exp rate', '2005-02-04 11:37:19');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('GroupEXPBonus', '.2', 'Experience multipler. Increase to increase group exp rate', '2004-11-10 15:00:37');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('AAXPMod', '.9', 'AA Experience multipler. Increase to increase exp rate', '2004-09-21 23:51:08');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('Expansions', '255', 'Accessible expansions for each player', '2004-04-03 21:54:03');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ServerType', '0', 'Sets server type | 0 - normal | 1 - pvp |', '2004-10-28 11:09:41');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('DisableNoDrop', '0', 'Takes No-Drop off of items', '2004-10-28 11:08:04');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ACfail', '35', 'the percentage of time AC fails to protect. 0 would mean there was always some level of protection, 100 would mean AC has no affect. When AC fails, it will be possible to get a max dmg hit.', '2005-02-04 11:36:09');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ACreduction', '1', 'the percentage of AC that is ALWAYS reduced from a hit (except when AC fails with ACfail) \n\n', '2004-11-03 10:24:23');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ACrandom', '3', 'the maximum amount of additional protection AC provides. 0 would mean no additional protection is provided, otherwise an additional amount of reduction is calculated using a random percentage of 1 to this value (except when AC fails with ACfail) \n', '2005-02-04 11:36:15');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('DBVersion', 'PEQ Luclin beta 1', 'DB version info', '2006-03-11 12:05:06');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('LootCoin', '0', 'Allows players to loot coin off a player corpse in pvp | 0 - off | 1 - on |', '2004-11-08 07:28:26');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('PvPreward', '0', 'Allows players to loot items off a player corpse in pvp | 0 - no items | 1 - a single item | 2 - all items | 3 - item specified in PvPreward |', '2004-11-08 07:28:35');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('PvPitem', '0', 'Specific item that can be looted off a player in pvp', '2004-11-08 07:28:08');
INSERT INTO variables VALUES ('ailevel', '6', '', '2005-04-12 18:20:14');

04-14-2006, 05:01 AM
Thanks! :)