View Full Version : bot commands

02-26-2010, 12:40 PM
Ok i have searched the forms aor an awnser but can find anything on this. is there a Bot command FAQ that i missed. I got the commands from here http://eqemu.info/index.php/Bot_Commands most of them work but i cant get #bot attack or #bot heal or #bot healme to work. am i not doing this right? or missing somthing i have a cleric bot in my group. havent tried very many commands. #bot sow is currently working. i am using the repack on a lan server.

also how do you actualy get it to track. when i type #bot Track a window pops up but all i can do it click ok. it dosent allow me to select who i want to track.

02-26-2010, 01:00 PM
Just found http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28608&highlight=track this explains the attack issue. but i am still wondering bout the other commands. Also is there a command for a warrior to make you group sit and not follow you. in ase you want to pull mobs. like in TOV or Keal Drakkle.

02-26-2010, 01:47 PM
I don't think there's a good list, this is from the code itself.

c->Message(0, "List of commands availables for bots :");
c->Message(0, "#bot help - show this");
c->Message(0, "#bot create [name] [class (id)] [race (id)] [model (male/female)] - create a permanent bot. See #bot help create.");
c->Message(0, "#bot help create - show all the race/class id. (make it easier to create bots)");
c->Message(0, "#bot delete - completely destroy forever the targeted bot and all its items.");
c->Message(0, "#bot list [all/class(1-16)] - list your bots all or by class. Classes: 1(Warrior), 2(Cleric), 3(Paladin), 4(Ranger), 5(Sk), 6(Druid), 7(Monk), 8(Bard), 9(Rogue), 10(Shaman), 11(Necro), 12(Wiz), 13(Mag), 14(Ench), 15(Beast), 16(Bersek)");
c->Message(0, "#bot spawn [bot name] - spawn a bot from it's name (use list to see all the bots). ");
c->Message(0, "#bot inventory list - show the inventory (and the slots IDs) of the targetted bot.");
c->Message(0, "#bot inventory remove [slotid] - remove the item at the given slot in the inventory of the targetted bot.");
c->Message(0, "#bot update - you must type that command once you gain a level.");
c->Message(0, "#bot summon - It will summon your targeted bot to you.");
c->Message(0, "#bot ai mez - If you're grouped with an enchanter, he will mez your target.");
c->Message(0, "#bot picklock - You must have a targeted rogue bot in your group and be right on the door.");
c->Message(0, "#bot cure [poison|disease|curse|blindness] Cleric has most options");
c->Message(0, "#bot bindme - You must have a Cleric in your group to get Bind Affinity cast on you.");
c->Message(0, "#bot track - look at mobs in the zone (ranger has options)");
c->Message(0, "#bot target calm - attempts to pacify your target mob.");
c->Message(0, "#bot evac - transports your pc group to safe location in the current zone. bots are lost");
c->Message(0, "#bot resurrectme - Your bot Cleric will rez you.");
c->Message(0, "#bot corpse summon - Necromancers summon corpse.");
c->Message(0, "#bot lore - cast Identify on the item on your mouse pointer.");
c->Message(0, "#bot sow - Bot sow on you (Druid has options)");
c->Message(0, "#bot invis - Bot invisiblity (must have proper class in group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot levitate - Bot levitation (must have proper class in group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot resist - Bot resist buffs (must have proper class in group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot runeme - Enchanter Bot cast Rune spell on you");
c->Message(0, "#bot shrinkme - Shaman Bot will shrink you");
c->Message(0, "#bot endureb - Bot enduring breath (must have proper class in group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot charm - (must have proper class in group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot dire charm - (must have proper class in group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot pet remove - (remove pet before charm)");
c->Message(0, "#bot gate - you need a Druid or Wizard in your group)");
c->Message(0, "#bot archery - Toggle Archery Skilled bots between using a Bow or using Melee weapons.");
c->Message(0, "#bot magepet [earth|water|air|fire|monster] - Select the pet type you want your Mage bot to use.");
c->Message(0, "#bot giveitem - Gives your targetted bot the item you have on your cursor.");
c->Message(0, "#bot camp - Tells your bot to camp out of the game.");
c->Message(0, "#bot group help - Displays the commands available to manage any BOTs in your group.");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup help - Displays the commands available to manage BOT ONLY groups.");
c->Message(0, "#bot mana [<bot name or target> | all] - Displays a mana report for all your spawned bots.");
c->Message(0, "#bot [hair|haircolor|beard|beardcolor|face <value>] - Change your BOTs appearance.");
// TODO:
// c->Message(0, "#bot illusion <bot/client name or target> - Enchanter Bot cast an illusion buff spell on you or your target.");

c->Message(0, "#bot group help - will show this help.");
c->Message(0, "#bot group summon <bot group leader name or target>. Summons the bot group to your location.");
c->Message(0, "#bot group follow <bot group leader name or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot group guard <bot group leader name or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot group attack <bot group leader name> <mob name to attack or target>");

c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup help - will show this help.");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup create <bot group leader name or target>. This will designate a bot to be a bot group leader.");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup add <bot group member name to add> <bot group leader name or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup remove <bot group member name to remove or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup disband <bot group leader name or target>. Disbands the designated bot group leader's bot group.");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup summon <bot group leader name or target>. Summons the bot group to your location.");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup follow <bot group leader name or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup guard <bot group leader name or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup attack <bot group leader name> <mob name to attack or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup list");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup load <bot group name>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup save <bot group name> <bot group leader name or target>");
c->Message(0, "#bot botgroup delete <bot group name>");