View Full Version : Crits not working

09-27-2011, 03:50 PM
even with Combat:BaseCritChance set to 50.0, I still get no crits, what am I doing wrong? does it require a server restart or something before it takes effect?

09-27-2011, 04:00 PM
If you change a rule value in the database, you can reload it into the zone you are in (for testing) using the #rules reload command.

For it to take effect serverwide, you need to restart the server (I don't think there is a command to reload the rules in all zone servers, but it would be a handy command to add and shouldn't be very hard to code).

09-28-2011, 04:52 AM
Yes, there are rule commands for reloading rules server-wide as well as for reloading them for world now.

Secrets: Added commands: #reloadallrules, #reloadrulesworld, and #camerashake.
Secrets: #reloadallrules reloads rules in every single zone plus world. #reloadrulesworld reloads the rules in world only.