View Full Version : Fix for #bot create when same named PC exists

02-16-2013, 06:39 PM
Hello all. I found that when you create a bot that has the same name as an existing player it bugs both the player and the bot out like crazy. I added a check against the character_ table in the database to make sure a player does not already exist with the target name.

Index: bot.cpp
================================================== =================
--- bot.cpp (revision 2506)
+++ bot.cpp (working copy)
@@ -2370,6 +2370,26 @@
Result = true;

+ if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
+ *errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;
+ while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
+ ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
+ Result = true;
+ mysql_free_result(DatasetResult);
+ }


02-16-2013, 11:34 PM
Nice! This really needed to be fixed

02-19-2013, 04:19 AM
So I added your fix, but instead of crashing one zone now, it crashes the entire zone.exe, could you explain how this is supposed to be used? It's currently causing more detriment than anything.

Edit: Code below.

bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage) {
bool Result = false;

if(this->GetCleanName()) {
char* Query = 0;
char TempErrorMessageBuffer[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
MYSQL_RES* DatasetResult;

if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result = true;


if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult))
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult))
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result = true;





return Result;

02-19-2013, 04:33 AM
Doesn't look like this fix works? It seems to still crash

02-19-2013, 05:18 AM
Your check seems to first check the Bot names... if there is no bot name... it sets

Result = True

Then it checks players .. if the player DOES exist it doesn't set the result back to false.

bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage) {
bool Result = false;
bool ResultBot = false;
bool ResultPlayer = false;

if(this->GetCleanName()) {
char* Query = 0;
char TempErrorMessageBuffer[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
MYSQL_RES* DatasetResult;

if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
ResultBot = true;



if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCountPlayer = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCountPlayer = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCountPlayer == 0)
ResultPlayer = true;




if(ResultPlayer == true && ResultBot == true) {
Result = true;

return Result;

I do not have a bots compile to test this on... but this might be a fix? Not 100% on that one just yet

02-19-2013, 06:24 AM
there is no reason to use COUNT, or LIKE since there is no wildcard being used, because you're only concerned about a single, exact match. you really don't need to return anything but a 1, since you're not doing anything with the ids. it wouldn't hurt to put LIMIT 1 on the end of the query either.

you can do the whole thing in a single query like so.

"SELECT 1 FROM character_ AS c, vwBotCharacterMobs AS b WHERE '%s' IN (c.name, b.name) LIMIT 1;"

02-19-2013, 11:09 AM
I think there was a slight issue with my diff. There was also a bug related to the return value. I have fixed the code and just posted the entire IsBotNameAvailable function above.

As for why I used LIKE: I was just using the same method used that was already there to check against the vwBotCharacterMobs table. Just trying to keep the code consistant, and it was really easy to just copy and paste what was there. You are quite right c0ncrete what you posted is much cleaner. I will look at cleaning the code up a bit when I get some time.

bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage) {
bool Result1 = false;
bool Result2 = false;

if(this->GetCleanName()) {
char* Query = 0;
char TempErrorMessageBuffer[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
MYSQL_RES* DatasetResult;

if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result1 = true;


if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result2 = true;



if(Result1 && Result2)
return true;
return false;

02-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Is this fix working? Have you tried it on your server/development server?

02-19-2013, 10:14 PM
Not yet. I will verify it tomorrow. I have not had a chance yet.

02-19-2013, 10:25 PM
All right, the first fix you gave out actually crashed the entire zone.exe rather than fixing anything. D:

02-19-2013, 10:27 PM
Thanks zip, shame the other bot servers that already had this fixed never shared how they fixed it. It's been a known issue for some time.

02-19-2013, 10:33 PM
This fix works, 100% confirmed, Wolfwalkereci?

02-20-2013, 10:41 AM

I just confirmed it. Replace your existing Bot::IsBotNameAvailable function with this one. Sorry about the issue before. The problem before was a bug in the code and also the diff i posted. I wish I could update the code in the main post but wont let me.

bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage) {
bool Result1 = false;
bool Result2 = false;

if(this->GetCleanName()) {
char* Query = 0;
char TempErrorMessageBuffer[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
MYSQL_RES* DatasetResult;

if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result1 = true;


if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result2 = true;



if(Result1 && Result2)
return true;
return false;

02-20-2013, 05:30 PM
Good, thanks ZippZipp!

02-22-2013, 05:37 PM
So it turns out the issue was seeded much deeper than I had realized. While the fixes posted before fixed issues with creating bots with same name, they did not fix the issue of that player with the same name going Linkdead when another user attempted to create a bot with their name.

The problem was rooted in the fact that the function in bot.cpp:

Bot::IsBotNameAvailable is a non-static class function and a Bot object was needed in order to check if the name was valid. Creating that Bot object was crashing people with the same name. What I did was make the IsBotNameAvailable a static class function and pass it the name to check. I then call the function before the new Bot object is created. This fixes the problem of crashing and prevents people from making bots with the same name as PCs.

// Bot.h
// modify the IsBotNameAvailable function prototype

bool IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage);
static bool IsBotNameAvailable(char *botName, std::string* errorMessage);

// Bot.cpp
// modify the IsBotNameAvailable function to work off without a this pointer.

bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(char *botName, std::string* errorMessage) {
bool Result1 = false;
bool Result2 = false;

if(botName !="") {
char* Query = 0;
char TempErrorMessageBuffer[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
MYSQL_RES* DatasetResult;

if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", botName), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result1 = true;


if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", botName), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
*errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
} else {
uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;

while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);

if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
Result2 = true;



if(Result1 && Result2)
return true;
return false;

Modify all references to IsBotNameAvailable to call the static function.

// bot.cpp
NPCType DefaultNPCTypeStruct = CreateDefaultNPCTypeStructForBot(std::string(sep->arg[2]), std::string(), c->GetLevel(), atoi(sep->arg[4]), atoi(sep->arg[3]), gender);
Bot* NewBot = new Bot(DefaultNPCTypeStruct, c);

// WITH:
if(!IsBotNameAvailable(sep->arg[2],&TempErrorMessage)) {
c->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", sep->arg[2]);

NPCType DefaultNPCTypeStruct = CreateDefaultNPCTypeStructForBot(std::string(sep->arg[2]), std::string(), c->GetLevel(), atoi(sep->arg[4]), atoi(sep->arg[3]), gender);
Bot* NewBot = new Bot(DefaultNPCTypeStruct, c);

if(!NewBot->IsBotNameAvailable(&TempErrorMessage)) {
c->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", NewBot->GetCleanName());

ALSO update questmgr.cpp for when a bot is created via quest.

// questmgr.cpp
NPCType DefaultNPCTypeStruct = Bot::CreateDefaultNPCTypeStructForBot(name, lastname, level, race, botclass, gender);
Bot* NewBot = new Bot(DefaultNPCTypeStruct, initiator);

// WITH:
if(Bot::IsBotNameAvailable((char*)name,&TempErrorMessage)) {
initiator->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", (char*)name);
return false;

NPCType DefaultNPCTypeStruct = Bot::CreateDefaultNPCTypeStructForBot(name, lastname, level, race, botclass, gender);
Bot* NewBot = new Bot(DefaultNPCTypeStruct, initiator);

if(!NewBot->IsBotNameAvailable(&TempErrorMessage)) {
initiator->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", NewBot->GetCleanName());
return false;

02-22-2013, 09:46 PM
Tested and I can confirm this issue is fixed with those changes! Thanks ZippZipp

02-22-2013, 09:47 PM
Thanks ZippZipp! Works 100%!

02-24-2013, 04:46 AM
Can anyone put this fix into the newest revision?

02-24-2013, 05:52 AM
It'd be easier to do so if an actual diff was posted.

07-10-2013, 04:03 AM

old new
... ... @@ -2347,16 +2347,17 @@ bool Bot::IsValidName() {
2347 2347 return Result;
2348 2348 }
2349 2349
2350 -bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage) {
2351 - bool Result = false;
2350 +bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(char *botName, std::string* errorMessage) {
2351 + bool Result1 = false;
2352 + bool Result2 = false;
2352 2353
2353 - if(this->GetCleanName()) {
2354 + if(botName !="") {
2354 2355 char* Query = 0;
2355 2356 char TempErrorMessageBuffer[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
2356 2357 MYSQL_RES* DatasetResult;
2357 2358 MYSQL_ROW DataRow;
2358 2359
2359 - if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", this->GetCleanName()), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
2360 + if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM vwBotCharacterMobs WHERE name LIKE '%s'", botName), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
2360 2361 *errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
2361 2362 }
2362 2363 else {
... ... @@ -2368,15 +2369,34 @@ bool Bot::IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage) {
2368 2369 }
2369 2370
2370 2371 if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
2371 - Result = true;
2372 + Result1 = true;
2372 2373
2373 2374 mysql_free_result(DatasetResult);
2374 - }
2375 2375
2376 + if(!database.RunQuery(Query, MakeAnyLenString(&Query, "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM character_ WHERE name LIKE '%s'", botName), TempErrorMessageBuffer, &DatasetResult)) {
2377 + *errorMessage = std::string(TempErrorMessageBuffer);
2378 + } else {
2379 + uint32 ExistingNameCount = 0;
2380 +
2381 + while(DataRow = mysql_fetch_row(DatasetResult)) {
2382 + ExistingNameCount = atoi(DataRow[0]);
2383 + break;
2384 + }
2385 +
2386 + if(ExistingNameCount == 0)
2387 + Result2 = true;
2388 +
2389 + mysql_free_result(DatasetResult);
2390 +
2391 + }
2392 + }
2376 2393 safe_delete(Query);
2377 2394 }
2378 2395
2379 - return Result;
2396 + if(Result1 && Result2)
2397 + return true;
2398 + else
2399 + return false;
2380 2400 }
2381 2401
2382 2402 bool Bot::Save() {
... ... @@ -12182,6 +12202,11 @@ void Bot::ProcessBotCommands(Client *c, const Seperator *sep) {
12182 12202 if(!strcasecmp(sep->arg[5], "female"))
12183 12203 gender = 1;
12184 12204
12205 + if(!IsBotNameAvailable(sep->arg[2],&TempErrorMessage)) {
12206 + c->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", sep->arg[2]);
12207 + return;
12208 + }
12209 +
12185 12210 NPCType DefaultNPCTypeStruct = CreateDefaultNPCTypeStructForBot(std::string(sep->arg[2]), std::string(), c->GetLevel(), atoi(sep->arg[4]), atoi(sep->arg[3]), gender);
12186 12211 Bot* NewBot = new Bot(DefaultNPCTypeStruct, c);
12187 12212
... ... @@ -12196,11 +12221,6 @@ void Bot::ProcessBotCommands(Client *c, const Seperator *sep) {
12196 12221 return;
12197 12222 }
12198 12223
12199 - if(!NewBot->IsBotNameAvailable(&TempErrorMessage)) {
12200 - c->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", NewBot->GetCleanName());
12201 - return;
12202 - }
12203 -
12204 12224 if(!TempErrorMessage.empty()) {
12205 12225 c->Message(13, "Database Error: %s", TempErrorMessage.c_str());
12206 12226 return;


old new
... ... @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public:
152 152 // Class Methods
153 153 bool IsValidRaceClassCombo();
154 154 bool IsValidName();
155 - bool IsBotNameAvailable(std::string* errorMessage);
155 + static bool IsBotNameAvailable(char *botName, std::string* errorMessage);
156 156 bool DeleteBot(std::string* errorMessage);
157 157 void Spawn(Client* botCharacterOwner, std::string* errorMessage);
158 158 virtual void SetLevel(uint8 in_level, bool command = false);


old new
... ... @@ -2011,6 +2011,11 @@ bool QuestManager::createBot(const char *name, const char *lastname, uint8 level
2011 2011 return false;
2012 2012 }
2013 2013
2014 + if(Bot::IsBotNameAvailable((char*)name,&TempErrorMessage)) {
2015 + initiator->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", (char*)name);
2016 + return false;
2017 + }
2018 +
2014 2019 NPCType DefaultNPCTypeStruct = Bot::CreateDefaultNPCTypeStructForBot(name, lastname, level, race, botclass, gender);
2015 2020 Bot* NewBot = new Bot(DefaultNPCTypeStruct, initiator);
2016 2021
... ... @@ -2026,11 +2031,6 @@ bool QuestManager::createBot(const char *name, const char *lastname, uint8 level
2026 2031 return false;
2027 2032 }
2028 2033
2029 - if(!NewBot->IsBotNameAvailable(&TempErrorMessage)) {
2030 - initiator->Message(0, "The name %s is already being used. Please choose a different name.", NewBot->GetCleanName());
2031 - return false;
2032 - }
2033 -
2034 2034 if(!TempErrorMessage.empty()) {
2035 2035 initiator->Message(13, "Database Error: %s", TempErrorMessage.c_str());
2036 2036 return false;

If that is the correct format...

01-08-2014, 02:43 PM
Can we get this committed? I haven't seen anything in the changelog about committing it, or was it a silent commit?