View Full Version : Rev 2218

09-27-2012, 11:19 AM
Rev 2218 includes many, many changes, including a few to core combat / spell code. I have tried to test as well as I can, but I may have missed something. If anyone notices anything strange or if something does look/feel right, please post here.

I rewrote AAs to load from the database so we no longer have to add code to add specific AAs after they are added to the database. We only need to maintain ApplyAABonuses to match the client version (it would have been nice to use the actual client version, but I try to keep edits to bots unless required). Moving many of the AAs to bonuses (keeping current with many of the changes Kayen has made) allows bots to continue to use much of the mob combat code, unless a specific bot version is required. Much of the other combat code was compared to and changed to match client or mob code where appropriate. Most of there changed were due to newly added aabonuses, but there were also a few formula changes.

You will most likely notice a drop in melee bots' DPS, by about 15-20%. I did a lot of parsing to determine the cause and believe it is due to 2 changes. First, and lesser of the two is reduced crits. Previously, bots gained 2% chance per level combatFury. Now, the first 3 levels gain 1.5% each. Other levels have also had their percentages changed. The values now come from aabonuses, which gets the exact values from the DB instead of being hardcoded. Second, and biggest difference maker is reduction in double/tripple attacks. 2-hand weapon wielders seem to be affected most (a double attack with a 2-hander makes more of a dps increase than a single double attack for a dual wielder). My #1 berserker (lvl65) went from ~450 dps on test dummy to ~350. 20-30 of that is crits, the rest from fewer swings.

I will continue to monitor things as I play, but if anyone notices something, please let me know.

09-28-2012, 12:09 PM
Found a small bug, that I will fix the next time I commit. Listing a heal rotation with a de__cimal timer displays integer value, i.e. 3.5 displays as 3.0. The value is actually 3.5, so it's just a display bug.

11-23-2012, 05:47 PM
Not sure if this is related but after a recent update the bot command: #bot group guard doesn't quite work correctly. The bots do not stay put. I noticed this only happens when you have 3 or more members in the group, 2 of them being bots. If I spawn 1 cleric bot, tell it to guard it will stay put. I can pull monsters over to him. But as soon as I add another bot to the group, the cleric bot runs over to get in range to cast spells. Kinda defeats the purpose of telling it to guard at a specific location.

Any ideas?

11-24-2012, 03:19 PM
I never use the guard command, so I'm not sure if that's normal or not. I'll try to take a look at it at some point.