View Full Version : Cannot enter world for the 1st time after character creation (SERVER IS NOT RESPONDIN

09-02-2009, 10:06 PM
Hi all, I have hit another barrier trying to get my server setup. After creating my character and clicking the "enter world' button or whatever it is called, I almost immediately get a black screen saying "THE SERVER IS NOT RESPONDING", then another black screen saying "YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED". Could this have something to do with the launcher tables in the db? I have no idea.. I haven't changed them, though. World.exe output below shows the errors @ the end.

I have another thread (http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/showthread.php?t=29372) detailing my setup, but in summary:

I am running EQ Titanium on a system (IP ) behind a wireless router. Router IP is and I have opened up these ports on the router's firewall: TCP 1024-3478, TCP 3480-7000, UDP 1024-3478, UDP: 3480-6000. On a side note, I'm not sure why any communication for the eqemu should be going through the router in my case. Windows Firewall is disabled. I am using Private Login by image.

Zone output: (Window title: 7000,sleeping)

[Debug] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_1712.log
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Starting main loop...
[Debug] [NET__WORLD] Connected to World:
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_01.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_02.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_03.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_04.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__WORLD] World told us to start zone dynamic_05.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_01, but it is alre
ady running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_02, but it is alre
ady running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_03, but it is alre
ady running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_04, but it is alre
ady running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] World told us to start zone dynamic_05, but it is alre
ady running.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_01
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_01 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 20000 milliseconds before booting the second
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_02
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_02 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next zon
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_03
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_03 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next zon
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_04
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_04 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next zon
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Starting zone dynamic_05
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Zone dynamic_05 has been started.
[Debug] [LAUNCHER__STATUS] Waiting 2000 milliseconds before booting the next zon

World output:

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGateExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGhostExemptStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQWarpDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQZoneDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGateDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGhostDetector to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:EnableFearPathing to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeHPRatio to value 22
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeIfNotAlone to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EnableNPCQuestJournal to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:SkillUpModifier to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer to value 150000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClearTempMerchantlist to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer to value 5
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities to
value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask to val
ue true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableTutorialButton to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableReturnHomeButton to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxLevelForTutorial to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome to value 21600

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:AutoShutdownDelay to value 5000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxExpLevel to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute to value 2.00000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib to value 0.07500000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseProcChance to value 0.0350000001490
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcDexDivideBy to value 11000.000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideOOC to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideAuction to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:BaseCritChance to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:BaseCritRatio to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:WizCritLevel to value 12
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:WizCritChance to value 7
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:WizCritRatio to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:SharedBankPlat to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistPerLevelDiff to value 85
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:UseDeathExpLossMult to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier to value 3
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:BindAnywhere to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:AuditTrail to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:MaxSearchResults to value 50
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:TutorialZoneID to value 189
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:EnableWarpToTrader to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:MaxBarterSearchResults to value 200
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AccountSessionLimit to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ExemptAccountLimitStatus to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Mail:EnableMailSystem to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Mail:ExpireTrash to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Mail:ExpireRead to value 31536000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Mail:ExpireUnread to value 31536000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Channels:RequiredStatusAdmin to value 251
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Channels:RequiredStatusListAll to value 251
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Channels:DeleteTimer to value 1440
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:EnableVoiceMacros to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:TranslocateTimeLimit to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule EventLog:RecordSellToMerchant to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule EventLog:RecordBuyFromMerchant to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:GMAccountIPList to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:UsePriceMod to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:SellCostMod to value 1.0499999523163
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:BuyCostMod to value 0.9499999880791
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:PriceBonusPct to value 4
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:PricePenaltyPct to value 4
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:ChaBonusMod to value 3.4500000476837
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Merchant:ChaPenaltyMod to value 1.5199999809265

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseHitChance to value 69.0000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AgiHitFactor to value 0.0099999997765
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:HitFalloffMinor to value 5.0000000000000

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:HitFalloffModerate to value 7.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:HitFalloffMajor to value 50.000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:HitBonusPerLevel to value 1.200000047683
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:WeaponSkillFalloff to value 0.3300000131
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ArcheryHitPenalty to value 0.25000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:EnableMailKeyIPVerification to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:EnableAntiSpam to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:MinStatusToBypassAntiSpam to value 80
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:MinimumMessagesPerInterval to value 4
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:MaximumMessagesPerInterval to value 12
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:MaxMessagesBeforeKick to value 20
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:IntervalDurationMS to value 60000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:KarmaUpdateIntervalMS to value 1200000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MinGMAntiHackStatus to value 2
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:RestRegenPercent to value 0
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:RestRegenTimeToActivate to value 3000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:SoFStartZoneID to value -1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:NPCBonusHitChance to value 26.0000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:KillsPerRaidLeadershipAA to value 50
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:KillsPerGroupLeadershipAA to value 50

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Adventure:ItemIDToEnablePorts to value 41000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Adventure:MinNumberForGroup to value 2
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Adventure:MaxNumberForGroup to value 6
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Adventure:MinNumberForRaid to value 18
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Adventure:MaxNumberForRaid to value 36
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Adventure:MaxLevelRange to value 9
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:UsePEQZoneDebuffs to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:PEQZoneReuseTime to value 900
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:PEQZoneDebuff1 to value 4454
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:PEQZoneDebuff2 to value 2209
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:LastFightingDelayMovingMin to value 10000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:LastFightingDelayMovingMax to value 20000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ArcheryBonusRequiresStationary to value
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:Aggro to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:AggroReturnToGrid to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:CandidateNodeRangeXY to value 400.00000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:CandidateNodeRangeZ to value 10.0000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:CullNodesFromEnd to value 1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:CullNodesFromStart to value 1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:Fear to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:Find to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:Guard to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:LOSCheckFrequency to value 1000
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'Pathing:MaxNodesLeftForLOSCheck'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for Pathing:MaxNodesLeftF
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:MinDistanceForLOSCheckLong to value 100
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:MinDistanceForLOSCheckShort to value 40
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:MinNodesTraversedForLOSCheck to value 3

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:RouteUpdateFrequencyLong to value 5000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:RouteUpdateFrequencyNodeCount to value
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:RouteUpdateFrequencyShort to value 1000

[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pathing:ZDiffThreshold to value 10.000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FindBestZHeightAdjust to value 1
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:UseClosestZ to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:SmartLastFightingDelayMoving to value true
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AssistNoTargetSelf to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:SacrificeMinLevel to value 46
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:SacrificeMaxLevel to value 69
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:SacrificeItemID to value 9963
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:MaxRampageTargets to value 3
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:MaxFlurryHits to value 2
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:MonkDamageTableBonus to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FlyingKickBonus to value 25
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:DragonPunchBonus to value 20
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:EagleStrikeBonus to value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:TigerClawBonus to value 10
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:RoundKickBonus to value 5
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to find rule 'AA:MaxEffectSlots'
[Debug] [RULES__ERROR] Unable to interpret rule record for AA:MaxEffectSlots
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ArcheryBaseDamageBonus to value 1.000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxFearDurationForPlayerCharacter to
value 4
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxCharmDurationForPlayerCharacter to
value 15
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule AA:ExpPerPoint to value 23976503
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxClientsSetByStatus to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeSnareHPRatio to value 11
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:KarmaGlobalChatLimit to value 720
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:GlobalChatLevelLimit to value 5
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpDetectionDistanceFactor to value 5.8
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:NPCPositonUpdateTicCount to value 32
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:BotManaRegen to value 2.0000000000000
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:BotFinishBuffing to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:CreateBotCount to value 150
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:SpawnBotCount to value 71
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:BotQuest to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:BotGroupBuffing to value false
[Debug] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bots:BotSpellQuest to value false
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing temporary merchant lists..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading EQ time of day..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Loading launcher list..
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Reboot zone modes ON
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Purging expired instances
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Zone (TCP) listener started.
[Debug] [WORLD__INIT] Client (UDP) listener started.
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch SoF
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server...
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] Connected to Loginserver:
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] (Special) - SendNewInfo() call
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] (Special) - SendNewInfo(),3 call
[Debug] [WORLD__LS] our localaddress is
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New launcher from
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Adding pending launcher 1
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Launcher Identified itself as 'zone'. Loading zone list.

[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Removing pending launcher 1. Adding zone to active list.

[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_01 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_02 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_03 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_05 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #1 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #2 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #3 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #4 from
[Debug] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #5 from
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Zone started with name dynamic_04 by launcher zone
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use por
t 7000
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Zone started with name dynamic_01 by launcher zone
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use por
t 7001
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Zone started with name dynamic_02 by launcher zone
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use por
t 7002
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Zone started with name dynamic_05 by launcher zone
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use por
t 7003
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Zone started with name dynamic_03 by launcher zone
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use por
t 7004
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match exp
ected 0x2792
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_world, and it did not
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match exp
ected 0x2ec9
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_zone, and it did not
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode matched 0x4dd0 and lengt
h matched 464
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Identified stream with signature Titanium
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] Checking inbound connection against BannedIPs
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] Connection PASSED banned IPs check. Processin
g connection.
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Logged in. Mode=(CharSel)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: LS Account #1
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Attempting autobootup of tutorialb (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Setting to 'tutorialb' (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Entering zone tutorialb (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Broadcasting a world time update
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Setting to 'tutorialb' (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Sending client to zone tutorialb (189:0) at :70
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Client disconnected (not active in process)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match exp
ected 0x2792
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_world, and it did not
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x4dd0 did not match exp
ected 0x2ec9
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_zone, and it did not
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode matched 0x4dd0 and lengt
h matched 464
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Identified stream with signature Titanium
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] Checking inbound connection against BannedIPs
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] Connection PASSED banned IPs check. Processin
g connection.
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Logged in. Mode=(CharSel)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: LS Account #1
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Attempting autobootup of tutorialb (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Setting to 'tutorialb' (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Entering zone tutorialb (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Broadcasting a world time update
[Debug] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [tutorialb] Setting to 'tutorialb' (189:0)
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Sending client to zone tutorialb (189:0) at :70
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] fourier: Client disconnected (not active in process)

Private login output:

Using database 'eqemuls' at
Reading LoginServer.ini...
[LS-Config] Server Name: Area51
[LS-Config] Server Description: Area51InternationalHouse
LoginServer.ini read.
Server mode: Private Login
EQEmu Private Login v1.04PL
Login server listening on port:5998
World has connected with account name: root

Eqhost.txt has:

world and zone config sections in eqemu_config.xml:



<http port="9080" enable="true" mimefile="mime.types"/>
<tcp ip="" port="9000" telnet="disable" />
<ports low="7000" high="7100"/>


09-02-2009, 10:10 PM

My peq.launcher table only has name = zone, and dynamics = 5. Seems right, since I am only loading 5 dynamic zones..

peq.zone_server is empty.
peq.zoneserver_auth has host=%, note = "Grant ALL"

Maybe there's a problem elsewhere in my database? who knows. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

09-02-2009, 10:25 PM
Ok, an update.
In the source code in client.cpp I see:
clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Sending client to zone %s (%d:%d) at %s:%d",zonename,zoneID,instanceID,zsi->ip,zsi->port);

So, the IP address should be printing before the port, but i am only seeing :<port#>. Why is the IP address not printing for me? Any ideas before I start modifying code to print out more debug messages? LOL

09-03-2009, 11:43 PM
I have basically the same problem. With the server running on Vista, no other Vista machines can connect with the exception of the host (ie client/server same machine) I can log in on the LAN with an XP machine.
Have tried running the start.bat as administrator in XPSP2 compatibility mode, running the vista client eqgame.exe as administrator & XPSP2 compat mode,binding eqgame to a single core with all firewalls dropped and no authentication required for file shares - no joy. Vista client can join to other Eqemu servers such as PEQ (but I believe that has a linux install?) At least I have the XP machine as a backup but would eventually like to go VistaClient-VistaServer. And yes I've followed the Vista guides in this forum :-)

09-04-2009, 03:12 PM
Temporarily resolved by doing the following:

My server code revision was higher than the db rev, so I checked out and compiled a code rev that matched the db rev (946 if I recall) <- very important to double check this if you are having the same error as me.

Since I still can't figure out why the zoneserver IP is not set when the char logs into world , so I went into world\client.cpp line 959, and changed:

strcpy(zsi->ip, zs_addr);
strcpy(zsi->ip, "");

A pretty bad hack, I agree, but I can't figure out why the logs appear to show the IP is set throughout initialization , but not at this particular location. I also periodically get client disconnected/not in process msgs in my console output periodically, but still stay connected, yay! Hope a dev can chime in here.

09-04-2009, 03:55 PM
are you using public login server or your own?

I had problems with EqEmuLogin crashing when the world connected to it... my quick fix was to use the public server.

I will need to work that out, but for now the public login is actually preferred :)

09-04-2009, 04:02 PM
I'm using Private Login (by image)

09-08-2009, 02:46 AM
Hi Fourier - great Series (maths joke - sorry!)
I've had the same problem with Vista despite following all the guides here in the forums (eg firewalls, port forwards, compatibility modes, 'run as' administrator on both vista clients and servers) etc to no avail. The problem is quite bizarre really. On my Vista laptop I can log into other EQEMU sites from the eqemulator.net login server and if I host the server on my laptop I can log in also. But if my wife tries to log in from her Vista laptop, no joy, similarly if she hosts it she can log in to her own system, but then I can't. I can log in to her server if I use an XP machine which would suggest an XP compatibility issue, but as stated above even if I set my eqgame.exe to run in XP compat mode I have no luck, and the fact that I can log in using Vista client to EQEMU servers other than my own suggests a build issue with my server. I'll try your hack above tonight and see how I go. Am in the process of building a Linux server instead to avoid the problem altogether but am having compile issues with that at the moment. At least I can still play using my XP box in the meantime!


09-08-2009, 12:10 PM
try adding.


<!-- your other settings.... -->

to your eqemu_config.xml file and see if that does anything for you.

09-08-2009, 03:39 PM
I'm using Private Login (by image)

So now you can get internal/LAN and external/WAN clients to connect?

09-08-2009, 07:41 PM
I'm experiencing the same problems as the OP. Every time I try to enter the world my eqemu_debug_world.log spews:

5543 [09.08. - 16:14:13] [WORLD__CLIENT] player: Attempting autobootup of gfaydark (54:0)
5543 [09.08. - 16:14:13] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Setting to 'gfaydark' (54:0)
5543 [09.08. - 16:14:13] [WORLD__CLIENT] player: Entering zone gfaydark (54:0)
5543 [09.08. - 16:14:13] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [gfaydark] Broadcasting a world time update
5543 [09.08. - 16:14:13] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] [gfaydark] Setting to 'gfaydark' (54:0)
5543 [09.08. - 16:14:13] [WORLD__CLIENT] player: Sending client to zone gfaydark (54:0) at :7004
5543 [09.08. - 16:14:14] [WORLD__CLIENT] player: Client disconnected (not active in process)

My eqclient log spews:

2009-09-08 16:14:14 Initializing character select UI.
2009-09-08 16:14:14 Resetting game UI.
2009-09-08 16:14:19 Zone Connect -- 0 -- Received MSG_ZONE_ADDRESS
2009-09-08 16:14:19 Zone addr [:23579] received...
2009-09-08 16:14:20 ZONING
2009-09-08 16:14:20 Networking: Connection Closed [0] with 0 pending bytes.
2009-09-08 16:14:20 Networking: using port [53645].
2009-09-08 16:14:20 Networking: Connection Established [1]
2009-09-08 16:15:20 Could not connect to :7004 [client:DisconnectReasonConnectFail,server:Disconne ctReasonNone]. Negotiation count: 600.
2009-09-08 16:15:20
2009-09-08 16:15:20 Networking: Connection Closed [0] with 0 pending bytes.
2009-09-08 16:15:20 Failed to connect to zoneserver (, port 7004), result = 1, for MSG_ZONE_ADDRESS.
2009-09-08 16:15:20
2009-09-08 16:15:20 THE SERVER IS NOT RESPONDING.
2009-09-08 16:15:20
2009-09-08 16:15:20 end of DisplayScreen
2009-09-08 16:15:20
2009-09-08 16:15:22 disconnected at C:\EQ\EverQuest\EverQuest.cpp:17153 (char. select) g_world == NULL
2009-09-08 16:15:22
2009-09-08 16:15:22 Character is .
2009-09-08 16:15:22
2009-09-08 16:15:22 YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED.
2009-09-08 16:15:22
2009-09-08 16:15:22 end of DisplayScreen
2009-09-08 16:15:22
2009-09-08 16:15:25 Attempt to send message 30546 on a void connection.

I know this is the Windows EQemu server section, and I'm running Unbuntu 9.04 64 bit for my server OS, compiled the latest SVN checkout, w/ privatelogin for my login server app.

I've tried settings those to the loopback address like you suggested and to the LAN IP, neither seem to make a difference on getting into the world.

I guess the different between the OPs builds and my builds is I'm using PEQdb rev 974 packages and SVN rev 974

09-09-2009, 07:54 AM
I don't know about ur problem but I did that port forwarding setup at one time and I had issues try this works better for me naybe for you too. 1-65535

09-09-2009, 12:18 PM
I have done further testing following the setup guide(s) on another system. Using Private Login and r974 this time. Again getting a client disconnected (not in process) error when trying to enter world. Again, the IP:Port is showing up as <no ip>:Port. Still don't know what's going on with that.

An interesting thing I discovered though was that I couldn't bring up the EQ splash screen after clicking my server, it would boot me back to char select (with client disconnected/not in process error). In fact, it wouldn't bring me to char select until I tried 3-4 times. Again, with char select screen up and entering world, I rarely could enter the world without a client disconnect error. Resolution? I installed the KB hotfix for the 'dual/quad cpu core fix' found in another thread. Microsoft says this 'fixes a situation where your Windows-based system that supports processor power management features, and is equipped with multiple processors, may experience decreased performance'. Very interesting that this resolved most of my connection errors. Maybe this will help others too, hopefully.

09-11-2009, 04:01 PM
I am not sure why you are having problems, as I have roughly the same setup and it is working fine. So, I will just post my configs and you can see if any of what I have done works for you. The IP addresses aren't exactly what I use for my internet exposed private server, but you get the idea.

Here is my eqemu_config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- address has to be specified for minilogin to work -->

<!-- Loginserver information. -->

<!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->
<key>Blah blah blah</key>

<!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service -->
<http port="9080" enable="true" mimefile="mime.types"/>

<!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini -->

Here is my private login LoginServer.ini:

ServerDescription=Hansen Private Server

Private login db.ini:



To setup private login for the server account and one user I used the commands against the peqauth database which is my authentication DB. EQEMU uses the peq database.

use peqauth;
insert into login_accounts set name='Rabayn',password=md5('Nunya'),user_active=1;

insert into login_worldservers set account='ServerAcct',password='Nunya',name='Hansen ';

I "think" that is all the configuration I did to get up and logged on. Obviously I sourced the .sql files for both peq and private login in their respective databases. Anything else was tweaking rules/variables and other peq specific data to taste. Sorry I'm not of a bit more help, but I haven't been able to duplicate your problem.

09-16-2009, 01:02 PM
bah... figured out my problem... apparently I forgot to uncomment out the first set of IPs... O_o