View Full Version : Damage bonuses

09-29-2009, 06:34 PM
Does anyone know of a thread that shows how the damage bonuses are applied to 1handers. Not even gonna worry about 2handers, as I saw from a posting from last year that it's very.... interesting how that works.

Reason I ask I was looking on Lucy and it shows rusty weapons having a DMG Bonus of 20.

Also I was wondering how elemental bonuses are figured.

I'm not worried about the details, a synopsis will do.

09-29-2009, 06:56 PM
the only thing that matters about the weapon is: 1hand or 2hands and delay (for 2handers only).
Everything else is irrelevant. A rusty sword will have an identical DMG bonus as any Epic weapon as long as their type and delay match.

So in general, all 1handers have a static DMG bonus which grows based on your level at rate of aprox 1 point per 3 levels starting of lev 29.
All 2handers DMG bonus based on your level and delay of the weapon- the slower the weapon, the higher is the bonus.

Elemental DMG works as following.
Let say you have a weapon with base dmg of 10 and Fire dmg of 5
When you hit, the fire dmg portion is checked vs your target resistance to fire. If it passes the check (mob didn't resisted) its dmg added to the base and your weapon final dmg is calculated as if it had base 15. If its resisted, the fire portion is ignored.

09-29-2009, 07:05 PM
so if it's not a 2hander, it doesn't do anything?

09-29-2009, 07:23 PM
umm you should reread what I have written once more =P

09-29-2009, 07:52 PM
is there an actual damage bonus field in the table...

I looked in the schema and did not see it.

09-29-2009, 07:57 PM
oh duh... if i understand what your saying...

short answer dont freakin worry about it cus it's either static (1handers) or calculated (2handers)

09-29-2009, 08:07 PM
oh duh... if i understand what your saying...

short answer dont freakin worry about it cus it's either static (1handers) or calculated (2handers)

ok One more time:

1handers: based on your level, starting from lev 29+
2handers: based on your level AND delay of the weapon (the bigger is the delay, the bigger is the DMG bonus), also starting from lev 29+

by static I meant that it wasn't based on delay - bad choice of word I guess

and no, there is no actual DMG bonus field cause it was hard codded into the server code. I fought very hard NOT to have it hardcoded and instead let it be modifiable in DB, but dev team decided against my recommendations.

Here are the original threads:



09-29-2009, 08:21 PM
ah ok... either way it's not something I can adjust, and thus either do not need to account for it, or adjust based weapon performance in game.

09-29-2009, 09:46 PM
that was an educational read.

Thanks for the help