View Full Version : Tutorialb package for all database

10-28-2007, 12:39 AM
Tutorialb (Mines of Gloomingdeep);
I made this for Cavedude and PEQ database (will merge into current PEQ), but it should work with any database.
For other DB, Loot-tables numbers should merge, but if they don't, you can easily re-number, as they've been re-grouped.
Be sure to run "DeleteTutorialb.sql" before you do anything, and backup what you have before you start.
You can use Tutorialb in one of three ways, according to which ever Arias.pl you activate;

First one is the active one, it doesn't need PoK, there will be an "Arias" agent in most the noobie towns, and Arias will send you back and forth to characters home town- the "Arias2 ( Gloomingdeep Agent)" npcs are pre-sourced into 15 starter zones, but not spawned, you only need spawn them, best place is near the PoD in that zone.

"#AriasLoY.pl" has a quest I added, that involves killing the highest mob in Gloomingdeep (Krenshin), bring proof and you get your level/spells pushed up to 35, moved/bound in Guunthak and ready for LoY zones, else you want to level normal and go to PoK (you must use Tutorialb as only starter zone).
Arias: "Many riches those pirates carry, you could attain an impressive [status] if you weren't killed first"

And finally, if you use Tutorialb as starter zone for all characters, there's the "#AriasORG.pl" which sends you with a one-way ticket to PoK.

Here's the Sql for switching starter-zones to tutorialb;
Only thing here is, if you want to later on go back to all zones as starters, then you should first make a back up of your current starter-zones. You need to edit the sql file and replace the database name with what ever database you use.

Here's all I can think of that I left out, is the oven you need for the baking quest;
INSERT INTO object VALUES (52842,189,12.2,-143.3,16,207.1,0,0,"IT69_ACTORDEF",15,1114,0,0,6840,1926,0,2138279578,0,0,0,18670,0, 2147483647,0);

If you don't see scripts/quests working, make sure you have your "quest_globals" tables up to date and properly running. ("expdate" should default to "null")

10-28-2007, 11:28 AM
Wow thanks very much Angelox,
Very much appreciated.

John Adams
10-29-2007, 11:37 AM
Excellent work as usual, Ax. :)

Thank you!

10-29-2007, 11:56 AM
The factions are what would need to be tweaked if you used this,they are all there, but you may need to set them in;
Use your PEQ Editor and search for "Gloomingdeep" - four will be revealed , you should be able to fix from there.
Faction is important here, as there's no fast way out of the mines, and you might need protection from the residents and guards there.