View Full Version : Zone.exe crash

08-20-2006, 08:39 AM
Hey, I have a rather strange problem and Although it's related to clientside and not not directly related to the emu server itself, I was curious if anyone can tell me where to look to fix this...

I have about a half dozen friends that play with me on my server regularly, of which all but 2 don't ever have any problems with my server with anything (beyond the known bugs and whatnot of course)

The other two have an interesting issues however...

One of them whenever they log in will crash the zone they are in at some random amount of time has passed, this can be immediately or after 3 hours, it's appears to have no pattern at all... makes it a pain when we are all together however as the player will crash thezone and LD all of us at the same time, but when I'm in some other zone doing whatever and her zone crashed, I'm perfectly fine where I am, so it definately is just her zone.

The other person has an issue where he goes link dead when he dies, but not all the time, usually if he's bound in the same zone he dies in that will do it, but sometimes he just randomly will, this may be a bug or it may just be him, I'm not sure which...

Anyways I'm the only one with real computer knowledge among my friends so they give me open access to their machine to fix stuff, Was just wondering if anyone knows where I might locate these problems or what?

My theory is that it's likely because their machines are old and degenerate, because the newer machine players are the ones that run fine, but the older machine players are the ones with the problems... I can see the crash out of server being caused by this, but would it crash the zone on my server because the player has a bad computer? Not really sure how that'd work but thought i'd ask and see if anyone could give me some ideas.


08-20-2006, 09:47 AM
Check your zone and world read out when the crashes happen, it should tell you why there, if you dont understand what its saying copy / paste it here.

Hard to say whats up without the error there giving.

08-20-2006, 03:15 PM
Ok, had her log up and play the 5 minutes it took her to crash the zone, and I watched world.exe.... nothing, not a single line to suggest something even happened... techniqually it didn't even say the zone dropped until after her LD character left the zone, at which point it said the following:

[debug] [WORLD_ZONELIST] Removing zoneserver #4 at :7002
[debug] [WORLD_ZONELIST] Hold Zones mode is ON - rebooting lost zone
[debug] [WORLD_LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_04 reported state STOPPED (1 starts)
[debug] [WORLD_LAUNCH] zones: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (2 starts)

Then from there it just says the normal connecting to port yada yada it says whenever any zone pops up...

So... that doesn't seem so helpful heh