View Full Version : Holy zones! How many with 8 gig ram?

09-21-2011, 02:12 PM
I have all the Antonica, Faydwer, and Erudin zones (essentially the original everquest) loading staticly and added 20 dynamic zones. I also have Bazaar, Barter, and a few other loaded statically. In total it's something like 75 zones.

Memory usage before starting the server is around 1.6 gig with 2 gig reservered by windows (which I think I'll be manually setting to a much lower number later). That leaves me 4.4 gig for running the server.

Once the server is up with 75ish zones the memory used is 2.4 gigs so only .8 gigs is needed for all those zones.

CPU use is minimal even though this is a rather wimpy dual core bargain box. Of course that's with basically no players online.

Has anyone tried to squeeze in every zone? How much memory did it take or at what point did you run out?

I have two memory slots free so I could toss in another pair of 4 gig ram stick for a total of 16...