View Full Version : Coirnav and Rathe Council Respawn

08-17-2009, 01:42 AM
G'day guys, just had a quick question about respawn timers. Couldn't find an answer through searching...

I want all of the elemental bosses to have much much smaller respawn times. Xegony seems to have worked fine just by changing the respawntime and variance fields in the spawn2 table. Rathe Council and Coirnav dont seem to want to respawn though even after changing their respawntime and variance and then using #repop force in game I can't get them to spawn.

Can anyone tell me what I need to change to get them to spawn roughly 2 hours after each kill? I assume it has something to do with the quests assigned to the events but I can't figure out what I need to change.

Thanks very much for any help.

08-17-2009, 04:59 AM
Some of the mobs will have respawn times in the spawn2 table for their spawngroupID number. But most of the mobs you are looking for will be quest/script driven. Meaning, you have to do certain things in a certain order in a certain amount of time to get them to spawn. Coirnav and the Rathe council are like this.

You should find all of these scripts in your Quest folder for the respective zone.

08-17-2009, 05:22 AM
Hmm ok. So there is no lockout timer or anything preventing them from respawning after a successful kill?

08-17-2009, 05:43 AM
There will be respawn timers for the mobs that start the script. In some cases there are qglobals setup for a certain length of time which will prevent them from spawning. Every mob seems different in its own way. But nothing shold hold back a spawn on a successful or unsuccessful kill.

08-17-2009, 06:34 AM
Yeah I think it's a qglobal preventing them from spawning, otherwise #repop force would spawn them I think.
Can anyone tell me how to edit the qglobal timer? I'm not really understanding the whole qglobal thing...
Thanks for all the help so far though! =)


08-17-2009, 08:41 AM
There is a table called quest_globals. From the mySQL prompt, do a DESC quest_globals; or even a SELECT * FROM quest_globals;. You will have to check out the .pl files to find out which globals are set using the script.

08-18-2009, 03:59 PM
I am going to assume that you have the latest quests.

You will want to go into your quest directory. Here each folder is listed by zone so obviously you will want to go into the powater one. In there is a flile called coirnav_controller.pl Go ahead and open this file up using notepad or wordpad.

You want to look for this line in the file:
quest::setglobal("coirnav_done", 3, 7, "D5"); # You can't attempt this again for 5 days

Where you see the D5 is how long the global is set for, as it says D5 = 5 days. Change this to M60 for 60minutes or whatever you desire and save the file.

Next you will want to go to the qglobals database and search for coirnav_done and delete the entry. After that you can into powater and do a #reloadquest or just shut down your server and restart it. When coirnav is killed again, he will follow the new time you have set.

I just skimmed through the file quickly, hopefully there isn't anything I overlooked.

08-19-2009, 04:27 AM
Thanks heaps for the information! Top blokes! That was exactly what I needed.

08-23-2009, 10:35 AM
Hey guys, despite a couple of helpful replies to my post I still cant get these stupid events to respawn faster. Can anyone tell me exactly what would need to be done to a standard up to date database/quest files/whatever else to get this to work? I've tried editing the scripts from wherever I saw D2 to making them M20 and also changed all respawn timers in the database for the zones I'm trying to get working but I can't get it going =(

Just for example, in poair, I check to see if the apparitions are up, then kill all the bugs on the first island which should make the confused air ele spawn... That doesnt happen. Even if I #reloadpl and #repop force the zone. It's supah annoying.

Thanks heaps again for any help offered.