View Full Version : quests not working... (Ubuntu)

05-08-2007, 02:45 AM
I am using Ubuntu 6.06, mysql 5.0, and latest server code, latest DB code, and latest quest package, and all works ok when i delete quests folder, but when quest folder is in his place, i get a error and zone crashes. it happens me since eqemu server code 0.7.0 - 944 aprox. and i am getting a error when compiling, using 'make clean' and 'make' (but this error let me continue compiling):

/bin/sh: -D_REENTRANT: not found

any idea? I wasnt getting that error when quests was working

05-08-2007, 12:15 PM
looks like your make file is fubar. the -Dreentrant "not found" means that part of the compile line is broken from the preceeding text and the shell is interpreting it as a stand alone command (and not a command flag of the preceeding command, gcc, in this case)

double check to make sure your make file doesnt have any spurious ^M's or other corruption.

== sfisque

05-10-2007, 01:52 AM
make file looks correct, thank you anyways sfisque...

i have downloaded today 7 different versions of server, and i ll try all this night, because quests was working for me in eqemu 0.944 and not working since 0.992, then i go to try server versions between 0.944-0.992, but i think that the problem could to be the new system of zone implemented, or the new 'make depend'....

FatherNitwit: Finally rewrote 'make depend' to properly track dependencies in linux builds

05-10-2007, 05:37 PM
finally it is fixed!!

05-10-2007, 05:54 PM
So what happend? I'm not a linux buff or anything, but if someone else has a similar problem, they can search and maybe see your solution?

05-10-2007, 07:17 PM
i hadnt created table quest_globals...and there isnt information on create table script on changelog.txt, i discovered it when i saw:

WildcardX: (Bleh) Fixed quest globals.
WildcardX: Fixed the common error message MakeNameUnique() has been recording in logs about being unable to make a unique name for mobs greater than 100 in a zone.

Required SQL:
ALTER TABLE quest_globals CHANGE expdate expdate INT;

And i saw that i hadnt that table in my DB...then i surfed on server code and i did a create table script.