View Full Version : If the shoe fits play emu!lil help here shawn!lol

06-15-2002, 05:00 PM
If its not illegal i need to know the GM commands or how to make it list the GM commands like making spawns and changing races and stuff!thanks guys :p

06-16-2002, 03:30 AM
in game type #help or /help then you can type #help serverop #help GM and so on.... its also in the readme!

06-16-2002, 04:26 AM
its all in the readme.

Command list:

EQEMu Commands:

#itemsearch [id] searches item database
#summonitem [id] summon item
#goto [x,y,z] warps you to coords
#zone [zonename] zones to safepoint in zonename
#zonestatus shows what zones are up
#guild guild commands (type for more info)
#showstats Shows what the server thinks your stats are

EQEMu Priviliged User Commands (10):

#level [id] sets target level.
#heal (PC ONLY) completely heals target
#spawn lets you spawn a creature
#dbspawn [npctypeid]
#mana replenishes target PC mana
#texture [texture] [helmtexture] (0-255, 255 for show equipment)
#gender [0-2] (0=male, 1=female, 2=neuter)
#npctypespawn [npctype]

EQEMu Very Priviliged User Commands (20):

#size [size] sets your targets size
#FindSpell [spellname]
#CastSpell [id]
#setskill [skill num (0-73)] [number (0-255)] - Sets the targeted player's skill to number.
#setallskill [0-255] - Sets all of the targeted player's skills to number.
#race [0-255] (0 for back to normal)

EQEMu Quest Troupe Commands (80):

#npcloot [show/money/add/remove] [itemid/all/money: pp gp sp cp] - Adjusts the loot
#npcstats - shows the stats of the targetted NPC.
#zheader [zone name/none] - Change the sky/fog/etc. of the current zone.
#zsky [sky number] - Changes the sky of the current zone.
#zcolor [red] [green] [blue] - Changes the fog colour of the current zone.
#zstats - Shows the zone header data for the current zone.
#timeofday - Sets the date to Monday, Janurary 1st, 1 at the specified time.
#date - Sets the time to the specified date.
#weather <0/1/2> - Off/Rain/Snow.
#permaclass <classnum> - Changes your class.
#permarace <racenum> - Changes your race.
#permagender <0/1/2> - Changes your gender.
#emote - Sends an emotish message, type for syntax
#invul [1/0] - Makes the targeted player invulnerable to attack
#hideme [0/1] - Removes you from the spawn list
#npccast [targetname] [spellid] - Makes the targeted NPC cast on [targetname]
#zclip [min clip] [max clip] - Changes the clipping plane of the current zone

EQEMu GM Commands (100):

#kill kills your selected target
#damage [id] inflicts damage upon target.
#setxp sets target exp
/broadcast [text] broadcasts text
/pr [text] sends text over GMSAY
/lastname - Sets a player's lastname
/name - Sets a player's name
/server - Same as #zonestatus
#Depop Depops targeted NPC
#DepopZone Depops the zone
#Repop [delay] Repops the zone, optional delay in seconds
#zuwcoords [number] - Changes the underworld coordinates of the current zone.
#zsafecoords [x] [y] [z] - Changes the safe coordinates of the current zone.
#ListNPCs Lists all the NPCs currently spawned
#ListNPCCorpses Lists all NPC corpses in the zone
#ListPlayerCorpses Lists all player corpses in the zone
#DeleteNPCCorpses Deletes all NPC corpses in the zone
#freeze - Freezes your current target.
#unfreeze - Unfreezes your current target.
#gm on/off - Turns your GM flag on or off (Green name)
#npcspecialattk - Allows you to set the special attack flags by selecting the NPC
#gmspeed [on|off] - Toggles GMSpeed Hack (Zone for it to take affect)
#pvp [on|off] - Toggles your player killer flag

EQEMu Lead-GM Commands (150):

#summon [charname] summons a player to you
#attack [charname] - Make targetted npc attack [charname]
#kick [charname] kicks player off of the server
#zoneshutdown [ZoneID | ZoneName] shuts down the zoneserver
#zonebootup [ZoneID] [ZoneName] boots ZoneName on the zoneserver specified
#deletecorpse - delete targeted player corpse
#DeletePlayerCorpses - deletes all player corpses in the zone
#motd [New MoTD Message] Changes the server's MOTD
#lock Locks the worldserver
#unlock Unlocks the world server

EQEMu ServerOP Commands (200):

#shutdown shuts down the server.
#worldshutdown shuts down the worldserver and all zones
#flag [name] [status] flags account with GM status
#delacct [name] deletes an EQEmu account.
#zsave [file name] - Save the current zone header to ./cfg/<filename>.cfg
#dbspawn2 [spawngroup] [respawn] [variance]
#version shows build date of zone.exe

06-16-2002, 06:34 AM