View Full Version : When mobs summon...

08-12-2009, 01:18 AM
Remember the early EQ days when mobs summoned and I believe it was /shouted zone-wide?

Something like:

"You will not evade ME <insert suckers name here>!"

Is it possible to to alter the summon message/channel for mobs to regain this effect? If so could someone provide an example please?


02-04-2010, 11:07 PM

Derision helped me figure this out in case anyone is interested. The only way to do this is to change a few lines and compile yourself if you run your own server. I was able to do this and the result is great! Thanks to Derision. If you want this feature on your server you need to make a few changes. Here's what you do:

In zone/mob.cpp, around line 2213, replace:

entity_list.MessageClose(this, true, 500, 10, "%s says,'You will not evade me, %s!' ", GetCleanName(), GetHateTop()->GetCleanName() );


worldserver.SendEmoteMessage(0,0,0,15, "%s says, 'You will not evade me, %s!'", GetCleanName(), target->GetName());

Up near the top of mob.cpp, where all the #include lines are, after #include <stdio.h>, add these two lines:

#include "worldserver.h"
extern WorldServer worldserver;

Compile and there you have it.

The result is a server-wide broadcast of anyone who gets summoned. Probably not ideal for higher population servers but I play with only a few friends and it's always interesting to see what everyone is doing when we're not hunting together.
