View Full Version : Developer Islands in some zones

10-06-2008, 03:01 PM
In some zones I have found islands in the sky that were apparently either scrapped ideas for the zone, a place for GM's to hang out in a zone without being seen, or just development tests. I have used a few of them on the server I am building for events. Just wondering if anyone else has found some neat spots that I can use. Some of them actually look pretty nice. If you know of any places please post the zone and x,y,z coords so I can check it out.

I like the idea that I can create some of my content in areas unexplored by 99% of people without having to give out a patch.

10-06-2008, 03:41 PM
What are some examples you have found so far?

10-06-2008, 03:52 PM
One place that is not too impressive at all is in the load2 zone. Which has quite a bit of unfinished areas in it btw. Load and load2 both have multiple little buildings and islands in the sky.

Church which I put a few NPC and quests in.
do a #zone load2
/goto -323 602 -91

Just a small block surrounded by darkness. I put a boss up here. The story behind him is that he was banished to a place of darkness by the gods. ( Gods play a big part on my server.
#zone load
/goto -117 45 -117.06

Neither of these are too impressive, there are some places that have grass and trees, buildings, etc

10-06-2008, 05:21 PM
One place that is not too impressive at all is in the load2 zone. Which has quite a bit of unfinished areas in it btw. Load and load2 both have multiple little buildings and islands in the sky.

Church which I put a few NPC and quests in.
do a #zone load2
/goto -323 602 -91

Just a small block surrounded by darkness. I put a boss up here. The story behind him is that he was banished to a place of darkness by the gods. ( Gods play a big part on my server.
#zone load
/goto -117 45 -117.06

Neither of these are too impressive, there are some places that have grass and trees, buildings, etc

I was just messing around in load2, and if you turn #flymode on & #goto -323 602 500 or -1000 0 1000, you can see a bunch of other areas, although you can't really go right to them. Here are a few I have found so far:

Cauldron: 493 6 -980
Tavern: -185 59 -864
Stonehenge: -944 60 512
Some sort of castle room: -253 -848 -180
Library: 682 -834 131

10-06-2008, 09:27 PM
In Assent there is a "fake" floating island.
if you start from the low end of the zone and go up you will reach the open area on the top and you can see another island in the distance, but you click the gate to port to next island you in fact been transported to another island where zone continues, and island in the middle is in fact unreachable by normal means. I don't have the coor atm but this is what you can look what

10-07-2008, 02:25 AM
Hey thanks guys, I been looking for places to put some special events.