View Full Version : Updating from peq server pack

12-11-2008, 02:58 AM
Hi all,

Im just wondering if anyone can tell me if i should do this and if so give me a quick step by step run through of what should be done.

Im using PEQServerPack-4.0-1110a for the install my server is all up and running and i have a specific setup which works with hamachi. I wanted to make sure i was upto date with all of my server files and databases and such. I went ahead and dled EQEmu-7.0.0-1129 and dled with wincvs the database stuff i initially tried to copy over all the eqemu files from 7.0 into my current folder this messed up my install so redid the server pack install and got everything back to the way it was until i figure out what exactly i should be doing.

Thank you for any help

12-21-2008, 12:26 AM
Im still currently at the same stage but i do have everything pretty much in the server running correctly .map files are all installed im just wanting to make sure i do the next part right do i just copy over all the files from the newest revision and change the mysql stuff according to the changelog in there? or is there more for me to do. Thanks for your help