View Full Version : What's a good DB editor?

10-06-2008, 03:59 PM
Can anyone suggest their favorite DB editor? I can't get GeorgeS to work no matter what I do. It insists that the DB.ini file is wrong despite my being able to connect to the database from the same computer using the exact same credentials in another program. I'm just looking for something for now that would make item insertion / editing easier.

10-06-2008, 04:41 PM
There is several tools to help you, I have listed some below and there purpose

1. Mysql Query Browser (I use it for regular database editing, you can find it at mysql.com)

2. PHPMyAdmin (It runs through a web server using PHP, VERY Nice)

3. EQEditor - Used to edit the player profile in the `character_` table. This is a must have (I also built it), check it out at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/emueqeditor/

4. PEQ Editor - Used to help editing NPCs, Item Loots, etc. Find it at http://www.projecteq.net

10-06-2008, 04:43 PM
For some things I use GeorgeS tools, for others I use the PEQ editor. For some I just use the Query Browser. And I have some tools that I wrote that I use as well. Did you install the ODBC stuff that you need for GeorgeS tools?

10-06-2008, 04:46 PM
You also need to run the register_ocx.bat in the recourse directory for GeorgeS tools. If I was you, I would keep trying to get them working. They are pretty simple once you have the right things installed for them (mainly just MyODBC Drivers from GeorgeS downloads). His tools are by far the easiest to just jump right in and start changing things even if you know very little about how everything works. His tool suite is also the most complete of all tools and includes almost every aspect of running a server.