View Full Version : LS Password crisis

10-23-2010, 10:56 AM
I am returning to the game after about 7 months of being away and I cannot log into any of my accounts.
All my EQEMU accounts I can log into fine but when I try to log into my LS accounts I get 'DB Error - Invalid password'.
I have all my emails used for all my EQEMU accounts still for TyrantKing, TyrantKing2, and TyrantKing3.
Can someone please contact me on how to reset my LS account passwords? I would really like to play my old characters as I spent many many hours leveling them up.
If all of that is too much to ask then plz at least help me get my main LS account back online, TyrantKing. My ranger there is my baby and I would hate to find out that I can never play em again.