View Full Version : Has anyone got a copy of the ini and db files for a standalone EQEmuLoginServer ?

06-26-2010, 11:41 PM
I was trying to compile my own code using http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=VS2008 but that uses minilogin, so i was juggling that and http://www.eqemulator.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=ValesEQ and ended up in a horrid state, almost but not able to get something working.

I'm exhausted and not sure where to go, and i thought, well, there has to be a lot of people who have this working, maybe someone can upload a working copy of an up to date database and the working ini/xml files used(with passwords removed obviously) and people can use that as a template?

I just did a full export as sql, making sure it skipped nothing, and uncompressed it was 183 mB (ouch) so i put it through 7 zip using standard compression and it was only 14.5 meg! It didn't seem to take too long and i'm happy to upload my own files that way if it helps others?