View Full Version : One step from the fantastic EQ EMu World

06-18-2002, 03:47 AM
Hello, it is me newbie again :)
I got some problems in entering the World after create characters.

Current System: Windows 2000 Professional

EQ EMu Version:

Here is my World.exe during the whole process:
(I change my real IP address to "My IP" , it DOES actually show out my real IP address in the log.)

LoginServer.ini read.
Using database 'eq' at localhost
Loading zone names & items...done.
Loading guild ranks...done.
World server listening on: "My IP":9000
Connected to LoginServer: eqlogin2.eqemu.org:5999
New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #1
New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #2
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo:

"My IP":7995
New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #3
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo:

"My IP":7996
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo:

"My IP":7998
New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #4
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo:

"My IP":7999
New TCP connection:
New zoneserver: #5
Zoneserver SetConnectInfo:

"My IP":7997

The 5 zone windows is the same like below:

Using database 'eq' at localhost
Loading zone names, items & NPCs...done.
Spells loaded from 'spdat.eff'.
Loading guild ranks...done.
Loading faction data...done.
Connected to worldserver:
Entering sleep mode

Okay, I followed all the steps (But I am not using the MiniLogin method), everything looks fine and I run EQw.exe.

Good, I type in my login name and password and it suceeded!

There are many servers but only 2 green servers (1 locked), I choosed the remaining server and click "Play EverQuest".

Oh yeah, here it comes the character selection windows, I created a Wood elf bard and it is created!! And it said the starting zone is G Fay.

Sure I press the start game with that character selected... Strange thing happens :) , it is back to the server choosing windows after some loading time, if try to log into the same server again, my character is still here! But same problem again.

Please help such a poor me :) Thanks for reading my damn long post and hope you all can help me, Thanks again :)

06-18-2002, 04:03 AM
First off, I think the "green" servers are running eqemu v3.4
Also, You don't need to run that other stuff if you are just joining someone elses server.

Please refer to this thread if you need more info. :)

06-18-2002, 06:11 AM
First off, I think the "green" servers are running eqemu v3.4

Not completely true. you'll have to ask an op in the chat room who's running 0.3.4 (NONSTABLE). hogiebane and Images Dev Server are the only ones confirmed to be running 0.3.4.

06-18-2002, 12:14 PM
Ohh, I understand something heh.... :) (Don't beat me pls~ lol)
if I just want to play EQ in the hogiebane server, I just need to patch fully and edit the eqhost.txt to the suitable one (Done), using EQw.exe or either "eqgame patchme" and play.(Done also.)

That means , if I was patched.... just yesterday... I need to wait the Hogiebane server to update ? Thanks :)

Damn, what the hell is this newbie asking? :)

06-18-2002, 01:53 PM
pretty much, but if you are going to patch JUST to use 0.3.4, you better back up your files before doing it.