View Full Version : Eqemu Npc Code Generator

08-17-2002, 05:31 AM
Washer has developed a new little proggie but had some probs uploading it here anyway this is the link to his nifty new proggie.

08-17-2002, 06:49 AM
Whos Washer?

08-17-2002, 07:30 AM
It's pretty helpful for new people.. but they should know it from #help sense it gives perfectly good detail on how..

As for levels and hp.. you need to set the limit because people might get errors over high levels and not know that 255 (i think thats max) is the highest level.

(not a flame) but its not that useful.

08-17-2002, 12:20 PM
No source code?

08-17-2002, 02:50 PM
why would you need it.. its not that hard to make :o

08-18-2002, 03:05 AM
I don't run any VB program from people I don't know. Too many script kiddies out to get you. Like image asked who is he. I have never seen him on the chat channels or forums so how much I would love run the program I won't til I see the source code.

08-18-2002, 03:11 AM
He was in the chat last night and was asking for help nobody helped him but me.

08-18-2002, 09:43 AM
That's too bad. :o If I were there I would've helped unless it was a how to setup a eqemu server question.

08-18-2002, 01:32 PM
so what are the features of this... a little description would be great...

08-18-2002, 02:03 PM
its like.. you put in a name.. level.. hp.. race.. class and it just tells you whats the #spawn info.

Kind've useless if you ask me.

08-18-2002, 02:28 PM
hehe, if you want that you could just use my spawner program that puts it into a txt file for you to put in the database.

08-18-2002, 03:18 PM
I am sorry... I couldnt post before now, and... well.. I am sorry for trying to help :P, i figured it would be quite a useful tool to have around if you were a player on a eqemu server and...
well whatevah..
if someone wants to give me a job, i would be more then happy to work. anything to help eqemu.
some of you may not remember me, but i was in the eqemu channel a long tiem ago when eqemu didnt really work at all.. you couldnt really hit npcs and you jsut couldnt do jack all. my old name was washer or thunderlord. i had my own server at one time too. but anyways, i will try my best not to release usless apps again :)



08-19-2002, 02:18 AM
I didn't know what it was till Darkyth said something. Don't give up. Some of the best things come from useless parts at one point in time.

08-19-2002, 04:06 AM
Hey, I liked it just because it idetnified all the npc types in a dropdown.. I thought it was pretty useful at least..

09-15-2002, 12:02 AM

<------------------ Emu Newbeeeeee !!!

Grabed Program before it would perhaps vanish :)

- Nothing you work at is useless - u only have to find s.o. who uses it :D

- Lord Crush