View Full Version : For King Mort

11-15-2012, 06:56 PM
Hey i recently played your server Raid Addicts and ive messaged you here concerning my problem but you yet to log on ever so now im gonna ask the players

Is there a Spell File for this Server? Because no spell works properly and ive waited 3 days now for it or a answer for Mort it would be nice to actually have a working Pet

11-17-2012, 02:56 AM
http://code.google.com/p/kmrafiles/downloads/list I uploaded the file way back, on the offchance something ever happened to the site. I don't know if that is still the correct one or not, but give it a shot and see what happens.

12-17-2012, 12:18 PM
right on the front of the website there is a Wizard picture and says "Download Spells" click that and it will give you the latest.



12-18-2012, 10:24 AM
any new custom content reccently?

12-18-2012, 04:38 PM
Yes ! I would like that very much, I am very busy with work and everything but that is my intention for sure , what motivates me is population , what motivates you guys is content. It's almost like they cancel each other out but i'm going to try and push some out even if it is still dead and hopefully people will come around after I'm finished.

King Mortenson

12-18-2012, 06:16 PM
Bring back DPS necks and i'll play.

12-18-2012, 06:38 PM
reduce the grind.... the 65 hours of grinding to progress to 65 days of grinding is a bitch and a half

12-18-2012, 07:22 PM
and unban people!!


12-19-2012, 02:53 PM
I will reduce the grind if you help me understand more specifically what you are referring too .. I would imagine you mean Tier 3 and 4 .. But perhaps it's something else .

I will unban you if you work for me and not against me. Course you will need to fix all the aug stacking on those chars to be fair. How about we bury the hatchet ? Will the rest of you like to do the same? I'm sorry I was an ass hehe..


12-19-2012, 05:41 PM
Mort, as much shit as I give you, I will say you are a bigger man than I am.

Im game for hatchet burying, I don't play EQ anymore but I think that would change if we got some of the old crew back together. Ill log in, we can chat and move forward.

12-19-2012, 07:23 PM
Mort, as much shit as I give you, I will say you are a bigger man than I am.

Im game for hatchet burying, I don't play EQ anymore but I think that would change if we got some of the old crew back together. Ill log in, we can chat and move forward.

Man oh man.

Mort, I love your server man. The thing about the later tiers on KMRA is the fact that it's grindier than it is hard.

Dreadspire was perfectly done. By far my favorite thing on the server.
Plane of Time flagging/zone also really great. Loved it.
Tier 1-2 was fun. Loved doing Arena God for the first time.
Qvic was fun.
Tacvi was great.
DPS neck quest was great.
IOG is fun.
Almost all of the quests are fun.

Things I hated.
Metz coins suck. Make the latin tools drop from an Arena God 2.0 type deal. Problem solved.

Lfay faction really sucked. Anything to make that better would be awesome.

When you created the DPS necks, the game transitioned into a new meta. I really think you should bring them back.

The old website was a lot better. Level cap 87 was way better.

Anyways, If a few of these things were changed I bet you the population would rise. I hope to see some of these changes myself, would love to get my box crew back together.

12-20-2012, 02:21 PM
Chars unbanned , but please remove the crazy aug stacking from the chars :)

As for your suggestions :

Consider them done, minus the website and post 87 stuff :)


12-20-2012, 04:58 PM
Pretty scared for the future of this server. Things might get way too good!

12-24-2012, 12:17 AM
Alright so got the Arena God 2.0 instance created, the adventure begins in the arena, I have returned the DPS necks but they are nerfed .. the reason for this is because the 87-100 spells are , ACTUALLY , very powerful, I hope you folks accept this compromise for now :)

I am going to be doing a bunch more work on the server getting the content for Tier 5 wrapped up, I have hired a new Lead GM , his power on this server has shown bright through the last few years.

Caesar - Lead GM, will have the power and operation control of the entire server while I focus on content..

12-24-2012, 03:12 AM
Hey Mort, me again, was just wondering why I got demoted, I know this could be taken to PM's, but I was just wondering if it was because I spawned items for myself or for another reason. D: I would love to help out, as I just got a new computer and I am fully capable of doing so, I have expanded my Perl knowledge quite drastically since we last spoke and can do a lot more than I was capable of doing then. If I caused you any grief, may we "bury the hatchet" as well? Just wondering, good luck, can't wait to see this come back, finally a server with some memories in it coming back to its prime.

12-24-2012, 12:14 PM
Was due to inactivity , you will have to talk to Ceasar if you want back in it's not up to me anymore, I have delegated all of those responsibility's to him while I focus on getting Content done. Of course I'm still the boss but he gets to make those decisions now.


12-24-2012, 01:26 PM
All right, thanks, will talk to him when I have the time.

12-27-2012, 02:15 AM
Atlas here.. Oh man I'm so down for that!!

12-27-2012, 02:17 AM
I don't much care about the aug stacking, but as long as I can have my damage back, I'm so game to get the old crew together.. I'm sure Ken and Matto will jump in with me.

Funnest game I've ever played before everything was nerfed!