View Full Version : Dumb Question about telnet

05-12-2011, 03:20 PM
Hopefully someone can help me out here...
I'm trying to figure out what the UN/PW is for telnet connections to my EQEMU server...

<!-- Loginserver information. Defaults shown -->

Is the above information what I'm after out of the eqemu_config.xml file? Or is it somewhere else that I should be looking?



05-12-2011, 04:24 PM
Basically I'm trying to get this working:

But I'm getting a few PHP errors off it. I am pretty sure the problem is it doesn't like the User/Pass combo I'm giving it in that script however I can't prove that. My attempts to login to my server on port 9000 with windows telnet client though have all failed. The username field seems to echo every keypress twice so I dunno if that's my problem there or something else. If anyone has any ideas on this or can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.


05-12-2011, 05:50 PM
It's in your Accounts Table, you setup your username and pw there..

Then do a Start - Run - Telnet 9000

(assuming it's on the machine your trying to telnet too otherwise replace that IP with the correct addy)

You can go into your database and create a new user for the telnet account too if you like by running a query like this:

INSERT INTO `account` (`id`, `name`, `charname`, `sharedplat`, `password`, `status`, `lsaccount_id`, `gmspeed`, `revoked`, `karma`, `minilogin_ip`, `rulesflag`, `hideme`, `suspendeduntil`, `time_creation`) VALUES
(NULL, 'TelnetAccount', '', 0, 'yourpasswordhere', 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '')

You will want to change the "TelnetAccount" to whatever name you want and of course the Password to whatever password you want to use.

05-17-2011, 03:40 PM
Sweet thanks KingMort. That helped quite a bit. The other half was I'm pretty sure Local echo was causing issues. When I tried it through HyperTerminal I had no issues. The DOS version of telnet though for some reason I kept getting invalid username/password So I'm guessing local echo issue was to blame.
