View Full Version : Planar Progression :

08-11-2008, 11:09 AM
Tier 1 - Plane of Justice (Trial of Execution) :

You can only do this quest with a single group. Completing this quest (or any of the other trials) will give you access to the Plane of Storms and the Plane of Valor

Talk to Mavuin in the basement cellblock. Hail him and follow the dialogue. He will ask you to plead his case before the Tribunal, aggreeing will grant you a character flag.

Head to the area with The Tribunal, and ask them about Mavuin. Following the dialog, saying "I am prepared" to each Tribunal will give you description of the six trials.

You say, 'Hail, The Tribunal'

The Tribunal fixes you with a dark, piercing gaze. 'What do you want, mortal?'

You say, 'I am prepared.'

The Tribunal nods slightly. 'Very well. When you are ready, you may begin the trial of execution. The victim will perish should the hooded executioner reach him. Its life will end only when all of the nemeses which accompany it also perish. We shall judge the mark of your success.'

When you are ready:

You say, 'I am ready to begin the trial of execution.'

The Tribunal says 'Then begin.'

Your group will be teleported to the event area where you will only get a few seconds before things start.

This trial goes in four waves. When you start the trial, an executioner will spawn at the far end of the room. Your job is to protect the prisoners from being executed. Four waves of Mobs will spawn. Kill them as fast as you can because the Executioner moves toward the prisoners as you attempt to kill the mobs and if you are not fast enough he will kill the prisoner and your trial will have failed. Each wave goes faster than the one before it, so try to conserve mana on the early ones so that you can do some serious nuking by the last one.

After you have killed off the fourth wave, you need to then kill the executioner. Killing him wins the trial and wins you the Mark of Execution.

This line does'nt work. You're alone to be teleported. ;-)

__________________________________________________ ________
Source : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=2208

08-11-2008, 02:06 PM
The way the quest currently works is it will teleport up to 6 people to the trial area.
quests (http://eqemuquests.cvs.sourceforge.net/eqemuquests/peq_quests/)/pojustice (http://eqemuquests.cvs.sourceforge.net/eqemuquests/peq_quests/pojustice/)/201078.pl (http://eqemuquests.cvs.sourceforge.net/eqemuquests/peq_quests/pojustice/201078.pl?view=markup) (Execution Tribunal):

30 if($text=~/trial of execution/i && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1 && $execution == 5)
31 {
32 quest::movepc(201,192,-1055,75);
33 quest::say("Then begin.");
34 $execution=6;
35 }
36 if($text=~/trial of execution/i && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1 && $execution == 4)
37 {
38 quest::movepc(201,192,-1055,75);
39 quest::say("Then begin.");
40 $execution=5;
41 }
43 if($text=~/trial of execution/i && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1 && $execution == 3)
44 {
45 quest::movepc(201,192,-1055,75);
46 quest::say("Then begin.");
47 $execution=4;
48 }
50 if($text=~/trial of execution/i && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1 && $execution == 2)
51 {
52 quest::movepc(201,192,-1055,75);
53 quest::say("Then begin.");
54 $execution=3;
55 }
56 if($text=~/trial of execution/i && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1 && $execution == 1)
57 {
58 quest::movepc(201,192,-1055,75);
59 quest::say("Then begin.");
60 $execution=2;
61 }
62 if($text=~/trial of execution/i && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1 && $execution == undef)
63 {
64 quest::say("Then begin.");
65 quest::movepc(201,192,-1055,75);
66 $execution=1;
67 quest::settimer(47,30);
68 quest::signal(201076,15000);
69 }
72 if(($text=~/Hail/i or $text=~/prepared/) && ($execution > 5) && $pop_poj_mavuin == 1) #prevent access if timer started
73 {
74 quest::say("I'm sorry, the Trial of Execution is currently underway.");
75 }

There is a quest function to teleport a group to a location, but I'm not sure if it works properly. If so, I think it would be better to use it instead.

From the Wiki (http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=QuestTutorial):
quest::movegrp(zoneid,x,y,z) - Moves the user's Group that triggered the Event to the provided zone and loc.

I do know that movegrp was added in after the quest was created, so this is why it is probably still the same. But that's also why we have cavedude (http://www.projecteq.net/) :-)

08-11-2008, 02:32 PM
movegrp does not (or at least at the time, did not) work properly, which is why the script was written as it is.I'm not sure if the function works now or not I'll have to try that out.

08-11-2008, 02:52 PM
Right. The trial was written with the understanding that each member of the group would have to say the phrase to enter, and that up to six would be allowed inside if that was the case. (Assuming that all of them had done the proper pre-flagging portion of talking to Mavuin.)

08-11-2008, 04:29 PM
The movegrp command does work, but only partially. Currently, it moves the whole group accept for the initiator...

So, I just have my quests do this:

quest::movegrp(304, 0,0,0);
quest::movepc(304, 0,0,0);

And that works perfectly for moving the entire group every time.