View Full Version : Easy Best employer in a network Fast Money

07-27-2007, 10:28 PM
Hi! I wish to offer you the best earnings in-home.
Does not happen easier. .
Also you can simply will relax and to see [url=http://I_Spam_EqEmu.com (http://I'm_a_Dumb-Shit.com[/url).
The most beautiful idiots want will more idiots like me.
Do not miss the chance to earn from .
You are more detailed can learn [url=http://hateful-spammers.com (http://stupid-asses.com[/url).
And I want to add, if you are dumb enough to so much as go to my web or any other spam-bot's web, and not just buy, but even browse , then you deserve to get ripped off and commandeered by my Java trojans that are waiting for suckers like you :)

07-28-2007, 12:30 AM
They should at least teach a bot to type in proper English. :shock:

07-28-2007, 12:49 AM
They should at least teach a bot to type in proper English. :shock:
Yea, makes you really want to trust a guy like that with your credit card number and all other information he'll be asking for.

07-28-2007, 03:18 AM
Yea, makes you really want to trust a guy like that with your credit card number and all other information he'll be asking for.

Rofl @ edits :P