View Full Version : launcher_zones different windows?

09-30-2011, 11:07 AM
I'm launching a bunch of static zones but I can't find any descriptions of how to use launcher_zones or zone.exe

I have lots of ram and a dual core CPU so the machine can handle many static zones. A (potential) problem I'm seeing is that every zone in launcher_zones seems to fall into one process so one CPU gets loaded to capacity while the other sits at 4-5%. I was thinking that if I split the static zones into two windows/processes that it would distribute the load more evenly. Of course that might be completely wrong... I'm no programming wiz.

Anyway, using any name other than "zone" in the first field of launcher_zones simply results in that entry not being launched. I figure the first field specifies which program launches the zone... Dunno why that'd be a field in the database since zone.exe is the only zone launcher I know of...

Anyway, How can I get zones to launch in different windows or can that be done at all?